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Nekaterih dokumentov morda ni v vašem jeziku, zato se samodejno predlaga druga različica. Predlagane jezikovne različice so označene s posebno ikono. (e.g.: FR ).

ZAPISNIK - Ponedeljek, 14. oktober 2024

11-02-2025 AFET_PV(2024)10-14-1 PE765.156v02-00 AFET

AMENDMENTS 1 - 12 - Draft report Macro-financial assistance to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan EN

11-02-2025 INTA_AM(2025)768242 PE768.242v01-00 INTA
Céline IMART

MINUTES - Monday, 2 December 2024 - Tuesday, 3 December 2024 EN

11-02-2025 LIBE_PV(2024)12-02-1 PE766.768v01-00 LIBE

NOTICE TO MEMBERS Petition No 0982/2024 by N.U. (Finnish) on deletion of all personal data from the registry of health authorities EN

11-02-2025 PETI_CM(2025)768207 PE768.207v01-00 PETI

NOTICE TO MEMBERS Petition No 1000/2024 by P. V. (Greek) on the length of proceedings before Greek civil courts EN

11-02-2025 PETI_CM(2025)768208 PE768.208v01-00 PETI

NOTICE TO MEMBERS Petition No 1037/2024 by Péter Balázs Oláh (Hungarian) on judicial compensation and independence in Hungary EN

11-02-2025 PETI_CM(2025)768209 PE768.209v01-00 PETI

MNENJE o predlogu uredbe Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta o vzpostavitvi nabora talentov EU

10-02-2025 DEVE_AD(2025)766857 PE766.857v03-00 DEVE
Tomas TOBÉ

MINUTES - Wednesday, 4 December 2024 - Thursday, 5 December 2024 EN

10-02-2025 ENVI_PV(2024)12-04-1 PE766.929v01-00 ENVI

OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2023, Section IX - European Data Protection Supervisor EN

10-02-2025 LIBE_AD(2025)765277 PE765.277v02-00 LIBE

OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office for the financial year 2023 EN

10-02-2025 LIBE_AD(2025)765282 PE765.282v02-00 LIBE

DRAFT RECOMMENDATION on the draft Council decision on the conclusion on behalf of the European Union of the Agreement between the European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the cooperation between the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) and the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina competent for judicial cooperation in criminal matters EN

10-02-2025 LIBE_PR(2025)768124 PE768.124v01-00 LIBE
Jaroslav BŽOCH
rok za vložitev predlogov sprememb : 20-02-2025

NOTICE TO MEMBERS Petition No 0820/2023 by Frans Daniël Bosch (Dutch) on the implementation of the EU Customs Regulations in General Aviation EN

10-02-2025 PETI_CM(2024)763228 PE763.228v02-00 PETI

NOTICE TO MEMBERS Petition No 0841/2023 by L. B. D. (German) on banning disposable lighters EN

10-02-2025 PETI_CM(2025)768196 PE768.196v01-00 PETI

MINUTES - Wednesday, 29 January 2025 EN

07-02-2025 SANT_PV(2025)01-29-1 PE768.188v01-00 SANT

AMENDMENTS 1 - 276 - Draft report Ninth report on economic and social cohesion EN

07-02-2025 REGI_AM(2025)768031 PE768.031v01-00 REGI

MINUTES - Wednesday, 4 December 2024 EN

06-02-2025 CJ45_PV(2024)12-04-1 PE766.852v01-00 ENVI IMCO

MINUTES - Thursday, 16 January 2025 EN

06-02-2025 CJ45_PV(2025)01-16-1 PE768.010v01-00 ENVI IMCO

DRAFT OPINION on the Commission’s 2024 Rule of Law report EN

06-02-2025 JURI_PA(2025)768062 PE768.062v02-00 JURI
rok za vložitev predlogov sprememb : 25-02-2025

MINUTES - Wednesday, 29 January 2025 - Thursday, 30 January 2025 EN

06-02-2025 JURI_PV(2025)01-29-1 PE768.171v01-00 JURI

DRAFT OPINION on the Commission’s 2024 Rule of Law report EN

05-02-2025 AFET_PA(2025)768114 PE768.114v01-00 AFET
rok za vložitev predlogov sprememb : 25-02-2025

AMENDMENTS 1 - 217 - Draft report 2023 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Parliament EN

05-02-2025 CONT_AM(2025)768125 PE768.125v01-00 CONT

AMENDMENTS 1 - 52 - Draft report 2023 discharge: General budget of the EU - Joint Undertakings EN

05-02-2025 CONT_AM(2025)768126 PE768.126v01-00 CONT

OSNUTEK MNENJA o predlogu direktive Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta o harmonizaciji nekaterih vidikov insolvenčnega prava

05-02-2025 ECON_PA(2025)768176 PE768.176v01-00 ECON

OSNUTEK MNENJA o predlogu uredbe Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta o informacijski varnosti v institucijah, organih, uradih in agencijah Unije

05-02-2025 ITRE_PA(2025)768157 PE768.157v01-00 ITRE
Borys BUDKA - Predsednik

DRAFT OPINION on the implementation report on the Recovery and Resilience Facility EN

05-02-2025 TRAN_PA(2025)766877 PE766.877v01-00 TRAN
Giuseppe LUPO
rok za vložitev predlogov sprememb : 04-03-2025

OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the EU agencies for the financial year 2023 EN

05-02-2025 CULT_AD(2025)765305 PE765.305v02-00 CULT

OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2023, Section III – Commission, executive agencies and the ninth, tenth and eleventh European Development Funds EN

05-02-2025 CULT_AD(2025)766601 PE766.601v02-00 CULT

DRAFT OPINION on a revamped long-term budget for the Union in a changing world EN

