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Wikisłownikarz:Mą Ka (mące nierówna)/Dux-Liliput

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Hasła ze słownika Dux-Liliput (do hasła William) dla porównania, których słów brakuje, lub które nie mają sekcji angielskiej.

abandon a act action abase abash abate abbacy abbey abbot abbreviate abbreviation abdicate abdication abdomen abberation abetter abhor abhorrence abide ability abject abjure ablative able abnegate abnormal aboard abode abominable abort abortion abound about above abridge abroad abrogation abrupt abscess absence absent absinthe absolute absolution absolve abstain abstemious abstinence abstinent abstract (1) abstraction absurd absurdity abundance abundant abuse abyss acacia academic academician academy accelerate accent accentuate accept acceptable acceptance acceptation accepter access accessible accession accident accidental acclaim acclamation acclimatize accommodate accompaniment accompany accomplice accomplish accord accordance according accoucheur account accredit accumulate accumulator accuracy accurate accursed accusation accuse accuser accustom ace acetylene ache acid acidity acknowledge acknowledgement acorn acoustics acquaint acquaintance acquire acquisition acquit acquittance acre acrobat across active activity actor actress actual acute adaptation add adder addition additional address adherence adherent adjective adjoin adjourn adjournment adjudge adjunct adjuration adjure adjust adjutant administer administration administrator admirable admiral admiralty admiration admire admissible admission admit admittance adopt adoption adoration adore adorer adorn adornment adroit adulate adulator adult adulterer advance advantage advantageous adventure adverb adverbial adversary advertise advertisement advice advisable advise advocate aerial aeronaut aeroplane æsthetic afar affair affect affection affectionate affirm affirmation affirmative afflict afflux afford affront afoot afraid after afternoon afterwards again against age aged agency agent aggrandize aggravate aggressive agile agility agio agitate agitation agitator ago agonize agony abstract (2) agrarian agree agreeable agreement agriculture aid ail ailment aim air alabaster alarm alarm-clock album albumen alcohol alcove alder alderman ale alert algebra algebraic alibi alien alienation alight alike aliment alive alkali all allay allege alleviate alley alliance allocution allot allotment allow allowance alloy allusion ally almanac almighty almond almost alms almshouse alone along aloud alphabet alphabetical already also altar alter alteration although altitude altogether alum aluminium always Adriatic Advent Africa African Alfred Alice All-Saints All-Souls’ Day Alps Alsace Xmas xylographer yacht Yankee yard yarn yawn year yearly yellow yes yesterday yet yew yoke yolk yonder York writ write writer writing writing-paper written wrong wrote am a. m. amass amateur ambassador amber ambition ambitious ambulance ameliorate amelioration amen America American amphibium amethyst amiability amiable amicable amid(st) amity ammonia ammunition amnesty among(st) amorous amortization amortize amount amphitheatre ample amputate amputation amuse amusement amusing an anæmia analogical analyse analysis anarchist anarchy anatomical anatomy ancester anchor anchovy ancient and Andrew anecdote anew angel angelic anger angle Anglican Anglicism angling Anglo-Saxon angry anguish aniline animal animate animated ankle Ann annals annex anniversary annotation announce announcement annoy annual annuity annul annunciation anoint anomalous anonym anonymous another answer ant antechamber anterior Anthony anthracite anti … antichrist anticipation antidote antimony antipathy antiquarian antique antiquity antiseptic Antonia Antony Antwerp anvil anxiety anxious any anybody anyone anything anywhere aorta apart apartment apathy ape Apennines aperient aperitive apex aphorism apiary Apollo apologize apoplexy apostle apostolic(al) apostrophe apothecary apparatus apparent apparition appeal appear appearance appease append appendix appetite applaud applause apple appliance applicant application apply appoint appointment appraise appreciate appreciation apprentice approach approbation appropriate approve approximate approximative apricot April apron apt aptitude aqueduct Arab Arabia Arabian Arabic arbo(u)r arc arcade arch archangel archbishop archduke archiepiscopal architect architecture archives arc-lamp arctic ardent ardo(u)r are arena Argentina argil aria aridity arise aristocracy aristocrat aristocratic(al) arithmetic arithmetical ark arm arm-chair armed armistice armoury army aroma arose around arrack arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive arrogance arrow arsenal arsenic art artery Arthur artichoke article artificial artillery artisan artist artistic(al) as asbestus ascend ascension ascertain ash ashame ashes ash-tray Ash-Wednesday Asia Asiatic aside ask asleep asp asparagus aspect asphalt aspiration ass assail assassin assassinate assault assay assembly assent assert assertion assertive assessor assiduity assiduous assign assignation assignment assimilate assimilation assist assistance assistant assizes associate association assort assortment assume assumption assurance assure aster asterisk asthma astonish astonishment astronomer astronomy asylum at ate Athens athlete athletic Atlantic atlas atmosphere attach attachment attack attain attempt attend attendance attention attentive attest attestation attitude attorney attract attraction attractive attribute auction audacious audacity audience auger augment augmentation August aunt aurora auscultate auspices Australia Austria Austrian authentic author authoress authority authorization authorize autocracy autocrat autograph automatic automaton automobile autonomy autumn auxillary avail avarice avaricious avenue average aversion avert aviator avidity avoid avoirdupois await awake award aware away awe awful awl ax axiom axis axle azote azure Babel baby bachelor back bacon bacterium bad badly bag bagatelle baggage bail bake baker bakery balance balcony bald baldachim bale Balkan ball ballad balast ballet balloon balm balsam balsamic Baltic balustrade bamboo ban banana band bandage banderol bandit band-master banish banishment bank banker bank-note bankrupt banner banns banquet baptism baptize bar barb barbarian barbarous barber bare barefooted bargain bark bar-keeper barley barm barman barn barometer baron baroness baronet barrack barrel barricade barrister barrow barytone base basement basin basis basket bass (1) bass (2) bastard bastion bat bath bathe bath-room batiste battalion battery battle Bavaria Bavarian bay bayonet bazaar be beak beam bean bear beard bearer bearing beast beat (1) beat (2) beautiful beauty beaver became because become bed bedding bedroom bee beech beef beefsteak bee-hive been beer beet beetle beet-root befall before beg began beggar begin beginner beginning begun behalf behave behavio(u)r behind being Belgian Belgium belief believe bell bellow bellows belly belong beloved below belt bench bend beneath benediction benefaction benefactor beneficence benefit benevolence bent benzene benzine bequest berry beseech besides besiege best bestial bet beton betray betrothed better between beverage beware beyond Bible bicyclist bid bier big bigamy bight bigot bilberry bile bilk bill billiards bind binder binding binocle biography birch bird Birmingham birth biscuit bishop bishopric bison bissextile bit (1) bit (2) bitch bite bitten bitter black blackberry blackbird blackboard blacken blackguard blacking blacksmith bladder blade blade-bone blain blame blank blanket blast bleach bleat bleed blemish bless blessing blew blind blindness blind-worm bliss bloat bloater block blockade blonde blood blood-vessel bloody bloom blossom blot blotting-paper blouse blow blue bluebottle blue-jacket bluff blunder bluster boa boar