9 of 20 found this moderate
Sex scene with movement and moaning, shown from the hips up, the woman's breasts are briefly shown.
Woman on top sex her bare butt Is visible.
A crude reference to a woman sleeping around -- see profanity.
2 of 6 found this moderate
News-reel footage of bombs dropping and fires -- mild.
A dog uncovers a dead body -- a hand that is grey and skeletal is seen.
A few scenes show a mass grave -- many decaying bodies and skulls, but scenes don't linger on details.
Two men fight, no injuries shown.
2 of 10 found this moderate
Hell, b*tch, b*stard, G*d-d*mn, Chr*st, and the British idioms bloody and bugger are each used once or twice.
F*ck is said four times -- twice in reference to a sex act.
4 of 5 found this mild
One character smokes a tobacco pipe.
One character smokes cigarettes.
A character is handed a bottle of scotch.
2 of 5 found this mild
An mystery/thriller atmosphere -- a few chase scenes, a minor jump scene, and a fleet of ships that are in peril.