[Barbossa is giving orders and Jack repeats the order]
Barbossa : What are you doin'?
Jack Sparrow : What are *you* doin'?
Barbossa : No, what *are* you doin'?
Jack Sparrow : What are *you* doin'?
Barbossa : *No!* What *are* you doin'?
Jack Sparrow : What are *you* doin'? Captain gives orders on the ship.
Barbossa : The captain of the ship *is* givin' orders.
Jack Sparrow : My ship, makes me captain.
Barbossa : They be my charts!
Jack Sparrow : Well, that makes you
Jack Sparrow : chartman.
Pintel : Stow it! Both of you! That's an order! Understand?
[Jack and Barbossa stare at him]
Pintel : Sorry. I just thought with the Captain issue in doubt, I'd throw my name in for consideration, sorry.
Ragetti : [to Pintel] I'd vote for you.
Gibbs : Your carriage waits, my lady! The oars are inside.
[Elizabeth bids her pirate friends farewell]
Ragetti : 'Bye, poppet.
Barbossa : MRS. Turner...
Elizabeth Swann : Jack... it would never have worked between us.
Jack Sparrow : Keep telling yourself that, darling.
[Elizabeth steps forward to kiss Jack]
Jack Sparrow : Once was quite enough!
Elizabeth Swann : Thank you.
[Teague beckons forth the dog with the keys, last left on the cannibal island]
Ragetti : Is that... can't be.
Pintel : How?
Captain Teague : Sea turtles, mate.
Will Turner : Barbossa, a heading!
Barbossa : Aye... we're good and lost now.
Elizabeth Swann : Lost?
Barbossa : For sure, you have to be lost to find a place that can't be found, elseways everyone would know where it was.
Ragetti : We're gaining speed.
Barbossa : Aye!
Will Turner : To starboard stations! All hands to stations!
Barbossa : Nay, belay that. Let her run straight and true!
Ragetti : [staring] Blimey.
[the rest of the crew follow his gaze, and see that they are headed towards a massive waterfall]
Elizabeth Swann : [to Barbossa] You've doomed us all!
Barbossa : Now don't be so unkind. You may not survive to pass this way again, and these be the last friendly words you'll hear.
Barbossa : [of releasing Calypso] It must be said as if speaking to a lover.
[Pirates grin and nudge each other]
Barbossa : [loud and commanding] Calypso! I release you from your human bonds!
Pintel : [nothing happens] Is that it?
Ragetti : You didn't say it right!
[all the pirates stare at him]
Ragetti : You have to say it right...
[Ragetti leans into Calypso's ear]
Ragetti : [whispers tenderly] Calypso... I release you from your human bonds.
[Calypso is freed]
Ragetti : [points at the Black Pearl as she "sails" over a sand dune and into the water] Boat!
Pintel : No one said anything about cold.
Ragetti : I'm sure there must be a good reason for our suffering.
Pintel : Why don't that Obeah woman bring Jack back the same way she brought back Barbossa?
Tia Dalma : Because Barbossa was only dead. Jack Sparrow is taken body and soul to a place not of death, but of punishment, the worst fate a person can bring upon himself stretching on forever. That's what awaits at Davy Jones' locker.
Ragetti : Well, I knew there was a good reason.
Captain Barbossa : [playing with his monkey] Oh, yes, you sho shweet! You rooby-rooby-roo! Oh, yes, you shooo...
Pintel : Um, Captain... me, and the crew... were thinking it wasn't right to leave Captain Jack behind...
Ragetti : Again.
Pintel : ...again.
Captain Barbossa : Relax, me mateys! Look at this!
[flourishes Sao Feng's map]
Captain Barbossa : There's more'n one way to live forever. Soon, we shall be drinking of the Fountain of Youth...
[discovers a hole in the map, rendering it worthless]
Captain Barbossa : Sparrow!
Ragetti : I kept it safe for you, sir, just like you said...
Captain Barbossa : I know, and I be appreciating that, but now I'll be wanting it back!
[thwacks Pintel on the head and catches his wooden eye]
Ragetti : [of Davy Jones] So he wasn't always so... tentacley?
Ragetti : [watching the souls of the dead float by the ship en route to Davy Jones' Locker] Wonder what would happen if we were to drop a cannonball on them...