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Senior High School

Practical Research 2
Module 3:
Learning from Other and Reviewing
the Literature

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
Module 3: Learning from Others and Reviewing the Literature
Second Edition, 2021

Copyright © 2021
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form without written
permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Marlon U. Ligas

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team
Content Evaluator: Wilhelm Francis C. Saldo
Language Evaluator: Jeffrey Ballesteros
Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr.
Design and Layout: Jhunel L. Nevado

Management Team:

ATTY. Donato D. Balderas Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent
Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, PhD
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
German E. Flora, PhD, CID Chief
Virgilio C. Boado, PhD, EPS in Charge of LRMS
Rominel S. Sobremonte, EdD, EPS in Charge of Science
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Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II

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LU_Practical Research 2_Module3

Senior High School

Practical Research 2
Module 3:
Learning from Other and Reviewing
the Literature

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3

Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear
learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities,
questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you
to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in

each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed with completing this module
or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for a better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are
also provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on
how they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on
any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises
and tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in

answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher
or facilitator.

Thank you.

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3


After this discussion, you are expected to have the ability to…
• Define Conceptual Framework.
• Create a figure that explains Conceptual Framework
• Identify terms related to Conceptual Framework
• Define terms used in study
• List research hypothesis
• Present written review of related literature


Directions: Read the following paragraphs to help you understand conceptual


What is Conceptual Framework?

It is a graphical presentation of your concepts or ideas on the basic structure

or components of your research as well as on the relationships of these elements
with one another. It is a graph or non-prose material, specifically, a schematic
diagram that shows a well-ordered element of the research. Giving a carefully
constructed arrangement of the components of your study, conceptual framework is
a broad outline or plan to give shape to your research (Shields et. al, 2013).

What are the Purposes of Conceptual Framework?

1. Keeps research on track.

2. Provides clear links from the literature to the research goals and questions.
3. Helps the researcher to see clearly the variables of the study.
4. Clarifies concepts and propose relationships among concepts.

A Sample Conceptual Framework

Research Problem or Topic: Enhancing Body Weight of a Senior High School student
through Balance diet.

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
The above sample shows that the Body weight of a senior high school student can be
enhanced through balance diet. The Balance diet can be achieved by eating variety of
fruits, vegetables, drinking plenty of fluids and the like.

Quality Assessment Checklist

Make sure that when you develop a conceptual framework the following are achieved.
Put check (√) to the space provided if you met or answered the following questions.
Answers should be written on a separate paper or notebook.

Checklist Put (√)

1. Does your framework draw on theory, research,
relevant concepts, and experience?
2. Does your framework depict the overall “territory” of
your research?
3. Does your framework illuminate the relationships
among conceptual variables?
4. Does your framework enable a reader to understand
what your study seeks to achieve and how that will be
5. If you have developed diagrammatic model, is it clearly
and accurately presented? In other words, does it make
sense and have meaning?
6. If you have developed a diagrammatic model, is this
accompanied by comprehensive descriptive narrative?
7. If you have developed conceptual categories, are these
directly tied to the research questions?
8. Do you have at least one (1) conceptual category per
research question?
9. Does your conceptual framework add value to the way
you and others understand your research?
10. Does your chosen framework enhance the conceptual
quality of your research?


Directions: Circle the letter of the correct answer. Answers should be written on a
separate paper or notebook.

1. It is a picture that represents the components of a process, device, or other object

using abstract, often standardized symbols and lines.
A. Concept Map B. Schematic Diagram
C. Framework D. Venn Diagram

2. This purpose of Conceptual Framework allows the researcher to be certain on what

is happening in his research.
A. Keeps in Right track.
B. Provides clear links from the literature to the research goals and questions.
C. Helps the researcher to see clearly the variables of the study.
D. Clarifies concepts and propose relationships among concepts.

