Jack Sparrow : You know, for all that pirates are clever-called, we are an unimaginative lot when it comes to naming things.
Gibbs : [nods] Aye.
Jack Sparrow : I once sailed with a geezer lost both his arms and part of his eye.
Gibbs : What did you call him?
Jack Sparrow : [pause] Larry.
Gibbs : Jack! The world needs you back something fierce!
Will Turner : Cutler Beckett has the heart of Davy Jones, he controls the Flying Dutchman.
Elizabeth Swann : He's taking over the sea!
Tia Dalma : The song has already been sung! The brethren court is called!
Jack Sparrow : I leave you people alone for just a minute and look what happens, everything's gone to pot!
Captain Chevalle : There has not been a king since the first brethren court, and that is not likely to change!
Captain Teague : Not likely.
Elizabeth Swann : Why not?
Gibbs : Because the pirate king is elected by popular vote...
Barbossa : ...and each pirate only votes for himself
Jack Sparrow : I call for a vote.
[Barbossa rolls his eyes as Captain Teague starts playing the guitar]
Captain Ammand : I vote for Ammand, the Corsair!
Captain Chevalle : Captain Chevalle, the penniless Frenchman!
Mistress Ching : Mistress Ching!
Captain Jocard : Gentleman Jocard.
Elizabeth Swann : Elizabeth Swann.
Barbossa : Barbossa.
Captain Vallenueva : Villanueva!
[Captain Teague stops playing his guitar]
Jack Sparrow : Elizabeth Swann.
[the court begins to yell]
Elizabeth Swann : What?
Jack Sparrow : I know. Curious, isn't it?
Gibbs : Your carriage waits, my lady! The oars are inside.
[Elizabeth bids her pirate friends farewell]
Ragetti : 'Bye, poppet.
Barbossa : MRS. Turner...
Elizabeth Swann : Jack... it would never have worked between us.
Jack Sparrow : Keep telling yourself that, darling.
[Elizabeth steps forward to kiss Jack]
Jack Sparrow : Once was quite enough!
Elizabeth Swann : Thank you.
Jack Sparrow : Mr. Gibbs!
Gibbs : Aye, cap'n?
Jack Sparrow : You may throw my hat if you wish.
Gibbs : Aye, AYE!
[Gibbs throws Jack's hat into the celebrating crowd]
Gibbs : Hurrah!
Jack Sparrow : Now go and get it.
Pintel : Those aren't pieces of eight. They're just pieces of junk!
Gibbs : Aye, the original plan was to use nine Pieces of Eight to bind Calypso, but when the first court met the Brethren were, to a one, skint broke.
Pintel : So change the name!
Gibbs : What, to "Nine Pieces of Whatever We Happen To Have in Our Pockets At The Time"? Oh yes, that sounds very piratey!
Gibbs : Well, slap me thrice and hand me to me mama!
Jack Sparrow , Will Turner , Elizabeth Swann , Barbossa , Gibbs : FIRE!
Gibbs : Look alive, men! It's not for naught it's called Shipwreck Island where lie Shipwreck Cove in the town of Shipwreck.
Gibbs : [Jack and Elizabeth climb back onto the Black Pearl] Thank goodness, Jack! The armada's still out there, the Endeavour is coming hard on starboard, and I think its time we embrace that oldest and noblest of pirate traditions.
Jack Sparrow : [looks out towards the Endeavour] Never actually been one for tradition... Close haul her! Luff the sails and lay her in irons!
Barbossa : Belay that, or we'll be a sittin' duck!
Jack Sparrow : Belay that belay that!
Jack Sparrow : [crew starts arguing with him] Belay! Belay! No! Stow! Shut it!
Gibbs : The wind's on our side, boys! That's all we need!
[the ocean between the pirate fleet and Beckett's fleet starts to churn and swirl]
Gibbs : It's a maelstrom!
[a thunderstorm brews up]