board boarder boarding-house boarding-school board-school boast boat bobbin bodice bodily body Boer bog boggy Bohemia Bohemian boil boiler boiling-point bold boldness bolster bolt bolter bomb bombard bond bondsman bone bonnet book bookbinder book-case booking-office book-keeper book-keeping booklet bookseller boot boot-maker booty borax bore borer born borough borrow bosom boss Boston botanic(al) botany botch both bottle bottle-flower bottom bough bought bound boundary bout bow bowels bowl box boxer boxing boy brace bracelet bracket braid brain brake bran branch brand brandish brandy brass brave bravery brawl Brazil breach bread breadth break breakfast breast breath breathe bred breed breeze brethren breviary brevity brew brewer brewery bribe brick brick-works brick-layer bride bridegroom bridesmaid bride’s-man bridge bridle brief brigade brigadier brigand bright brightness Brighton brilliant brim bring brisk bristle Britain British Briton broad broil broken bronchia bronchitis bronze brooch brook brooklet broom broth brother brotherhood brotherly brought brow brown brush brush-maker Brussels brutal brutality brute bubble Buckingham buckle buckler buckwheat bud budget buffalo buffoon bug build builder building built bulb Bulgaria Bulgarian bull bulldog bullet bulletin bullock bunch bundle burden bureau burgeon burglar burglary burial burn burner burnt burst bury bus bush bushel business buss bust busy but butcher butler butt butter butterfly buttermilk button buttonhole buy buyer by byname Byron C cab cabal cabbage cabin cabinet cable cabman cadet caffeine cage cake cake-walk calamine calamity calculate calculation calendar calf calibre calico California call calligraphist calligraphy calm calumny calyx Cambridge came camel camelopard camomile camp campaign camphor can (1) can (2) Canada canal canalization canary(-bird) cancel cancer candidate candle candlestick cane cannon cannoneer cannot canon can’t canvas caoutchouc cap capable capacity cape caper capital capitalist capitulation capon caprice capricious captain captivate captive captivity capture car caravan caraway carbolic acid carbon card cardinal card-board care career careful careless caress cargo caricature carnage carnal carnival carnivorous carol carp carpenter carpet carriage carrier carrion carrot carry cart cartwright carve carver cascade case cash cashier cask cast caste cast-iron castle castor castor-oil cat catalogue cataplasm catarrh catastrophe catch catch-word catechism category caterpillar cathedral Catholic Catholicism cattle caught cauliflower cause causeway caution cautious cavalry cave cavern caviar(e) cavity cease cede ceiling celebrate celebrated celebration celebrity celery celestial cell cellar cellule Celt cement cemetery censor cent central centre century cereals cerebral cerecloth ceremony certain certainly certificate certify cessation cession chain chair chairman chalk chamber chamois champagne champion chance chancellor chancre change channel chaplain chapter character charcoal charcoal-burner charge charitable charity charlatan Charles charm charming chase chat cheap cheat check cheek cheer cheerful cheese chemical chemise chemist chemistry cheque cherry cherry-brandy cherry-tree chess chest chestnut chevalier cheviot Chicago chicken chicory chief child childhood childish childless children chill chilly chimney chimneysweep(er) chin china Chinaman Chinese chisel chive chloroform chocolate choice choir choke cholera choose chop chopper chord chorister chorus chose chosen chough Christ christen Christendom christening Christian Christianity Christmas Christmas-box Christmas-tree chronic chronicle church church-yard cider cigar cigar-case cigarette cinematograph cinnamon cipher circle circuit circular circulate circulating library circulation circumspect circumstance circus cistern cite citizen citron city civic civil civility civilization civilize clack claim clamber clamo(u)r clamp clang clap claret clarify clarinet clasp class classic classification classify clause clavicle claw clay clean cleanliness cleanness cleanse clear clemency clement clergy clergyman clerical clerk clever client climate climb clinic clink cloak cloak-room clock clockmaker clod cloister close (1) close (2) closet closure cloth clothe clothing cloud clove clover clown club clump cluster clyster c⧸o coach coach-box coachman coagulate coal coal-mine coal-scuttle coarse coast coat cock cocoa cocoon code coffee coffee-house coffee-pot coffin cognac coin coke cold collaborator collar colleague collect collection collective collector college collegian collision colloquial language colon colonel colonial colonist colony colophony colo(u)red column colza comb combat combination combine combustible come comedian colo(u)r (1) colo(u)r (2) comedy comestibles comet comfit comfort comfortable comic(al) comma command commandant commander commandment commence commencement commend commerce commercial commissary commission commissioner commit committee common common-sense communicate communication communion community companion companionship company comparative compare comparison compartment compass compassion compatriot compel compensate compensation compete competence competent competition competitor complain complaint complaisance complaisant complement complementary complete completely complexion complicate complication compliment compose composer composition compositor compound (1) compound (2) comprehensible compress compromise comrade concave conceal concentrate concentration conception concern concerning concert concession conciliate conciliation concise conclude conclusion concord concrete condemn condemnation condense condition conditional condolence conduct (1) conduct (2) conductor cone confection confectioner confederation confer conference confess confession confessor confidant confide confidence confident confidential confines confirm confirmation confiscate confiscation conflict conform conformity confound confuse confusion congeal congratulate congratulation congregation congress conjoin conjugate conjugation conjunction conjunctive conjure connect connection conquer conqueror conquest conscience conscientiousness conscious consciousness conscript conscription consecration consecutive consent consequence consequently conservation conservative conservatory conserve (1) conserve (2) consider considerable consideration consign consignment consignor consist consistory consolation console consonant consort conspicuous conspiracy conspirator conspire constancy constitute constitution constrain construct constructor consul consulate consult consultation consume consumption contact contagious contain contempt content contents contest contestable continent continental continual continuation continue contraband contract (1) contract (2) contradict contradiction contrary contrast contravention contribution contrive control controller contusion convalescence convenience convenient convent convention conversation converse convert convex convey conveyance convict convince convoy convulsion convulsive cony cook cool cooper co-operation co-operative copious copper copper-smith copy copy-book coquette coral cord cordial cordiality cord-maker cork cork-screw corn corner cornet cornice coronation corporal corporation corpse corpulent correct correction corrector correspond correspondence correspondent corridor corrupt corruption corsair corset cost costume cottage cottillion cotton cough could council councillor counsel counsellor count countenance counter (1) counter (2) counteract counterfeit counterfeiter counterpane countess country countryman county couple couplet coupon courage courageous courier course court courtesy cousin cover cow coward cowboy crab crack cracknel Cracow cradle craft craftsman crafty cramp crane crape crash crawfish crawl crayfish cream create creation creator creature credence credibility credible credit creditor