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
3. The researcher can identify variables and their relationships.
A. Keeps in Right track.
B. Provides clear links from the literature to the research goals and questions.
C. Helps the researcher to see clearly the variables of the study.
D. Clarifies concepts and propose relationships among concepts.
4. It allows researchers to further explain the concepts and how they connected to
one another thus making the flow of the research comprehensible and
A. Keeps in Right track.
B. Provides clear links from the literature to the research goals and questions.
C. Helps the researcher to see clearly the variables of the study.
D. Clarifies concepts and propose relationships among concepts.

5. When a researcher wanted to conduct a research on the effect of Tawa-tawa

Euphorbia hirta to COVID-19 patient, the most appropriate way to present this is
A. Narrative presentation of theories related to Tawa-tawa.
B. Presenting the existing knowledge of the researcher and guided by relevant
theories related to COVID-19.
C. Displaying the flow of research showing variables in a form of concept map.
D. Articulating the theoretical assumptions of a research study.

Lesson 1 Defining Conceptual Framework


What the terms Theoretical and Conceptual frameworks connote?

A theoretical framework is founded on the theories already developed over an

area over a long period of time having a robust historical background while the
conceptual framework is used in a new researchable area. In fact, both explain the
future course of the research study justifying the research enterprise with the aim to
make sure that the findings are more meaningful, acceptable and generalizable.

Conceptual Framework versus Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework Theoretical Framework
Narrower Scope Broader Scope
Very Specific, Definite structure, No General, Less structured, no ambiguity
Ambiguity in definition in definition

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
Provide the structure, paradigm for a Provide basic foundation for a research
research analysis study
Derived from concepts, specific Derived from theories that already exist
variables that maybe identified in the
study itself
It lies in the entire commencement of It is the starting point of the discussion,
the study makes readers aware of what follows


Pointers in Writing a Conceptual Framework

1. Familiarize yourself with the objective of the conceptual framework.

2. Base the contents of the conceptual framework on your own understanding of

the elements and of the relationships of the research features.

3. See to it that all aspects of the conceptual framework are related to the
objective of the research.

4. Let others read your conceptual framework for comments or feedback for
improvement purposes.


Directions. Decide whether each set of words make up a conceptual framework or

a theoretical framework. Put a check mark (√) on the line provided after each set of

Conceptual Theoretical
Framework Framework

1. Using Concept Map _____________ _____________

2. Pre-test and Post-test _____________ _____________

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
3. Charles Darwin idea of Evolution _____________ _____________

4. Testing the effect of Saluyot or Jute in Dengue _________ _________

5. The Origin of the Universe _________ ________


Directions: On the box provided, write two paragraph composition about the most
important things you learned about conceptual framework. Answers should be
written on a separate paper or notebook.

Lesson 2 Defining Terms


Defining Operationally
An operational definition of a variable describes:
• What is observed.
• What is measured.
These definitions are written quantitatively using:
• length, width, height, etc.
• time

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
• distance
• temperature
• numerical value of something
To gain a better understanding of what an operational definition is, consider the
following example:

Senior High School researchers are interested to conduct a research in sports

medicine and exercise physiology study the effects of various variables on a
person's endurance. Each researcher might decide on a different way of measuring
this variable. For example, if an experiment was conducted to test the effects of
Vitamin E on endurance, the dependent variable being the person's endurance,
might be operationally defined in ways such as:
• The distance a person could run without stopping.
• The number of hours a person could stay awake.
• The number of jumping jacks a person could do before getting tired.



Directions: Read the following paragraphs to help you define and understand terms
used in a research study, distinguish operational definition from other types of
definition and compare and contrast operational and theoretical definition.

Language of Research

Every outstanding research contains terms or words that sometimes cannot

understand by the readers. There are variables that are used in the study that is not
familiar with the readers and it may lead to misconception or misinterpretation.
Operational definition allows the researchers to describe in a specific way what they
mean when they use a certain term.

