IntechOpen Book Series

Open, fast, peer-reviewed

Open Access and continuously published - IntechOpen Book Series cover fast-moving research fields in rapidly expanding areas.

Book Series feature a Topic structure allowing us to present the most relevant sub-disciplines. Topics are always open for submissions, with an Annual Volume published each calendar year with a dedicated ISSN and ISBN. All submissions are peer-reviewed and published right after acceptance and indexed in relevant databases.


Publishing steps

3 months to publication

Always Open for Submissions

+3.3 M Unique Visitors per Month


Explore Our Book Series

Publishing in IntechOpen Book Series

Always Open for Submissions

Work at your own pace with no cutoff date for submitting your work


Robust peer-review ensures your work is suitable for publication and of interest to the scientific community

Online First

Early online publication after acceptance assures research is made available to the scientific community without delay

Open Access

Your work will be permanently available online, free to download, share and read

A Word from Our Authors and Editors

An image ofEdward Narayan

It is great to work with the IntechOpen to produce a worthwhile collection of research that also becomes a great educational resource and guide for future research endeavors.

Edward Narayan

University of Queensland

An image ofAntonio Jurado-Navas

The collaboration with and support of the technical staff of IntechOpen is fantastic. The whole process of submitting an article and editing of the submitted article goes extremely smooth and fast, the number of reads and downloads of chapters is high, and the contributions are also frequently cited.

Antonio Jurado-Navas

University of Malaga

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