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Stem-Practical Research 1 1: Scope and Delimitation of Research and Benefits and Beneficiaries of The Study

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Stem-Practical Research 1 1: Scope and Delimitation of Research and Benefits and Beneficiaries of The Study

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Quarter 1 – Module 7:

Senior High School STEM- Practical Research 1
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 7: Scope and Delimitation of Research and Benefits and
Beneficiaries of the Study
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Schools Division of Sorsogon

Schools Division Superintendent – Jose L. Doncillo, CESO V
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent – Ma. Jeany T. Abayon
Curriculum Implementation Division Chief – Rolando F. Embile
Education Program Supervisor (Science) – Michelle G. Hatid-Guadamor










Quarter 1 – Module 7:
Scope and Delimitation of Research and
Benefits and Beneficiaries of the Study

Most Essential Learning Competency

Indicates Scope and Delimitation of Research.


Cites Benefits and Beneficiaries of Research


Scope and Delimitation of Research
and Benefits and Beneficiaries of
the Study


In the previous module, you were able to write a

research title and formulate your research questions by
following guidelines and criteria given. You also have a
clear view of how you will conduct your research through
a research plan that you have made.
In this module, you will explore how scope and
delimitation and benefits and beneficiaries of the study
are written by following the given guidelines and

Most Essential Learning

Competency & Objectives
In this module, you will learn how to indicate scope and delimitation of
research (CS_RS11-IIIc-e-5) and cite the benefits and beneficiaries of research

Specifically, you should be able to:

1. Enumerate the guidelines in writing a scope and delimitation of the
research study.
2. Write the scope and delimitation of the identified STEM-related qualitative
research/ study.
3. Cite basic considerations in writing benefits and beneficiaries of research
4. Write the benefits and beneficiaries of the identified STEM-related
research/ study

Duration : 2 meetings



Before we start our lesson, try to answer these

ten (5) questions below.
This will help you identify the concepts that are already
familiar to you and pinpoint those concepts that you
need to focus on.

Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following kind of variable have an infinite number of values and
may vary widely among research participants?
a. Continuous variable c. Discrete variable
b. Categorical variable d. Independent variable

2. Which phrase may be used to express the delimitation of the study?

a. The coverage of the study… c. The study consists of…
b. The study covers the… d. The study does not include the …
3. What is the importance of writing the benefit and beneficiaries of the study?
a. It gives the researcher the opportunity to express their gratitude to
people who helped them during the conduct of the research.
b. It gives the reader an idea on the focus of the research study.
c. It allows the researcher to identify the institutions, groups or individual
who will receive an advantage from the results of the study.
d. It gives the readers information about the questions that will be
answered in the research study.
4. How will you describe an independent variable?
a. Variable that have an infinite number or variation.
b. are those characteristics that are changed, manipulated or selected by
the researcher.
c. are those that change because of the changes to the dependent
d. variables that have specific limits to their value.
5. Susan presented the beneficiaries of the study in this manner: The institution,
administrators, teachers, students and researchers. What presentation
method did she follow?
a. Hierarchical c. Monarchical
b. Based on Importance d. Broad to Specific

Learning Activities

E licit

Before we start our lesson for this

module, let’s revisit the criteria for evaluating
research questions.

Fill in the boxes with words or phrases that describe the criteria for evaluating
research questions.


E ngage
How can we define scope and

Write synonymous words for scope and delimitation.


The scope and delimitation of the study sets the

boundaries and parameters of the problem inquiry and
narrows down the scope of inquiry.
In order to make set the path of your research , you need
to make as clear as possible what you will be studying and
what factors are within the range of your study.

E xplore
The scope of the study is determined primarily by the
selection of variables that your research will focus on.
It will require you to carefully select the variables that
you will investigate as well as attributes that will
define and measures these variables.

A variable refers to any characteristics that can have different
values or traits that may vary across research participants.
Variables are measured, controlled and manipulated by the
Variables have the following important characteristics:

1. Dependence – this refers to how the variable is considered

in a cause and effect relationship.
Independent variables are those characteristics
that are changed, manipulated or selected by the
Dependent variables on the other hand, are those
that change because of the changes to the independent
2. Mutually exclusive – this means that a participant or
respondent cannot possess two attributes of a variable.
For instance, a person cannot be both male and female.
3. Exhaustive – this means that the researcher should
consider all possible attributes of a certain variable.