For non-researchers, unless they purposely read books on research, the

language of research appears as jargon. Jargons are terms considered as technical
because these are commonly used only by people belonging to the same field of
specialization. Exclusively used by specific set of person, like engineers, doctors,
lawyers, architects, or businessman, among others, these terms do not sound
familiar or understandable to ordinary persons in society (Shields et.al, 2013).

What Is Operational Definition?

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
An operational definition is a detailed specification of how one would go about
measuring a given variable. Operational definitions can range from very simple and
straightforward to quite complex, depending on the nature of the variable and the
needs of the researcher. Operational definitions should be tied to the theoretical
constructs under study. The theory behind the research often clarifies the nature of
the variables involved and, therefore, would guide the development of operational
definitions that would tap the critical variables (Grazanio, 2013).

Operational definition is making the concept or the thing meaningful by

specifying the way your research should measure such concept. It defines the basic
concept through the operation used or research activity involved to measure the

Guidelines in Giving Operational Definitions

1. Have a clear understanding of the concept focused on by your study before
you begin defining such concept operationally.
2. Base your operational definition on the concept under study.
3. Express your operational definition in only one sentence.
4. Let the operational definition explain the measurement of variables clearly.
5. Construct an operational definition that other researchers can understand,
assess, and repeat in other research studies.

Examples of Operational Definitions

1. Defining Temperature
➢ Theoretical/Conceptual Definition: Temperature is a heat flowing
between infinite reservoirs.
➢ Operational Definition: Temperature is defined in relation to
operations with gas thermomether.
2. Defining Anger
➢ Theoretical/Conceptual Definition: Anger is intangible; not directly
measured by observation.
➢ Operational Definition: Anger is defined basing from the facial
expressions, vocabulary, or voice tone to measure anger.

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3

Directions: On the line provided, write OD, if the statement defines the term
operationally; TD, if it defines the term theoretically or conceptually. Answers should
be written on a separate paper or notebook.
_____1. A sentence is a word or group of words that expresses a complete idea.
_____2. A sentence is made up of a subject , consisting of a name word, and a
predicate, made-up of an action word, to express complete thought.
_____3. A bug is a fault or an error in a computer program.
_____4 A bug is an error in a computer program that is characterized by high-speed
telegraph key.
_____5. Cycle is a set of operations.


Directions: Convert each theoretical definition to operational definition. Answers

should be written on a separate paper or notebook.

1. Covid-19 is a communicable disease.

2. Electric fan is a device for convenience.
3. Face mask is a protective material for nose and mouth.

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
Lesson 3 Research Hypothesis


Categories of Hypothesis
There are two categories of hypotheses: null hypotheses and alternative
hypotheses. A null hypotheses symbolized by Ho, which states the absence of
relationship between the independent and dependent variables. It is therefore a
statement to disprove the fact that the independent variable (treatment,
intervention, or condition) has an effect on the dependent variable. The opposite of
null hypothesis is the alternative hypothesis. Symbolized by Hi, the alternative
states the relationship between the independent and dependent variables and the
fact that the first affects the second (Morgan, 2014; Thomas, 2013).

Types of Hypotheses

Choosing which type of hypothesis to use depends solely on you, the

researcher. It does not mean however, that choosing one of the following types of
hypotheses makes you come out with the best hypothesis because no type of
hypotheses is superior to any hypothesis (Badke, 2014).

1. Theory-driven vs. Data-driven hypotheses

A hypothesis that is based on existing theory to explain the relationship of
variables and the effects of one variable on the other variables is theory driven.
But if it is based on the finding of previous research studies, it is a data-driven
2. Directional (one-tailed) vs. Non-directional (two-tailed) hypotheses
Directional hypotheses state the relationship of two variables as well as of the
relationship of these variables.Non-directional (two-tailed) hypotheses, on the
other hand, state the relationship of variables but not on direction of the

3. Descriptive vs. Causal Hypotheses

A statement specifying the relationship between two variables due to the
influence of something is a descriptive hypotheses; due to cause-effect
relationship, it is a causal hypothesis. True experimental or quasi-experimental
research such as correlation study uses causal hypotheses; non-experimental
research uses descriptive hypotheses.

