Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987–1996)
Cam Clarke: Leonardo, Rocksteady, Mung, Alfredo, Alien, Angry Man on Street, Angry Mob Member, Attila The Frog, Babyface Cleaver, Bank Guard #1, Brainwashing Speaker Voice, Cab Driver, Chester, Cop #1, Delivery Guy, Diner Worker, Director, Dr. Estrange, Dr. Fischbein, Dr. Keppel, Eric, Gloomy Krangazoid, Guard #1, Guy at Mall, Hotel Owner, Leonardo (D'Artagnan), Lt. Montoya, Mad Dog Goon #2, Mayor, Mean Green Giant, Mighty Rocksteady, Mugsy McGuffin, Oswald Dren, Pinky McFingers, Pizza Delivery Guy, Police Sargent, Professor Tut, Rabbit Hutch Worker, Rupert, Shell-Ri-La High Councillor, Soldier on Radio, Teenage Thief, Zack's Dad
Leonardo : [Turtle Tips on organic gardens] Even small gardens help to refurbish the soil.
Donatello : Yeah and these plants will help clean the air we breathe.
Raphael : And it makes great organic pizza, if you're into that kind of thing.
April O'Neil : Who ordered the tomato, asparagus and kiwi special?
Michaelangelo : Oh yuck. Dudes, if we're growing pizza toppings, how about organic marshmallows?
Rocksteady : Ooooh yuck! It looks like what the water looks like after my bath!
Shredder : Hey. When was the last time THAT happened?
Rocksteady : Ooh what year is this?
[goo splat]
Rocksteady : I think it's the year my bath is due!
Rocksteady : Oooh, shiver me timbers!
Bebop : And while you're at it, shiver mine also!
Shredder : Come along, you two.
Rocksteady : Oh, all we ever do is go up and down, up and down!
Krang : Sounds like the perfect job for a couple of yo-yos. I made a funny.
Rocksteady : You sure this gonna give us them powers?
Shredder : Of course. Although you may have a little trouble getting a date on Saturday night.