Kinds of Variables
1. Continuous variable – variables that may have an infinite
number of values and may vary widely among research
participants. Examples include age and weight
2. Discrete variables – variables that have specific limits to
their value. Examples include income, number of children or
years of employment
3. Categorical variables – these cannot be expressed in
numbers but are given in non-quantitative, descriptive terms.
Examples include civil status (single, married, widowed) and
educational attainment (high school graduate, college
graduate, post graduate)

To make writing your scope and delimitation of study easier,
we will be focusing on scope of study first followed by
identifying the delimitation of the study.
We wiill be using the research title that you have formulated
in the previous module.

Activity 1: Identifying Variables

To identify the scope of the study, the first step is identifying the variables you’re
your research will focus on.
Research Title

Variable Variable

What kind of variables are present in your study?

The delimitation of the study describes the various limitations that arose
during the design and conduct of the study. These includes
characteristics of the research design and methodology.
It also identifies the constraints or weaknesses of your study which are
not within your control.

Which of the following limitations does your research have? (Check all that applies)
___ Sample size ___ Chosen data collection method
___ Lack of available and/or reliable data ___ lack of prior studies
___ Nature of information collected

Provide a brief rationale why the limitations you have

checked above are present in your research.

Good Job! Now you are ready to work on the next part of
the statement of the problem which is the Benefits and
Beneficiaries of the Study! Answer the next actiivty for
you to have a guide in writing the next part!

Activity 2: Benefits and Beneficiaries of the Study

Complete the diagram below. Write down beneficiaries inside the box and provide a
brief discussion on how they will benefit from the result of your research study.

Who will benefit from

my research?

The significance of the study is one of the important parts in Chapter 1
where in you should write about the applications of your research as well
as to whom it will be beneficial and where it can be used.

E xplain
Take time to understand the following ideas or
concepts for you to confirm the results of the
activities you have performed.

The following steps can help the researcher to

effectively define the goals of establishing a scope of the study.

1. The first step is to identify the research needs. This helps them set a
benchmark from the first step. Identification of the ‘what’ and ‘why’ enables
the researcher to clearly set the research goals and objectives and the
manner in which they will be performed.

2. Confirmation of the goals and the objectives of the research. The goals
and objectives defined in the project scope should be aligned with the
SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timeframe)
guidelines, which are:
Specific- this involves clear specification of what the researcher
wants to achieve. It involves specifying what, why and how things will be
done. This reduces the chances of ambiguities and any misunderstanding
in the future.
Measurable- Goals should be measurable and dynamic so that
constant feedback can be generated for improvement.
Achievable- Research goals should be achievable with the
resources that are available.
Realistic- Goals should be easier to deliver so that complications
that can hamper the quality of the research can be avoided. Other
considerations to be kept in mind are the budget and timeline.
Time frame- lastly, the researcher should estimate whether the set
goals can be achieved within the given time frame or not.

3. The researcher should take into account the expectations of the research
and how well the findings of the researcher will be accepted by the reader.
For instance, will the findings of your study help in policymaking or not?

4. Identify constraints. There are always certain roadblocks in conducting

research, such as environmental conditions, technological inefficiency and
lack of resources. Identifying these limitations and their possible solutions
in advance help achieve goals better.

5. Identifying the necessary changes

After the preliminary goals are set, the researcher must carry out some
part of the research so that necessary changes that lead to wastage of time
and resources at later stages are reduced.
For example, while conducting an interview, if the researcher believes
that the sample size decided is too large or too small according to the scope
of the study, then the researcher can make the necessary changes in that in
order to avoid the wastage of the time and the resources.