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3


Directions: Read the following paragraphs to help you understand hypothesis,

differentiate hypotheses from research questions, classify hypotheses based on a set
standards; evaluate the quality of hypotheses, formulate hypotheses based on the
set guidelines, explain the relationship of hypotheses with research problem and
research questions. Furthermore these ideas will help you list hypothesis that can
be applied in your research study.

What is Hypothesis?
A hypothesis is a tentative explanation or an answer to a question about
variables, their relationships, and other facts involved in research. A research
always end up with a result. However you are free to hypothesize meaning, to infer,
propose, or guess about factual things related to the research. A hypothesis has to
be tested through analytical investigation to prove how true or false it is (Creswell,
2014; Rusell, 2013).

Purposes of Hypotheses
1. They guide you on which aspect of the research to focus on.
2. They provide opportunities to prove the relationship between variables.
3. They give the right direction of the research.
4. They outline your thoughts on your manner of summarizing the result and of
explaining the conclusions.
5. They push for an empirical study to prove the existence of relationship of
variables and the effects of independent variable on the dependent variable.

A hypothesis should always:

• Explain what you expect to happen
• Be clear and understandable
• Be testable
• Be measurable

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
• And contain an independent and dependent variable

The Difference Between a Research Question and a Hypothesis

The difference is quite clear. One is a question that you, as a researcher,

intend to answer. The other is a statement that you will either prove or disprove.
Many topics lend themselves equally well to either a research question or a
hypothesis. Here are some examples:

Topic 1-
Hypothesis: ‘While people may use the internet to search for flights, they prefer to
make their reservations or purchases via a travel agent’

Research question: ‘Do people use the internet to collect information about flights
but still prefer to use travel agents to make their reservations?’

Guidelines in Formulating Hypotheses

1. Express your hypotheses in a declarative sentence.
2. Support your hypotheses with ideas based on theories, known facts, previous
studies, or your own experience and wisdom.
3. Establish a logical relationship between the hypotheses and the research
4. Have your hypotheses predict the nature yof relationship between or among
5. Ascertain the possibility of having some means of testing, analyzing, and
investigating your hypotheses.
6. Avoid wordiness by using clear, exact, or specific language in stating the


Directions: There are sample hypotheses below. Critic each hypothesis and if not
convinced, try to make suggestions to improve it to make it more researchable and
it could possibly lead to conclusions.
Consider the following hypotheses. Are they likely to lead to sound research and
conclusions, and if not, how could they be improved?
1. Adding mica to a plastic compound will decrease its viscosity.

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
2. Those who drink a cup of green tea daily experience enhanced wellness.
3. Prolonged staring into solar eclipses confers extrasensory powers.
4. A decline in family values is lowering the marriage rate.
5. Children with insecure attachment style are more likely to engage in political
dissent as adults.


Directions: Answer each question intelligently and concisely.

1. Why is hypothesis a tentative explanation of something?

2. Describe the relationship between hypotheses and research questions.
3. Formulate at least (3) hypotheses about COVID 19 infection.

Lesson 4 Review of Literature


Directions: Read the following paragraphs to help you in presenting Review of

Related Literature.

What is RRL?
RRL is an important component of research regardless of the type of research.
Be it qualitative or quantitative research, you spend time and effort in reviewing

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
related literature. Reviewing related literature is one major activity in research that
makes you examine or study again concepts or ideas related to your research that
people managed to publish in books, journals, or other reading materials in the past.
A review of related literature is the process of collecting, selecting, and reading
books, journals, reports, abstracts, and other reference materials. The following
information may be collected:
1. Background information about the problem and related concepts.
2. Theories that explain the existence of the problem and the possible
connection between certain factors and the problem.
3. Data that confirms the existence and seriousness of the problem.
4. General and specific findings of studies related to the problem.
5. Recommendations for further study given in related studies.