credulous creep crevice crew crib cricket crime criminal cripple crisis critic critical critique criticize crocodile crook crop croquet cross crotch crotchet crowd crown crucifix crucify crude cruel cruelty cruiser crusader crush crust crutch cry crypt crystal cube cubic(al) cuckoo cuff cuirass culm culpability cult cultivable cultivate cultivation cultivator culture cumin cunning cup cupidity cupola curable curator cure curiosity curious curl currant currency current curse curtain curve cushion custom customary customer custom-house custom-house officer cut cutler cutlery cutlet cutter cyclist cyclone cyklopaedia cylinder Czar Czech dagger daily dainties dairy dairymaid dairyman daisy dale dam damage damn damp dance dancer dancing dancing-master Dane danger dangerous Danish Danube dare daring dark darkness darling darn dash data date dative daughter daunt daw dawn day day-break day-light dazzle deacon dead deadly deaf deafness deal dealer dealing dean dear dearness death debark debate debauch debilitate debit debt debtor decease deceit deceive deceiver December decent decide decimal decision decisive deck declaim declaimer declamation declaration declare declension declination decline decompose decorate decoration decorator decrease decree decry deduct deduction deed deep deepness deer default defeat defect defective defence defend defensive deficit defile define definite definition definitive deform defraud defunct degenerate degeneration degrade degree deify deign delay delegate delegation deliberate delicate delicious delight delightful deliver deliverance deliverer delivery deluge delusion demand democracy democrat democratic(al) demolish demolition demon demonstrate demonstration demonstrative demoralization demoralize den denial Denmark denominate denote denounce dense dentist denude denunciation denunciator deny depart department departure depend dependence deplore deploy deport deportation depose deposit deposition depositor depot depravation deprave depress depression deprivation deprive depth deputation deputy deracinate derailment derange derivation derive descend descendant describe description desert deserter desertion deserve design designate designer desirable desire desirous desk desolate desolation despair despatch desperate desperation dessert destination destine destiny destroy destruction detach detail detain detect detective detention determinate determine detest dethrone detonation devastate develop development devil devise you young your yours yourself youth zeal zealous zebra zephyr zero zigzag zinc Zion zone Zoo zoological zoology devisor devote devotee devotion devour dew diabetes dialect dialogue diameter diamond diarrhoea diary dictate dictation diction dictionary did didn’t die died diet differ difference different difficult dig digest digestion dignitary dignity digress digression diligence dill dilute dim dimension diminish diminution diminutive dine diner dining-room dinner diocese dip diphteria diphtong diploma diplomacy diplomat dipper direct direction directly director dirt dirt-cheap dirty disadvantage disagreeable disappear disarm disaster disastrous discern discharge discipline discord discount discourage discourse discover discoverer discovery discredit discretion discuss discussion disdain disease disembark disgrace disguise disgust dish dishonest dishono(u)r disinfection disinter disk dislike dislocate dislocation dismemberment dismount disobedience disobedient disobey disorder disorganization dispatch disperse display displease displeasure disposal dispose disposed disposition disputable dispute dissipate dissoluble dissolve dissonance distance distil distillation distillery distinct distinction distinguish distinguished distract distracted distraction distribute district disturb ditch ditcher ditty diurnal dive diver diverge divert divide dividend divine divinity divisible division divisor divorce do docile dock doctor doctorate doctrine document doe does dog dogma doll dollar dolorous dolphin dome domestic domicile dominate dominical Dominican donation done donkey don’t doom door doorkeeper dose dot double doubt doubtful doubtless dough dovecot down (1) down (2) downcast downstairs dowry dozen drachm draft drag dragon dragoon drain drama dramatic dramatist drank draper drapery draught draw drawer drawing drawing-room dread dreadful dream dreary dress dress-coat dressmaker dried drift-ice drill drink drinkable drinker drive driven driver droll dromedary drone droop drop dropsy drown drugs druggist drum drummer drunk drunkard dry dryness dubious Dublin ducat duchess duck due duel duet duke dukedom dull duly dumb dumbfound dung duplicate durable duration during dust duster Dutch Dutchman duty dwarf dwell dwelling dye dye-house dyer dynasty dysentery each eager eagle ear earl early earn earnest ear-ring earth earthen earthquake earthworm ease East Easter Eastern easy easy-chair eat eatable eating ebb ebonist ebony ecclesiastic echo eclipse economical economize economy edge edict edifice edit edition editor educate education educational educator eel efface effect effective effectuate efficacious effort egg egoism egoist Egypt Egyptian eight eighteen eighty either elaborate elastic elbow elder elderly eldest elect election electric(al) electricity electrify elegance elegant element elementary elephant elevate elevation elevator eleven eliminate elk ell ellipse eloquence eloquent else elsewhere emancipation embalm embark embarkment embarrassment embassador embassy embellish embellishment emblem embody embrace embroider embroidery emerald emery emigrant emigrate emigration eminence eminent emissary emission emit emoluments emotion emperor empire employ employé employer empress empty enable enamel encashment enclose encounter encourage encyclopaedia end endeavour ending endless endure enemy energetic energy engage engagement engine engine-driver engineer England English Englishman Englishwoman engrave engraver enigma enjoy enlarge enormity enormous enough enquire enraged enrich enrol ensign enter enterprise entertain entertainment enthusiasm entire entirely entitle entrails entrance entreat entreaty entrust entry enumerate envelop envelope envious environs envy epaulet epidemic epilepsy epilogue Epiphany episcopal episcopate episode epistle epoch equal equality Equator equilibrium equip equipage era erase eraser ere erect eremite ermine err error eruption escape escort especial especially espionage esquire essay essence establish establishment estate esteem estimate (1) estimate (2) estimator estrade etch eternal eternity ether ethical ethics etiquette etymology Europe European evade evangelical evaporate evaporation Eve even evening evening-dress evening-party event ever everlasting every everybody everyday everything everywhere evident evil evoke ewe exact exactitude exactly exaggerate exaggeration examination examine example exceed exceedingly excellent except exception exceptional excess excessive exchange exchange-office exchequer excise excitation excite exclaim exclamation exclude exclusion exclusive excommunicate excrement excursion excuse (1) excuse (2) execute execution executioner executive executor exempt exercise exhale exhaustion exhibit exhibition exhume exile exist existence expansion expect expectation expedition expel expense expensive experience experienced experiment expert expiate expiration expire explain explanation explode exploit exploitation explore explorer explosion export (1) export (2) exportation expose exposition exposure express expression expressive expropriate extend extension extent exterior exterminate external extinction extinguish extirpate extorsion extra extract (1) extract (2) extraction extraordinary extreme extremity eye eyeball eyebrow eye-glass eyelash eyelid eyesight eye-witness fable fabric fabricate fabrication fabulous facade face facile facilitate facility fact factor factory faculty fade fail faint