05-02-2025 CULT_PA(2025)768141 PE768.141v01-00 CULT
Hannes HEIDE
rok za vložitev predlogov sprememb : 21-02-2025

AMENDMENTS 1 - 9 - Draft opinion 2023 discharge: General budget of the EU - Agencies EN

05-02-2025 FEMM_AM(2025)768140 PE768.140v01-00 FEMM
Assita KANKO

AMENDMENTS 1 - 6 - Draft opinion 2023 discharge: General budget of the EU - Commission EN

05-02-2025 FEMM_AM(2025)768142 PE768.142v01-00 FEMM
Assita KANKO

AMENDMENTS 107 - 328 - Draft report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the screening of foreign investments in the Union and repealing Regulation (EU) 2019/452 of the European Parliament and of the Council EN

04-02-2025 INTA_AM(2025)768105 PE768.105v01-00 INTA

AMENDMENTS 329 - 655 - Draft report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the screening of foreign investments in the Union and repealing Regulation (EU) 2019/452 of the European Parliament and of the Council EN

04-02-2025 INTA_AM(2025)768131 PE768.131v01-00 INTA

BUDGETARY ASSESSMENT on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on providing macro-financial assistance to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan EN

04-02-2025 BUDG_AD(2025)766591 PE766.591v02-00 BUDG

DRAFT OPINION on a revamped long-term budget for the Union in a changing world EN

04-02-2025 CONT_PA(2025)768034 PE768.034v01-00 CONT
rok za vložitev predlogov sprememb : 19-02-2025

MINUTES - Monday, 27 January 2025 - Tuesday, 28 January 2025 EN

04-02-2025 CONT_PV(2025)01-27-1 PE768.067v01-00 CONT

DRAFT OPINION on the proposal for a Council directive restructuring the Union framework for the taxation of energy products and electricity (recast) EN

04-02-2025 ITRE_PA(2025)768158 PE768.158v01-00 ITRE
Borys BUDKA - Predsednik

DRAFT OPINION on a revamped long-term budget for the Union in a changing world EN

04-02-2025 IMCO_PA(2025)767893 PE767.893v01-00 IMCO
rok za vložitev predlogov sprememb : 20-02-2025

AMENDMENTS 37 - 206 - Draft report Amending Directive 2005/44/EC on harmonised river information services (RIS) on inland waterways in the Community EN

04-02-2025 TRAN_AM(2025)768020 PE768.020v01-00 TRAN

AMENDMENTS 1 - 60 - Draft opinion Guidelines for the 2026 Budget - Section III EN

04-02-2025 TRAN_AM(2025)768167 PE768.167v01-00 TRAN
Gheorghe FALCĂ

Opinion on a Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child sexual abuse material and replacing Council Framework Decision 2004/68/JHA (recast) EN

04-02-2025 CULT_AL(2025)765311 PE765.311v01-00 CULT

NOTICE TO MEMBERS Petition No 0349/2024 by I. S. (Portuguese) on increasing the length of paternity leave for EU institutions’ staff EN

04-02-2025 PETI_CM(2024)766810 PE766.810v02-00 PETI

DRAFT RECOMMENDATION on the draft Council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the Agreement between the European Union, Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Kingdom of Norway on an EEA Financial Mechanism for the period May 2021 - April 2028, the Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the European Union on a Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period May 2021 - April 2028, the Additional Protocol to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway and the Additional Protocol to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Iceland EN

03-02-2025 INTA_PR(2025)767917 PE767.917v01-00 INTA
Željana ZOVKO
rok za vložitev predlogov sprememb : 24-02-2025

DRAFT OPINION on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive (EU) 2015/2302 to make the protection of travellers more effective and to simplify and clarify certain aspects of the Directive EN

03-02-2025 TRAN_PA(2025)767919 PE767.919v01-00 TRAN
Jan-Christoph OETJEN
rok za vložitev predlogov sprememb : 04-03-2025

DRAFT OPINION on a revamped long-term budget for the Union in a changing world EN

03-02-2025 AGRI_PA(2025)768078 PE768.078v01-00 AGRI
rok za vložitev predlogov sprememb : 19-02-2025

DRAFT OPINION on the European Water Resilience Strategy EN

03-02-2025 AGRI_PA(2025)768092 PE768.092v01-00 AGRI
rok za vložitev predlogov sprememb : 20-02-2025

MINUTES - Wednesday, 29 January 2025 - Thursday, 30 January 2025 EN

03-02-2025 CULT_PV(2025)01-29-1 PE768.081v01-00 CULT

AMENDMENTS 1 - Draft recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the Agreement between Canada and the European Union on the transfer and processing of Passenger Name Record data EN

03-02-2025 LIBE_AM(2025)768080 PE768.080v01-00 LIBE

MINUTES - Wednesday, 29 January 2025 EN

03-02-2025 AFCO_PV(2025)01-29-1 PE768.070v01-00 AFCO

DRAFT OPINION on a revamped long-term budget for the Union in a changing world EN

03-02-2025 AFCO_PA(2025)768115 PE768.115v01-00 AFCO
Sven SIMON - Predsednik

OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2023, Section X - European External Action Service EN

31-01-2025 AFET_AD(2025)765237 PE765.237v02-00 AFET
Michael GAHLER

OPINION on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on providing macro-financial assistance to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan EN

31-01-2025 AFET_AD(2025)768055 PE768.055v01-00 AFET

MINUTES - Monday, 27 January 2025 - Tuesday, 28 January 2025 EN

31-01-2025 REGI_PV(2025)01-27-1 PE768.063v01-00 REGI