Why Review Literature?

1. To find out the connection of your research to the current conditions or
situations of the world.
2. To know more about theories or concepts underlying your research and to
learn from them with respect to your own research study.
3. To discover the relation of your research with previous research studies.
4. To obtain information on the accuracy or relevance of your research studies.
5. To familiarize yourself with technical terms related to your research.

What Materials to Review?

1. General References

Examples are indexes, reviews and abstracts

2. Primary Sources

Examples are researches found on published journals.

3. Secondary Sources

Publications where authors cite the works of others. Examples are books,
encyclopedias. Secondary sources are good references for overview of the problem.

RRL in Quantitative Research

You have learned that there are two basic methods of reviewing related
literature: traditional and systematic review. Traditional is for qualitative research
while systematic is for quantitative research. Systematic review, ‘a question-driven

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
methodology’ is used by quantitative researchers who begin their research work by
asking questions-one big question that states the main problem of the research and
a set of sub-questions that deal with specific aspects of the research. Qualitative
research likewise begins with research questions, but these are open- ended and
subjective questions, in contrast to quantitative questions that aim at obtaining
exact, specific, and objective answers whose origin or sources are easy to trace (Ridly,


Steps in Conducting a Systematic Review

Systematic review of related literature happens through the following sequential

1. Clarifying the research questions
2. Panning the research based on your understanding of the research questions
3. Searching for literature
4. Listing criteria for considering the values forms of knowledge collected

Meta-Analysis in Quantitative Research

Meta-analysis is a kind of review of related literature in which you re-examine and

combine the results of two or more statistics studies for coming out with a grand
total to indicate stronger effects of the research outcome. Putting the results together
making them appear as on result work to strengthen whatever impact the
independent variable has on the dependent variable.


In-text Citation and Referencing Style

All reading materials related to your research offer different concepts, ideas,
or information belonging to other people. Having honesty, respect, or courtesy to the
owners of these varied forms of knowledge as well as gratefulness for their valuable

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
contribution to the field, you see to it that the names of these idea owners or authors
appear in the appropriate sections of your research paper. To avoid plagiarism, it’s
essential to include an in-text citation every time you use someone else’s ideas or
In-text citations are used each time you quote, paraphrase or refer to a source
in the body of your paper. The in-text citation directs the reader to the correct entry
in the reference list or bibliography.
Referring to authors within the main body of the paper is called Citation or In-
text Citation; at the end of the paper, it is called Bibliography or References. The two
most commony used referencing styles are the MLA (Modern Language Association)
and the APA (American Psychological Association). But mostly Government schools
in La Union like DMMMSU used APA format same as private schools like LORMA
and SLC.
The following table shows you how these two referencing styles differ in some

Aspect APA System MLA System

Writing the Author’s Full surname first, then Full surname first,
name followed by initials of first followed by full first
and middle name name and optional initial
of the middle name

Writing the title of the Italicized title with only Underlined or italicized
reading material the beginning word title with all content
capitalized (exception: words capitalized
capital for every proper

Writing copyright date Written after publisher’s


Differences between MLA and APA Examples:

Area APA System MLA System

(Urbano, 2016), (Ligas et al., (Urbano 287), (Corpuz,

2020), according to Corpuz Barnachea, Dela Cruz 80-100),
Citation or
(2019), Barnachea (2019) (Ligas et., al134-150),
maintains that...., A study on (Estacio:1:10-20)
the Porl Barrel Scam is a
“double research work” (Dela
Cruz, 2016, p.78)

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
Bibliograph • One author: • One author:
Flores.R.M. (2019). The voice of Flores. R.M.The voice of Filipino
Reference the Filipino people. Bauang, La People. (Bauang, La Union:
Union: Ligas Press Ligas Press, 2019)

• Two Authors:
• Two Authors:
Ligas M.U. and Nelmida M.R.
Ligas M.U. and Nelmida M.R.
(2020). STEM challenges.
STEM challenges. (Bauang, La
Bauang, La Union: XYZ
Union: XYZ company, 2020.)