The following may be the possible limitations that may arise from the research
design and methodology.
1. Sample size. The research design and methodology will determine
whether the research will have a small or large sample size. The sample
size will determine the quality of data and the relationships that will be
identified among the variables.
2. Lack of available and/or reliable data. Missing and unreliable data will limit
the scope of analysis and the ability of the researcher to determine
meaningful trends and relationships among the data.
3. Lack of prior studies. This will limit the effectiveness of the literature review
and may limit the initial understanding of the research problem. This,
however can be a basis for identifying avenues for further research.
4. Chosen data collection method. Limitations in the data collection
instrument may affect the quality of data collected.
5. Nature of the information collected. Relying on preexisting data may
impose limits on the researcher as he or she can no longer clarify certain

When discussing the limitations of your research, be sure to:

• Describe each limitation in detailed but concise terms;

• Explain why each limitation exists;
• Provide the reasons why each limitation could not be overcome using
the method(s) chosen to gather the data [cite to other studies that had
similar problems when possible];

• Assess the impact of each limitation in relation to the overall findings
and conclusions of your study; and,
• If appropriate, describe how these limitations could point to the need
for further research.

Sample Phrases that help express the scope of the study:

The coverage of the study…
The study consists of…
The study covers the…
The study is focus on…

Sample phrases that help express the delimitations of the study

The study does not cover the…
The researcher limited this research to …
This study is limited to…

Benefits and Beneficiaries of the Study

Research is a significant undertaking that will make important contributions to
the community or the academic field or discipline where the researcher is affiliated
from. That is why, this section of the statement of the problem discusses the purpose
that the research will serve to different institutions, groups or individual of an existing
body of knowledge.
In writing this part, it is important to remember the following:

1. Refer to the Problem statement.

In writing the significance of the study, always refer to the statement of
the problem. This way, you can clearly define the contribution of your
study. To simplify, your research should answer this question, “What are
the benefits or advantages of the study based on the statement of the

2. Outline the expected benefits or outcomes to be derived from

conducting the study.
You need to explain how the outcome of the study will be useful in
terms of how it will contribute to extension, refinement or revision of a
theory; or influence existing issues in terms of policy or practice.

3. Use Checklists to fine tune the significance of the study:

✓ Why is this work important?
✓ What are the implications of doing it?
✓ How does your study link to other knowledge?
✓ How does it stand to inform or influence policy making?
✓ What new perspective will your study introduce to the subject?

✓ What benefits might your study have for others in the subject area
or to the general public?
✓ How is your study expected to resolve lingering questions or gaps
in knowledge in your field of study?
✓ How is your study expected to develop better theoretical models in
your specialty?
✓ How your study will change the way people do their jobs in a
particular field, or may change the way people live.

4. Presentation of the beneficiaries may follow the following method:

a. Hierarchical. Consider the position of the beneficiaries, starting to
the highest to the lowest level.
(the institution, administrator, teacher, students and researchers)
b. Importance. Start with the one who will benefit most from the
research study.
Each beneficiary should contain a discussion or description of the
specific benefits of the research to the beneficiary. May contain one to two
sentences but not exceeding one paragraph.

E laborate
To enrich your understanding of the
lesson, do the task below.

Predictors of Students’ Performance in Chemistry Laboratories

of Selected Private Schools (Estrella, 2009)
This study was focused on the factors affecting student’s
performance in chemistry laboratory in selected schools in Balanga City
for school year 2008-2009.
In this study, the student’s performance refers to the average grade
of the students in their chemistry laboratory from first to third grading
period. Chemistry, the chosen field for the study, is the science with more
abstract theories which must be proven with actual events through
experiments by the students.

The grade point average (GPA) were gathered and tabulated to
measure their performance in the chemistry laboratory
The study considered the following schools in Balanga City Schools
as the research locale of the investigation: Tomas del Rosario College,
Asia Pacific College of Advanced Studies and Bataan Christian School.
This is because these schools belong to the same category as private
Specifically, the factors in this research were student -related ones
which pertains to the attitude of students in chemistry laboratory. Teacher-
related factors pertain to the teaching strategies, competencies and
teacher’s attitude in conducting experiments in the chemistry laboratory.
Lastly, laboratory-related factors pertain to the adequacy, availability and
usability of the laboratory equipment and the laboratory manual and

Use the Scope and Delimitation example above to write the scope and
delimitation for your research.
Research Title:

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Use the sample below as a guide in writing the benefits and beneficiaries of
the research

Photograph capture from the book Cristobal, A. P. Jr & Dela-Cruz Cristobal, M.C. (2017). Practical Research for Senior High
School. 839 EDSA South Triangle, Quezon City. C & E Publishing Inc.