fair fairly fairy faith faithful falcon fall false falsehood falsification falsify fame familiar familiarity family famine famish famous fan fancy-goods fane far farce fare farewell farm farmer farther farthing fashion fashionable fast fast-day fasten fat fatal father father-in-law fatigue fatness fatten fault favo(u)r favourable favourite fear feast feather February fecundity fee feeble feebleness feed feel feeling feet felicitate felicitation feline kind fell (1) fell (2) fellow fellow-countryman felt (1) felt (2) female feminine fen fence fencer fencing fennel fern ferocious ferocity fertile fertility fertilize fervo(u)r festal festival festivity fetch fever few fiancé fiancée fibre fiction fiddle fiddler fiddlestick fidelity field field-marshal fierce fiery fifteen fifteenth fifth fifty fig fight figure file file-cutter fill film filter filtrate fin final finally finance financial financier finch find finder fine finger finish fir fire fire-arm fire-brigade fire-engine fire-insurance fire-man fire-proof firm firmament first first-born first-class firstly first-rate fiscal fish fish-bone fisher fishery fishing fissure fist fit fitter five fix fixed flag flail flake flame flannel flash flat flatter flavo(u)r flax flea fleck flee fleet Flemish flesh flew flexible flexion flight flint flirt float flock flood floor florin flounder flour flourish flow flower flower-pot fluency fluent fluently fluid flute flux fluxion fly foal foam fog foggy fold foliage folk follow follower following folly foment fond font food fool foolish foot foot-ball foot-man for forage forbid force forehead foreign foreigner foreman forenoon forerunner foresee forest forester forestry forfeit forge forget forget-me-not forgive forgot forgotten fork form formality formation former formerly formidable fort forth fortification fortify fortnight fortress fortunate fortune fortune-teller forty forward forwarding forwarding-agent fosse fought foul found foundation founder foundery foundling fountain fountain-pen four fourfold fourteen fourth fowl fowler fox fraction fragile frame France Francis Franciscan frangible frank fraternal fraternity fraternize fratricide fraud fraudulent freckles free freedom freemason freeze freezing point freight French Frenchman Frenchwoman frequent (1) frequent (2) fresh friar friction Friday fried friend friendly friendship fright frighten frivolity frivolous frock frock-coat frog from front frontier frost frosty fructify fruit fruitless fruit-tree fry fuel fugitive fulfil full fume fun function functionary fund fundament fundamental funeral funnel funny fur furious furnace furnish furniture furrier further fury fusion futile future gage gain gall gallery gallon galloon gallop gallows galoche galvanize gamble gambler gambling-house game gaming-table gander gape garage garden gardener gargle garland garlic garment garner garrison garter gas gas-light gas-meter gastric gas-works gate gather gauze gave gay geese gendarme gender general generate generation generosity generous genitals genitive genius genteel gentile gentle gentleman gentry genuine geographer geographical geography geology geometer geometric(al) geometry George germ German Germanic Germany germinate gesticulate gesture get gherkin ghost giant gibbet gift gifted gild gilder gin ginger ginger-bread girandole gird girdle girl girth give given glacial glacier glad glance gland Glasgow glass glass-tube glass-works glaze glazier gleam gleamy glebe glimmer glitter globe gloom gloomy glorify glorious glory gloss Gloucester glove glover glow glow-worm glue gluey gluttonous gnarl gnat gnaw go goal goal-keeper goat goblet God god godchild goddaughter goddess godfather godmother godson going gold golden goldfinch gold-fish goldsmith gone good good-bye! good-day Good Friday good-natured goodness good-night goods goose gooseberry gorge gormand goshawk gospel gossamer gossip got Gothic gourd gout govern governess government governor gown grace graceful gracious gradation grade gradual graduate graduation grain grammar grammar-school grammatical gramophone granary grand grandchild grand-daughter grand-duke grandfather grandmother grandson granite grant grape graphite grasp grass grasshopper grate grateful gratification gratify gratis gratitude gratuitous gratuity grave graver gravestone gray grease great great-hearted greatly Greece greed greedy Greek green green-house greet greeting grenade grew grief grieve grill grimace grimy grind grinder grindstone gristle grit groan grocer grocery grog gross ground ground-floor groundless group grow growl grown grudge guarantee guaranty guard guardian guess guest guide guild guilt guilty guise guitar gulf gull gum gun gun-cotton gunner gun-powder gun-smith gut gutter guttural gymnastics gypsum haberdasher habit habitation habitual habituate habitude hack hackney hackney-coach had hæmorrhoids hag Hague hail hair hair-brush hairdresser hale half half-crown half-hour half-penny hall Hallowmas halve ham hamlet hammer hand handcuffs handicraft handiwork handkerchief handle hand-rail handsel handsome handwriting handy hang hangman happen happily happiness happy harangue harbo(u)r hard harden hardly hardness hardy hare harm harmful harmless harmony harness harp harpoon harrow Harry harvest harvester has haste hasten hasty hat hatchet hate hat-maker hatred hatter haul haunch have haven haven’t having hawk hay hazard hazel-nut he head headache heading head-master headsman heal healing health healthy hear heard hearing hearse heart hearth hearty heat heathen heating heave heaven heavily heavy Hebraic Hebrew hedge hedgehog heed heedful heel he-goat heifer height heir heiress held Helen hell helmet help helpless hemp hen hence henceforth Henry her herb herbarium herbivorous herd herdsman here hereafter hereby hereditary heredity herewith heritage hermit hermitage hernia hero heroic heroine heroism heron herring hers herself hesitate hesitation hew hewer hide high high-altar highway highwayman hill him himself hind hinder hindrance hinge hint hip hire his historian historic(al) history hit hither hitherto hive hoarse hobble hoe hog hold holder hole holiday holiness Holland hollow holy holy-water homage home home-rule hone honest honesty honey honeymoon hono(u)r hono(u)rable hoof hook hoop hooper hooping-cough hop hope hopeful hopeless horizon horizontal horn horrible horror horse horseman horse-race horse-radish horse-shoe horticulture hospital hospitality host hostage hostess hostile hostility hot hotel hot-house hound hour house household housekeeper hovel how however howl huckle hull hum human humanity humble humbug humid humidity humiliate humming-bird hump humpy hunch hundred hundred-weight Hungarian Hungary hunger hungry hunt hunter hurry hurt husband husbandman hussar hut hyacinth hyena hygiene hymn hyphen I ice Iceland ice-safe icy idea ideal identical identify identity idiot idle idler if ignore ill ill-disposed illegible ill-natured illness illume illuminate illumination illusion illustrate illustrious ill-will image imagination imagine imbibe imitate imitation immaculate immediate immediately immense immigrant immigrate immigration immoral immortal impartial impatience impatient imperative imperfect imperial impermeable impersonal impetuous impious implore impolite import (1) import (2) importance important importation importune impose imposing impossible impost imposture impotence impregnate impress (1) impress (2) impression imprison improve improvement imprudence imprudent impudent impulse in inactive inattention inattentive inauguration inborn incautious incertitude inch incident incite inclination incline include inclusively income income-tax incomparable incomplete incomprehensible incontestable inconvenience inconvenient incorporate incorrect increase (1) increase (2) incurable indebted indeed indefinite indelible indemnify indemnity independence independent indeterminate index India Indian