• Three Authors:
• Three Authors:
Ligas M.U., Nelmida M.R. and
Ligas M.U., Nelmida M.R. and
Padilla M. S. Science and Math
Padilla M. S. (2020). Science
Teachers encounter. (Bauang,
and Math Teachers encounter.
La Union: XYZ company, 2020.)
Bauang, La Union: XYZ
Or use the name of the first Or use the name of the first
author listed on the title page author listed on the title page
Ligas, M.U.et.al. (2020). Science
Ligas, M.U.et.al. Science and
and Math Teachers encounter.
Math Teachers encounter.
Bauang, La Union: XYZ
(Bauang, La Union: XYZ
company, 2020.)

• Anonymous Author (If the

• Anonymous Author (If the authorship of a work is known
authorship of a work is known but not revealed onthe title page,
but not revealed onthe title page, the name is given in brackets.)
the name is given in brackets.)
[Ligas, Marlon]. STEM
challenges. Bauang, La Union:
XYZ company. (Bauang, La
[Ligas, M.]. STEM challenges.
Union: XYZ company, 2020.)
Bauang, La Union: XYZ
(If the identity of the author is (If the identity of the author is
guessed, a question mark guessed, a question mark
follows the name before the follows the name before the
closing bracket) closing bracket)

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
[Candelario, E.?]The opium Candelario, E.?]The opium
craze. Nowhere. Nonesuch craze. Nowhere. Nonesuch
Press. Press.

• Thesis, Dissertations, and

• Thesis, Dissertations, and
Other Unpublished Works
Other Unpublished Works
Ligas, M.L. “Stress Management
Ligas, M.L. (2020). “Stress among SHS teachers.” (Ph. D
Management among SHS diss., DMMMSU, 2020)
teachers.” Ph. D diss.,

• Materials through Computers

• Materials through Computers

*Signed Article in Magazine

*Signed Article in Magazine

Alegre, R.(July 2016). “Social-

media networks.” Personality Alegre, R. “Social-media
growth. Retrieved from networks.” Personality growth.
http://www.iter.com/Jol/labor. .July 2016.
htm/ http://www.iter.com/Jol/labor.


Directions: Check the right column for each referencing item.

Referencing Item True only True only True for APA

for APA style for MLA and MLA
style styles

1. (Ligas, 2016, p.15)

2. Colon after publication place

3. Date after author

4. Underlined title of the book

5. Date after the publisher

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3

Directions: Answer the following questions. There is a space provided for each
question and examples for you to easily understand what it asked.
Literature Review Worksheet

Introduction: What is the topic of my literature review?


Example: COVID-19 cases in the Philippines

Topic sentence:
Example: The number of mortalities in the Philippines is directly related to the Age
of the patients

My source (works to be read, analyzed and cited) this can be taken from magazines,
newspapers, books, online resources etc.:



“The Effect of Age on Mortality in Patients With COVID-19: A Meta-Analysis With

611,583 Subjects (July 2020).”Journal of American Medical Directors Association.
Retrieved from
Body: What are the main points/arguments of my sources? How are these points



LU_Practical Research 2_Module3

Source 1: American Doctors Association found out that the meta-analysis of

currently available data suggests a determinant effect of age on mortality of COVID-
19 patients with a relevant threshold on age >50 and especially >60.

Body: Similarities in (comparing) two or more of the articles:

Example: ADA, UK researchers and fox found out that the mortality rate is
correlated to the age of patients.

Conclusion: Summarizing

Example: This literature review was conducted to analyze opposing perspectives on

gun laws and gun ownership in the United States.


Directions: Circle the letter of the correct answer. Answers should be written on a
separate paper or notebook.

