This topic reports the latest research advances and developments in areas of meaningful interest to the international structural engineering community. It discusses fundamental contributions and novel approaches in structural design, modeling, analysis, diagnosis, testing, damage characterization, inspection, maintenance, monitoring, resilience, upgrade, repair, retrofit, rehabilitation, sensing, and health monitoring. Use of new and innovative materials and composite solutions is of great interest in structural engineering, as are cost-effective and sustainable structural solutions that meet the goal of net zero carbon emissions. This topic presents research that aims at advancing the understanding of applicable standards and addressing readiness for field application. It also presents lessons learned from structural inadequacies during recent humanmade events and natural disasters as well as cutting-edge remediation research. Finally, it includes studies on technologies for safe and reliable infrastructure, transportation, and building structures using new or complementary systems.
Transportation Infrastructure Building Structures Sustainable Materials Health Monitoring Resilience Damage Characterization Retrofit