india-rubber indicate indication indicative indict indictee indicter indictment indifferent indirect indiscreet indiscretion indispensable indisposed indisposition indisputable indissoluble indistinct individual indivisible indolence indolent indoors indulgence indulgent industrial industrious industry inevitable inexperienced infamy infancy infant infantry infect infection infectious inferior infernal infest infidelity infinite infinitive infirmary inflammation inflexible influence influenza influx inform information ingenious ingratitude ingredient inhabit inhabitant inhalation inhale inherit inheritance inheritor inhuman inhume initiative inject injection injure injury injustice ink inkstand inland inn innate inner innkeeper innocence innocent innovation inquire inquiry inquiry office inquisition insane inscribe inscription insect inside insist insistence insolence insoluble insolvency insolvent insomuch inspect inspection inspector inspiration inspire instal installation instance instant instead of instinct institute institution instruct instruction instructive instructor instrument insult (1) insult (2) insupportable insurance insure insurrection intelligence intelligent intend intendant intensive intention inter inter ... intercede interdict interdiction interest interesting interfere interior interjection internal international interpret interrogate interrogation interrogative interrupt interruption interval intervention interview intestines intimate into intrigue introduce introduction intrusion intrust inundate inundation invade invalid invariable invasion invent invention inventor inventory invest investigate investment invincible invisible invitation invite invoice iodine ire Ireland Irish Irishman iron ironic(al) ironing iron-works irony irregular irresistible irritate irritation is Isaac island isle isolate isolation Israelite Israelitic issue issuer it Italian Italy itinerary its itself ivory ivy Jack jackal jacket Jacob jail jam James Jane January Japan Japanese japanner jar jargon jasmine jaundice jaw jealous jealousy jeer jelly Jerusalem jest jester Jesuit Jesus jet Jew jewel jeweller jewellery Jewess Jewish jingle job jockey John join joiner joint joint-stock joke jolly Joseph journalist journey journey-man joy joyful joyous jubilee judge judgment jug juggler juice juicy Juliet July jump June juniper jurisdiction jurisprudence jury just justice justify kangaroo Kate keen keep keeper keeping keepsake kept kernel kettle key keyboard keyhole kick kid kid-gloves kidney kill kin kind kindly kindness kindred king kingdom kinsman kipper kiss kitchen kitchen-garden knag knead knee kneel knew knife knight knit knob knock knocker knot know knowledge known £ label laborious labo(u)r labourer lac lace lack lackey lacquer lad ladder lady lake lamb lame lament lamp land landlady landlord landscape lane language languish lantern lapse larch lard larder large lark larva larynx lassitude last latch latch-key late Latin latitude latter laud laugh laughter laundress laundry laurel lavatory lavish law lawn lawn-tennis lawsuit lawyer lax laxative lay (1) lay (2) layer laziness lazy lead (1) lead (2) leader leading lead-pencil leaf league leak lean leap leap-year learn learnt lease leaseholder least leather leave leaven lector lecture lecturer led ledge leech left (1) left (2) leg legacy legal legalization legalize legate legation legend legendary legible legion legislation legislative legislator legislature legitimate legitimation Leicester leisure lemon lemonade lend length lens lent lentil leopard leprous less lessee lesson let letter lettuce level levy Lewis liability liable liar liberate liberator liberty librarian library lick lid lie lieutenant life life-belt life-boat life-guard lift light lighten lightning lightning-conductor lights like likely likewise lilac lily limb lime limit limited limp limpid linden line linen lining link linseed linseed-cake linseed-oil lion lioness lip liqueur liquid liquidation liquor lisp list listen liter literal literary literate literature lithographer lithographic lithography little littoral live (1) live (2) livelihood lively liver livid living lizard load loaf loam loan location lock locksmith locomotive locust locution lodge lodger lodging loft lofty logic loin London lone loneliness lonely long longitude long-sighted look looker-on looking-glass loose loosen lord Lord-Mayor lose loss lost lot lottery loud lounge lounger louse love loveliness lovely lover low lower lowliness lowly luck lucky luggage lump lunch lunette lung lupine lurk lustre Lutheran luxury lyceum lye lying lymph lyre lyric macaroni macaroon machine machinist mackerel mad Madam madcap made madhouse madman madness magazine magic magician magistracy magnanimous magnet magnetic magnificent magpie mahogany Mahomet Mahometan maid maidenhood mail mail-boat main maintain maize majesty major majority make maker malaria male malediction malice malicious malt mamma mammifer manacles manage management manager Manchester mane manger mangle manhood mania manifesto mankind manly manner manœuvre man-of-war mansion mantle manual manufactory manufacture manure manuscript many map maple marble March march marchioness marchpane mare Margaret margarine margrave Maria mariner maritime mark market marl marmalade marquis marriage married marrow marry marsh marshal marshy mart marten martyr marvel marvellous Mary masculine mash mask mason masquerade mass massacre massage massagist massive mast master mat match matchless mate material maternal mathematical mathematician mathematics Mathew matricide matrimonial matter mattock mattress maturity maxim May may mayor me mead meadow meagre meal mean meaning meant meantime meanwhile measles measure meat mechanic(al) mechanics mechanism mechanist medal medallion mediate mediation mediator medical medicament medicinal medicine meditate meditation Mediterranean medium meeting megrim meliorate melodious melody melon melt member membrane memory men menace mend mental mention menu mercantile merchant merciful mercury mercy mere merge meridian meridional merit merle mermaid merry mesh message messenger Messrs. met metal metallic meteor method methylated spirits metre metropolis mew mice Michael microbe microscope midday meet middle midge midnight midst midwife might (1) might (2) mighty migrate mild mile military milk mill miller millet milliard milliner million millionaire millstone milt mind mine (1) mine (2) miner mineral mingle mining minister ministry minor minority mint minus minute miracle mire mirror mirth mischievous miser miserable miserly misery misfortune mislead Miss miss mission missionary mist mistake Mister mistress misty misunderstanding misuse mix mixture moan mob mobilize mock mode model moderate modern modest modesty modification modify Mohammed Mohammedan moist moisten molest moment monarch monarchy monastery Monday money money-changer money-order monger monk monkey monologue monopoly monotonous monster monstrous month monthly monument mood moon moonlight moonshine Moor moor morality morass Moravia morbid mordant more moreover morning morphine morrow morsel mortal mortality mortar mortgage mosque mosquito moss most mostly moth mother motherly mother-tongue motion motive motor motor-car mould mound mount mountain mountainous mourn mournful mourning mouse moustache mouth movable move movement mow mower Mr. Mrs. much muck mucus mud muddy muff mulatto mulberry mule multiplicand multiplication multiply multitude municipal municipality munition mural murder murderer murderess murmur muscle museum mushroom music musical music-hall musician musk musket muslin mussel Mussulman must mustard mute mutiny mutton mutual mutuality muzzle my myrtle myself mysterious mystery mythology nacre nail naïve naked name namely nap nape naphtha napkin narrate narration narrative narrow nasal nasty natal nation national nationality native natural naturalist nature naught naughty