Just Like Heaven (2005)
Donal Logue: Jack
Jack Houriskey : Why?
David Abbott : Because I love her. I love her.
[looks at Elizabeth]
David Abbott : I do. I love you.
Elizabeth Masterson : [taken aback and smiling] No one's ever said that to me before.
Elizabeth Masterson : David?
David Abbott : What?
Elizabeth Masterson : Tell him thank you.
David Abbott : We're really grateful, Jack.
Jack Houriskey : I'm not doin' it for you.
David Abbott : Oh. Then why are you doing it?
Jack Houriskey : Because someday, trust me, I'm gonna need help movin' a body, and when that day comes, I don't wanna hear any shit from you.
Jack Houriskey : [in the process of stealing Elizabeth's body, David punches out Brett] Oh, God, David, the felonies just keep pilin' up!
Jack Houriskey : God made alcohol as a social lubricant. Make men brave, make women loose.
Jack Houriskey : Stop swimming around in your own mind. That is a dangerous neighborhood that you should not go into alone.
Jack Houriskey : [in a hospital storage room] Dave, Dave, what the hell are you doing? This isn't a sale, man!