1. Which of the following would be regarded as the most abstract?

A. A construct B. A variable
C. A concept D. An indicator

2. It is a picture that represents the components of a process, device, or other object

using abstract, often standardized symbols and lines.
A. Concept Map B. Schematic Diagram
C. Framework D. Venn Diagram

3. This purpose of Conceptual Framework allows the researcher to be certain on what

is happening in his research.
A. Keeps in Right track.
B. Provides clear links from the literature to the research goals and questions.
C. Helps the researcher to see clearly the variables of the study.
D. Clarifies concepts and propose relationships among concepts.

4. We can only measure concepts directly from the empirical data we collect.
A. True B. False
C. It depends on the type of research D. None of the above

5. The researcher can identify variables and their relationships.

A. Keeps in Right track.

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
B. Provides clear links from the literature to the research goals and questions.
C. Helps the researcher to see clearly the variables of the study.
D. Clarifies concepts and propose relationships among concepts.
6. When developing conceptual framework, make sure that the concepts are related
to what part of the research?
A. Title of the study B. Conclusions
C. Research Objectives D. Recommendations

7. The researcher can clearly identify the connection of one literature to another.
A. Keeps in Right track.
B. Provides clear links from the literature to the research goals and questions.
C. Helps the researcher to see clearly the variables of the study.
D. Clarifies concepts and propose relationships among concepts.

8. It allows researchers to further explain the concepts and how they connected to
one another thus making the flow of the research comprehensible and
A. Keeps in Right track.
B. Provides clear links from the literature to the research goals and questions.
C. Helps the researcher to see clearly the variables of the study.
D. Clarifies concepts and propose relationships among concepts.
9. When a researcher wanted to conduct a research on the effect of Tawa-tawa
Euphorbia hirta to Covid-19 patient, the most appropriate way to present this is
A. Narrative presentation of theories related to Tawa-tawa.
B. Presenting the existing knowledge of the researcher and guided by relevant
theories related to Covid-19.
C. Displaying the flow of research showing variables in a form of concept map.
D. Articulating the theoretical assumptions of a research study.

10. In a deductive study, the conceptual framework is derived from:

A. The analysis of empirical data.
B. The literature review.
C. Inductive reasoning.
D. None of the above is true.

LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
Printed Materials
Baraceros, Esther. 2016. “Practical Research 2”. 1 st edition. Manila,
Philippines. REX Bookstore.

Ahmad et.al,. “Understanding difference between Theoretical and Conceptual
Frameworks”. https://exploringacademia.com/difference-between-

Afribary. 2015. “What is the difference between Theoretical and Conceptual

Framework?”. https://afribary.com/blog/5/what-is-the-difference-

Baraceros, Esther. 2016. “Practical Research 2”. 1 st edition. Manila,

Philippines. REX Bookstore.

Boonstra et. Al,. “Formin a Hypothesis”.

El-Saghir. 2014. “Science Process Skills”.
Graziano, Rauli. 2013. “Operational Definition”. https://graziano-

Gahan, Courtney. 2018. “ In-test citation in APA, MLA and Chicago Style.

Krastev et.al. “Hypothesis testing: Null and Alternative Testing”.


Lani, James. 2017. “Research question and research hypothesis”.


McCombes, Shona. 2020. “ How to write Literature Review”


Nalzaro, Judy. 2012. “Theoretical and Conceptual Framework”.


Saboudo, Despina. 2015. “How to develop a Good Research Hypothesis”


Sage. 2019. “Developing aand Presenting your Literature Review”.


LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
Sales. 2020. “Operational Definition.
Sockolov, Elizabeth. 2016. “Operational Definition:Psychology-Definition,
Examples and how to write”.

Staiton, Hayley. 2015. “The difference between research question and a

hypothesis”. https://tourismteacher.com/difference-between-

Shuttleworth, Martyn. 2019. “Research Hypothesis”.


LU_Practical Research 2_Module3
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