nautical naval nave navel navigable navigate navigation navigator navy near nearest nearly neat necessary necessity neckcloth necklace necktie need needle needlework negation negative neglect negligence negociation negress negro neigh neighbour neighbourhood neither ... nor nephew nerve nervous nest net Netherlands nettle neuter neutral neutrality never nevertheless new newly newness news newspaper new-year New York next Nice nice nickel nickname niece niggard nigh night nightingale nine nine-pins nineteen ninety ninth nip nitre no nob nobility noble nobleman nobody node noise noisy nominate nomination nominative none nonsense noon noose nor norm north northern Norway Norwegian nose nostril not notability notable notary note nothing notice notify notion noun nourish nourisher nourishing nourishment novel novelist novelty November now nowadays nowhere nude nudity null nullify numb number numeral numerous nun nuncio nunnery nuptial nurse nursery nut nut-cracker nutrition nymph oaf oak oar oarsman oasis oats oath obedience obedient obey object (1) object (2) objection obligation obligatory oblige oblique oblong obscure obscurity observation observatory observe obstacle obstinacy obstinate obstruction obtain obtuse occasion occasional occident occidental occupation occupy occur ocean Oceania oceanic o’clock octagon October ocular odd ode odious odo(u)r of off offence offend offensive offer office officer official offspring often Ohio oil oilcake oilcloth oil-painting ointment old olden oldness olive omelet omission omit omnibus on once one oneself onion onlooker only open opening opera opera-dancer opera-glass operate operation operator opinion opium opponent opportunity oppose opposite opposition oppress oppression oppressor optic(al) optician opulent or oral orange orator orchard orchestra order orderly ordinal ordinary ore organ organism organist organization organize orient origin original ornament orphan orthography oscillate osier ossuary ostrich other otherwise otter ought ounce our ourselves out outbreak outlook outmost outside outstanding oval ovation over overburden overcoat overcome oversee overseer overtime overture owe owing owl own owner ox oyster oz. pace pacify pack package paddle pagan page paid pail pain painful paint painter painting pair palace palate pale paleness Palestine palm palpitation pamphlet pan pane pansy panther pantry pants papa paper paper-mill paradise paragraph paralysis parapet parasite parcel parchment pardon parent parish parishioner Parisian park parliament parlo(u)r parole parrot parry parsley part partial participate participle particular partisan partitive partly partner partnership partridge party pass passage passenger passenger-train passion passionate passive passport past paste pasteboard pastime pastry pastry-cook pasture patch patent paternal Paternoster path patience patient patriarch patriot patriotism patrol patron patronage patroness pattern Paul pause pave pavement paver pavillon paw pawn pay payable payment pea peace peach peacock peahen peak peal pear pearl pearl-barley peasant pebble peculiar pedagogue peel pelt peltry pen penalty penance pen-case pence pencil penetrate penholder peninsula penitence Pennsylvania penny pension pensioner people pepper peppermint per perceive per cent perception perfect (1) perfect (2) perfection perfidious perfidy perform performance perfume perhaps peril period periodical periphery perish periwig perjure perjurer perjury permanent permission permit pernicious persecute persecution perseverance persevere Persia Persian persist person personage personal personality perspire persuade pest Peter petition petroleum petticoat phantom pheasant phial philatelist philologer philology philosopher philosophic(al) philosophy phlegm phonograph phosphate phosphor(us) photograph photographer phrase phthisis physical physician physics physiognomy physiology pianist pick pickle pickpocket picture picturesque pie piece pierce piety pig pigeon pike pile pilgrim pilgrimage pill pillage pillar pillow pilot pin pincers pinch pine pine-apple pine-cone pink pint pious pipe pirate piss pistol piston pit pitch pitcher pith pity placard place plague plain plaint plaintiff plaintive plait plan planet plant plantation plant-louse plash plate platinum play play-bill player play-ground plaything plead pleasant please pleasure pledge plenipotentiary plenty pleurisy pliable plot plough pluck plum plumage plume plunder plunderer plunge plunger pluperfect plural plus plush ply p. m. pneumatic pneumonia poached eggs poacher pock pocket pod poem poesy poet poetess poetic(al) poetry point poison poisonous Poland polar Pole pole polecat police policeman police-station policy Polish polish polite politeness politic politician politics pollen poltroon polygamy pomatum pomp pond ponder poniard pontiff pony poodle poor poorness pope poplar poppy populace popular popularity populate population populous porcelain porch pore pork porridge port porter portion portmanteau portrait Portugal Portuguese pose position positive possess possession possessive possessor possibility possible post postage postage-stamp postal post-card posterity postman post-office postscript postulate (1) postulate (2) pot potable potato potency potent potter poultry pounce pound pour poverty powder power powerful practical practice practise praise prattler pray prayer prayer-book preach preacher precede preceptor precious precipice precipitate precise precision predicate predict prediction preface prefect prefer preference prefix prejudge prelate prelection premeditation premises premium preparation preparatory prepare preposition presage prescribe prescription presence present (1) present (2) presentation presentiment preserve preside presidency president press presume pretend pretended pretension pretext pretty prevail prevent previous prey price price-list prick prickle pride priest primary prime primer primitive primrose prince princess principal principality principle print printer printing-office prior prison prisoner privacy private privation privilege privy prize pro probability probable probation probity proboscis proceed proceeding process procession proclaim proclamation procuration procurator procure prodigal produce producer product production productive profanation profess profession professional professor profit profound profundity program(me) progress prohibit prohibition project (1) project (2) prolongation promenade prominent promise promotion prompt prompter pronominal pronoun pronounce pronunciation proof propagate proper property prophecy prophesy prophet proportion proportional proposal propose proposition proprietor prose prosecute prospectus prosper prosperity prosperous prostitute prostitution protect protection protector protest (1) protest (2) Protestant proud prove proverb proverbial provide providence provider province provisions provisional provocation provoke provost proximity prudence prudent prune Prussian psalm pseudonym psychic psychological psychologist psychology public publication publicity publish publisher pudding puff pull pulpit pulse pumice pump punch punctual punctuality punctuation punish punishment pupil puppet purchase purchaser pure purgative purgatory purge purify purity purple purpose purposely purse pursue pursuit purvey purveyor push put putrefy putrid putty puzzle quack quadrangle quadrat quadrate quadrille quadruped quadruple quail quake qualification quality quantity quarrel quarry quart quarter quartet queen quench question quick quickly quicksilver quiet quill quince quinine quit quite quittance quotation quote quotient rabbit rabid rabies race race-horse rachitis racing rack racket radical radish radius raft rag rage ragout rail railway rain rainbow rainy raise raisin rake ram ramp ran rancid random range rank ransom rap rapacious rapacity rape rape-oil rapid rapidity rare rarity rascal rasp raspberry rat rate