Enigma (2001)
Angus MacInnes: Commander Hammerbeck
Tom Jericho : It weighs twenty-six pounds, battery included, and goes anywhere. The Enigma machine - the Germans have thousands of them.
Hammerbeck : What's it do?
Tom Jericho : It turns plain-text messages into gobbledygook. Then the gobbledygook is transmitted in Morse. At the other end is another Enigma machine, which translates the message back to the original text.
Hammerbeck : And you have one of your own.
Logie : Uh, courtesy of the Polish Cipher Bureau.
Hammerbeck : So what's the problem?
Tom Jericho : The problem? The problem is the machine has a hundred and fifty million, million, million ways of doing it, according to how you set these three rotors, and how you connect these plugs. Press the same key any number of times, it'll always come out different.
Hammerbeck : And that's Shark?
Tom Jericho : No. No, no, no, this is the one we can break. Shark is enciphered on a special Enigma machine with a fourth rotor, designed especially for U-Boats - which gives it about four thousand million, *billion* starting positions. And, uh, we've never seen one.
Hammerbeck : Holy shit...