Benefits and Beneficiaries of the Study

Vocabulary List

You may refer to the following vocabulary words used in this module:
Scope of the study identifies and defines the significant variables that are the focus
of the study. It also determines the relevant attributes of each variable.
A variable refers to any characteristics that can have different values or traits that
may vary across research participants. Variables are measured, controlled and
manipulated by the researcher.
Delimitation of the study identifies and describes the limitations encountered by
the study. The limitations of the study may arise from the research design and
methodology and the specific limitations encountered by the researcher in the
conduct of the study.


E valuate

I know that you can now answer the

questions below. The questions will test how
much have you learned in this module. You
can do it!

Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following kind of variable have specific limits to their value?
a. Continuous variable c. Discrete variable
b. Categorical variable d. Independent variable

2. What is the importance of writing the benefit and beneficiaries of the study?
a. It allows the researcher to identify the institutions, groups or individual
who will receive an advantage from the results of the study.
b. It gives the researcher the opportunity to express their gratitude to
people who helped them during the conduct of the research.
c. It gives the reader an idea on the focus of the research study.
d. It gives the readers information about the questions that will be
answered in the research study.

3. Which phrase may be used to express scope of the study?

a. The study does not cover… c. The study consists of…
b. The study is limited on… d. The study does not include the …

4. How will you describe dependent variable?

a. are those that change because of the changes to the independent
b. are those characteristics that are changed, manipulated or selected by
the researcher.
c. are those that have specific limits to their value.
d. are those that do not change regardless of manipulation done by the
5. Which of the following best describes scope and delimitation of the study?
a. Scope and delimitation of the study will give the readers an idea on
who will benefit from the research conducted.
b. Scope and delimitation will give the readers an idea about the
questions that the research will answer.
c. Scope and delimitation will provide analysis of data and conclusion
about the research and study.
d. Scope and delimitation of the study will give the readers an idea about
what variables the research will focus on and the limitations that may
arise during the design and conduct of the study.

You have finished Module 7.
Please check your answers by referring to the
answer key. If you scored lower than 3, please go
over the earlier parts of this module and take on the
activities once again. If you scored 4 or above, you
are now ready for the next module.

Answer Keys

Pre-Test Answer Keys

1. A
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. A

Learning Activities Answer Keys

1. They should be clear, in the sense of being intelligible.
2. They should be researchable- that is, they should allow you to do research
in relation to them.
3. This means that there should be a literature on which you can draw to help
illuminate how your research questions should be approached.
4. Your research questions should be linked to each other.
5. They should at the very least hold out the prospect of being able to make
an original contribution-however small-to the topic.
6. The research questions should be neither too broad (so that you would
need a massive grant to study them) nor too narrow (so that you cannot
make a reasonably significant contribution to your area of study).


Answers will depend on the research title formulated by the student from
previous modules.

Post-Test Answer Keys

1. C
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. D


Cover Art: Fingers note report journalist filing designed by jcomp from

Cover Art: scrum board designed by tartila from Freepik.com

Cover Art: Business strategy success target goals designed by ijeab from

Cover Art: Businessman create his own territory designed by jiwingka from

Chetty, P. (January 23, 2020). How to write a scope of the study. Retrieved July
27, 2020 from https://www.projectguru.in/how-to-write-the-scope-of-the-

Cristobal, A. P. Jr & Dela-Cruz Cristobal, M.C. (2017). Practical Research for

Senior High School. 839 EDSA South Triangle, Quezon City. C & E
Publishing Inc.

Organizing Academic Research Papers: Limitations of the Study. Sacred Heart

University Date accessed July 26, 2020 from

Padama, Edward L. (January 12, 2019). How to Write Significance of the Study.
Retrieved from https://youtu.be/hH4M5PpCxNc

Romero, R. (2017, 5 March). Scope and Delimitation. Date accessed July 20,
2020 from https://prezi.com/ssj09hn8-kbb/scope-and-delimitation/

Regoniel, Patrick (February 9, 2015). Two Tips on How to Write the Significance
of the Study [Blog Post]. In SimplyEducate.Me. Retrieved from

Significance of the Study. Research and Knowledge Project. Retrieved from



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