rather ration rational rattle raucous ravage raven ravish ravishing raw ray razor reach reaction read (1) read (2) reader readily readiness reading reading-book ready real reality realize really reap reaper reaping reason reasonable rebel rebellion recall receipt receive recent recently reception reciprocal reciprocity recitation recite reckon reclaim reclamation recluse recognize recollect recommend recommendation recompense reconcile reconciliation record recover recreation recruit rectangle rectangular rectify rector red redaction redbreast redden redeem Redeemer redemption red-letter day reduce reduction reef refer reference refinery reflection reflex reflexive reflux reform Reformation Reformer refresh refreshment refuge refugee refund refusal refuse regain regard regarding regent regiment region register regret regular regulate regulation reign rein reins rejoice relate relation relative release reliable relics religion religious rely remain remainder remark remarkable remedy remember remind reminiscence remise remission remit remittance remorse removal remove render renew renewal renounce renown rent renunciation reorganize repair repeat repeatedly repent repentance repetition replace reply report repose reprehend represent representation representative reprimand reproach reproduce reproduction reprove reptile republic republican repugnance repulse reputation request require research resemble reserve reside residence resign resignation resin resist resistance resolution resolve resound respect respectable respectful respective respiration respire respond responsibility responsible rest restaurant restitution restore restrain result resurrection retail retailer retain retard retire retreat return revenge revenue reverence reverend reverer review revisal revise revision revoke revolt revolution revolutionary revolutionist revolver reward rheumatism Rhine rhinoceros rhyme rhythm rib ribbon rice rich riches richness Richard rid ridden riddle ride rider ridge ridiculous riding rift right rigid rigorous rigo(u)r rime rind ring ringlet rink rinse ripe ripen rise risk rite rival river rivet rivulet road roamer roar roast rob robber robbery robe robin robust rock rock-oil rocky rod rode roe roe-buck rogue roll Roman Rome roof room roomy root rope rope-maker rosary rose (1) rose (2) rosin rosy rot rotate rotation rotten rough Roumania Roumanian round rouse route routine rove row rower royal royalist rub rubber ruby rudder rude rudiment ruin rule ruler rum ruminate rumo(u)r rump-steak run runaway rung rupture rural rush rusk Russia Russian rust rustic rustle rusty rye $ saccharin sack sacrament sacramental sacred sacredness sacrifice sacristan sacristy sad sadden saddle saddler sadness safe safety saffron sag sagacious sagacity sage sago said sail sailor saint sake sal salad salary sale salesman saliva salmon saloon salt salt-cellar saltpetre salubrity salutation salute salvation salve same sample sanction sand sand-stone sandwich sandy sane sang sanguinary sanitary sank sap sapience sapper sapphire sardine sat satin satire satisfaction satisfactory satisfy Saturday sauce saucer sausage savage save saver saving saving-box savings-bank Saviour savo(u)r savo(u)ry saw (1) saw (2) saw-dust saw-mill Saxon Saxony say scaffold scald scale scandal Scandinavia scar scarab scarce scarcely scarf scarlet scarlet-fever scene scenery scent sceptre scholar school schoolboy science scientific scissors Scot Scotch Scotchman Scotland scout scramble scrape scratch screen screw screw-driver scribble Scripture scrofula scrofulous scruple scrupulous sculptor sculpture scuttle scythe sea seal sealing-wax sealskin seam seaman search sea-sick sea-sickness season seat second secondary secret secretary secrete secretly sect section secular secure security seduce seducement seduction seducer see (1) see (2) seed seeing seek seem seen see-saw seize seldom select selection self selfish sell seller semicolon seminary Semite senate senator send sensation sensational sense sensibility sensible sent sentence sentiment sentimental sentinel separate (1) separate (2) separation September septentrional serene serenity serf sergeant series serious serjeant sermon serpent serum servant serve service session set settle settlement settler seven seventeen seventh seventy several severe severity sew sewing sewing-machine sewn sex sexual shade shadow shaft shake Shakespeare shall shallow sham shame shameful shameless shank shape share shareholder sharp sharpen sharper shave shawl she sheaf shear shed sheep sheet sheet-iron shelf shell shelter shepherd shield shift shilling shine ship shipbuilding shipment shipyard shirt shirting shiver shock shocking shoe shoemaker shoeing shoot shooter shooting shop shopkeeper shore short shorten shorthand shortly shortness short-sighted shot should shoulder shove shovel show shown shrew shrewish shrink shut shutter shy shyness Siberia sick sickle sickly sickness side siege sieve sigh sight sign signal signature significant signification silence silent Silesia Silesian silk silk-worm sill silly silver similar simple simplify simply simulate sin since sincere sincerity sinful sing singer singing single single-minded singular sinister sink sinner Sion siphon sir sire! siren siskin sister sit sitting sitting-room situated situation six sixteen sixth sixty size skate skater skeleton sketch ski skilful skill skilled skin skirt sky slander slang slant slate slate-pencil slaughter slaughterer Slave slave slavery slay slayer sledge sleep sleeping-car sleepy sleeve slept slice slide slight slime sling slipper slippery slow slowly slow-worm sluice slumber sly slyness small smart smear smell smelt smile smith smithy smoke smoker smooth smuggle smuggler smut snag snail snake snap snare sneeze snore snout snow snow-flake snuff snuff-box so soak soap soap-boiler sober sociable social socialism socialist society sock socle sofa soft soften softly soil sojourn solar sold solder soldier sole solemn solemnity solicit solicitation solicitor solid solidarity solidity solitary solitude soluble solution solve solvency solvent some somebody something sometimes somewhat somewhere son song sonorous soon sooner or later soot sooth soothsay Sophia Sophy soprano sorb sorcerer sorceress sorcery sordid sore sorrel sorrow sorrowful sorry sort sought soul sound soup sour source south southern sovereign sovereignty sow sowing-machine space spacious spade Spain span Spaniard Spanish spare sparing spark sparkle sparrow spasm spatter spatula spawn speak speaker speaking special specialist specialty species specification specify specimen spectacle spectator spectre speculate speculation speech speed speedy spell spelling spend spendthrift sphere spice spider spin spinach spindle spine spinner spinning-mill spinning-wheel spinous spinster spirit spiritual spit spite spittle spleen splendid splendo(u)r splinter split spoil spoke spoken sponge spool spoon spoonful sport sportsman spot sprat spread spring sprinkle spume spur spy squadron squander squanderer square squeeze squirrel stability stable staff stag stage stage-manager stagnant stain stair staircase stalk stall stallion stammer stamp stand standard standing star starch starling start starve state stately statement statesman station stationer statuary statue stature statute stay stead steady steak steal stealer steam steam-boat steam-engine steamer stearin steed steel steel-pen steep steer steersman stem stench stenography step stepbrother stepdaughter stepfather stepmother stepson sterile sterling stew steward stick stiff stifle still stillness sting stink stir stirrup stitch stock stocking stone stone-cutter stood stool stoop stop stopping store storehouse storekeeper stork storm stormy story stout stove straight straighten strain strainer strait strand strange stranger strangle strap straw strawberry stray stream street strength strengthen stretch strew strict strike string stripe striped strive stroke stroll strong strop strophe structure struggle strumpet stubborn student studio studious study stumble stupefy stupid stupidity stutter sty style subdue subject (1) subject (2) submarine submerge subscribe subscription substance substantial substantive subterraneous subtract subtraction suburb subvention succeed success successful succession successor succory succour succumb such suck suckle suckling sudden suddenly suffer suffice sufficient suffix suffocate sugar sugar-basin sugar-cane suggest suggestion suicide suit suitable suite sulphur sultan sultry sum summer summer-house summit summon sun Sunday sunder sung sunny sunrise sunshade superb superficial superficies superfluous superior superiority superlative superstition superstitious supervision supervisor supper supplement supplementary swamp swampy swan swarm sway swear sweat sweater Swede Sweden Swedish sweep sweeper sweet sweetheart swell swift swiftness swim swimmer swindle swindler swine swing swirl Swiss switch Switzerland swollen swoon sword syllable sympathetic sympathy symptom synagogue syndicate synonym syntax syphilis syphon table table-cloth table-spoon tablet taciturn tack tact tail tailor taint take taken talc tale talent talented talk tall tallow talon tambour tame tan tank tanner tannery tannin tape-worm tar tare tariff tarry tart Tartar task taste tasteful taught taunt tavern tax taxation tea teach teacher teaching team tea-party tea-pot tear technic tedious teeth telegram telegraph telegraphy telephone telescope tell temper temperate temperature tempest temple temporary tempt ten tenant tench tend tendency tender tenebrous Tennessee tennis tenor tense tension tent tenth tepid term terminate terrace terrestrial terrible terrier territory terror terrorize test testament testator testify testimonial text textile Thames than thank thankful thankfulness that thatch thaw the theatre thee theft their them theme themselves then thence thenceforth theology theoretic(al) theory there thereby therefore thereupon thermometer these they thick thicken thicket thief thieve thievish thigh thill thimble thin thine thing think thinker third thirst thirsty thirteen thirty this thistle thither thong thorn thorough thoroughfare those thou though thought thoughtless thousand thrash thrashing-machine thread threat threaten three threepence threshold thrice thrifty thrill throat throne throstle through throughout throw thrust thumb thunder thunderstorm Thursday thus thy ticket tickle tide tidy tie tiger tight tighten tigress tile till timber time time-table timid timidity tin tingle tinman tint tip tire tiresome tissue title to toad toast tobacco to-day toe together toilet token told tolerable tolerance tolerate tomato tomb tome to-morrow ton tone tongs tongue to-night tonnage tonsil too took tool tooth toothache tooth-brush tooth-powder top topic torch torment (1) torment (2) torn torpedo torpid torrent torture toss total touch touching tourist tow towards towel tower town town-hall toy trace track trade trade-mark tradesman tradition traffic tragedian tragedy tragic(al) trail train trainer training trait traitor traitress trammel tramway tranquil tranquillity transaction transfer transform transgress transitive translate translation translator transmit transparent transpire transport trap trapeze travel traveller travelling tray tread treason treasure treasurer treasury treat treaty tree trefoil trellis tremble trench trespass tress trial triangle triangular tribe tribunal tribute trichina trick trifle Trinity trip tripe triple triumph troop tropic trot trotter trouble trough trousers trout troy-weight true truffle truly trump trumpet trumpeter trunk truss trust trustworthy trusty truth try Tsar tube tuberculosis Tuesday tuft tuition tulip tumid tumult tun tune tuner tunnel turbid turbot turbulent tureen turf Turk Turkey turkey Turkish turn turner turnip turpentine turquoise turret turtle tutor tweak twelfth twelve twelvemonth twentieth twenty twice twig twilight twin twine twirl twist twister twitch twitter two twofold twopence tymbal tympan type typewriter typhlitis typhoid fever typhus typographer typography tyrranize tyrant tyre ugliness ugly u(h)lan ulcer ult. umber umbrageous umbrella unable unanimity unanimous unapt unbutton uncertain unchangeable uncle unclean unconscientious unconscious uncork uncover unction undamaged under underground underlet underline underlip understand understanding understood undertake undertaker undertaking undress unequal unexpected unfit unfortunate unguilty unhappy unhealthy unicorn uniform unify uninteresting union unique unit unite united unity universal universe university unjust unknown unless unlike unload unlock unlucky unmarried unmerciful unmerited unnatural unpleasant unpunctual unpunished unripe unroll unscrew unseal unsew unsound untie until untruth unusual unwell unwise up upholster upholsterer upon upper upright uproar upstairs urge urgent urine urn us usage usance use (1) use (2) useful useless usual usually usurer usury utensil uterus utility utmost vacant vacation vaccinate vaccination vacillate vagabond vague vain vale valet valiant valid valley valo(u)r valorous valuable value van vane vanilla vanish vanity vanquish vanquisher vapo(u)r vapo(u)r-bath variable variation variety variola various varnish varnisher vary vase vassal vast Vatican vault vaunt veal vegetable veil vein velocity velvet venerable venerate veneration vengeance vengeful Venice venison venom venomous ventilate ventilation ventilator venture Venus veracity verb verbal verdict verdigris verdure verge verification verify veritable verity vernal verse version vertical verve very vessel vest vestibule vestige vestment Vesuvius vetch veteran veterinary vex vexation viaduct vial vibrate vibration vicar vice vice-admiral vice-roy vicinity victim victor Victoria victorious victory view vigilant vigorous vigo(u)r vile village vine vine-branch vine-dresser vinegar vineyard vintage violate violence violent violet violin violinist viper virgin virile virtue virtuous viscount visible vision visit visiting-card visitor Vistula vital vivacious vivacity vivify viz. vizier vocabulary vocal vocation voice void volcano volume voluntary volunteer voluptuous vomit voracious voracity vote vouch vow vowel voyage vulgar vulture wadding wade waffle wage wager waggon waist waistcoat wait waiter waiting waive wake waken walk walking walking-stick wall walnut waltz wan wander wanderer wane want wanted war ward warder wardrobe ware warehouse warm warmth warn warning warrant warranter warranty warrior was wash washerwoman washing wash-stand wasp waste watch watchful watchmaker watchman watchword water water-closet waterfall watering watering-can watering-place water-proof water-works wave wax way we weak weakness wealth wealthy weapon wear weather weather-cock weave weaver web wedding week week-day weep weeping weigh weight welcome welfare well well-bred went were west western wet wether wetness whale whale-oil what wheat wheel wheelwright when whence where whet whether whetstone which while whilst whim whimsical whine whip whiskers whisky whisper whist whistle white whiten whiteness whither who whoever whole wholesale wholesome whom whooping-cough whore whose why wide wideness widow widower width wife wig wild wildness will willow win wind (1) wind (2) windmill window window-blind windy wine wing wink winter winterly wipe wire wireless wisdom wise wish wit witch witchkraft with withdraw withdrawal withe wither withhold within without withstand witness wives wolf woman won wonder wonderful won’t wont wood wooden wool woollen word work worker working working-day workman workshop world worm worn worse worship worst worsted worth worthless worthy would wound wrap wrath wreck wren wrench wrest wrestle wrestler wrestling wretch wring wrinkle wrist Wales Warsaw Washington Wednesday Welsh Whitsunday Whitsuntide William