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634 DigitalOcean Reseñas
Sentimiento General de la Reseña para DigitalOcean
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I'm working on a startup together with a friend. We haven't gone live yet, but I feel compelled to give an honest review of DigitalOcean after having used their droplets for almost 4 months now.
Well, just like most startups, we have a tight budget yet need massive resources to run a video sharing MERN app.
We first tried AWS, but that was way out of out budget. After a lot of research, we came across DigitalOcean, tried their droplets for three months using their free trial and haven't looked back.
What I love most is how easy it is to manage our kubernetes cluster without worrying about how much we'll pay at the end of the month. All we needed to do is select how many droplets we needed based on number of vCPUs, RAM, and disk storage, and we're guaranteed to pay only for those droplets . The only other cost is space storage, persistent storage, and load balancer, all of which are also so easy to estimate and cheap.
Their customer service is also really good, and they'll respond even during weekends. But you have to be very clear on what you need help on so they can assist you with the fewest number of messages since they do not respond immediately. But they also offer premium customer service options if you need immediate responses.
Another option is BobCares, which they do promote on their site also. It's a third-party customer service for kubernetes which I've used before and didn't like it at all. First, they're pretty expensive - about $99 per hour - and you're not guaranteed they'll solve your issue. Second, you have to give them access to your kubernetes cluster, which could be a potential source of a security breach for your cluster.
For someone who didn't know how to spin up a kubernetes cluster from scratch for a MERN app, I'd say choosing DigitalOcean was my best decision ever. I have control over everything and have an amazing group of specialists waiting to help any time I get stuck.
Their online publications are also super helpful and very well documented. I can't talk much about their DigitalOcean managed kubernetes (DOKS), but if you're looking to spin up a kubernetes cluster from scratch inside droplets, you'll need their CSI driver, which is just as easy as copying and pasting it from their Github. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
The only negative experience I've had is in setting up firewall for my droplets using their firewall dashboard. I noticed that anytime I could add firewall rules, my site got really slow. I'm not sure why and didn't bother asking them so I can't blame it all on them. I went for the alternative of setting up firewall using iptables, which works fine now. I honestly can't think of any other negative experience.
Since I'm using Droplets rather than their managed kubernetes service (DOKS), most of the issues I come across are things I can solve since I have control over the entire kubernetes set up. That's why it's kind of difficult to address any negatives; I can't fault them. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
El valor por el precio y su servicio al cliente. El panel de control / interfaz de usuario es fácil de navegar. Tengo Digital Ocean para gestionar algunos paquetes de Docker, incluyendo mi servicio de alojamiento web. Más recientemente, comencé a explorar el despliegue de algunas plataformas de IA, pero prefiero comprar mi hardware para desarrollar internamente y luego desplegar en la nube cuando esté listo para producción. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Sus ofertas no se comparan con algo como AWS, pero para pequeñas y medianas empresas tienen una buena plataforma que sigue mejorando. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
DO is fast, clean, was first in kind once they started, cheap, they have great doccumentation, they have toturials, easy to use, fast and serious customer support and great products. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
i had never got problems with them except this last two months my droplet that runs my website stops working as expected and just hand and services get down, thats maybe because they have added many many other services and products and updates, and my droplet is up from 2014/2015 maybe. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Support was very quick and informative, providing helpful assistance.
From the perspective of ease of use, this is the first service of this type that I’m using, so it’s hard to judge as I have no comparison. However, the overall process wasn’t difficult, and I managed to achieve what I was looking for. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
If I had to point out something, it would be the price—and one situation I resolved with support, where I believe the price differed from what I signed up for. However, since I had the option to downgrade my plan, I'm still satisfied. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I like how easy it is to create and destroy droplets. I also like how reponsive the servers are – every change or request is instant. This makes it effortless to implement complex applications including complex web apps. The uptime is just so good.
I feel the best part is the pricing. I run a small business and DigitalOcean's packages are quite affordable.
Customer support is always available and responds within a reasonable time. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Every experience I've had with DigitalOcen has been wonderful. I can't think of anything I dislike. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I like everything is super clear about the costs and features you'll get. There's also a lot of tutorials in blogs in youtube so it was then easy to use, implement and then integrate with my stuff. Getting some coupons for start was the key to me to migrate my services here, it felt like no risk and their Customer Support help me with a couple of questions. Security and Stability were another factors to consider, because of the nature of my frequent use of the service. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Even DigitalOcen offers different easy-to-config options, it can be perceived as a hard choice for tech people with few time or the regular people who just want to set a website or service. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Primero es que cumple con su funcionalidad con una baja o casi nula curva de aprendizaje en desplegar nuevas implementaciones. Nos abastece de sus servicios en los cuales confiamos y ponemos nuestro trabajo día a día, minuto a minuto desde desde después de la pandemia. Gracias a Digital Ocean nosotros estamos online con nuestra propuesta y llegamos a nuestros usuarios de todo Latam y parte de Europa. Realmente nos sentimos muy cómodos aquí y no nos interesa cambiarnos de proveedor en el mediano plazo (tampoco en el largo plazo).
Antes de ser clientes de Digital Ocean, ya consultábamos toda la buena documentación de la comunidad, eso es algo que nos fue y es de mucha ayuda, principalmente en los momentos de inicio de los desarrollos y al adoptar nuevas tecnologías.
El soporte de cliente, lo hemos utilizado muy pocas veces, casi nunca, y siempre hemos tenido la mejor atención solucionando y aclarando los distintos inconvenientes. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Puntualmente utilizamos droplets y nuestro desarrollo es bastante puntual, así que sentimos que hoy y en el mediano plazo cumple con nuestras espectativas. Me gustaría que tenga más servicios como lo tiene AWS, pero hoy en día no los estaríamos aprovechando. En el día de mañana tal vez necesitemos algunas herramientas para escalar o aumentar la productividad pero la tecnología hoy en día avanza muy rápido y es posible que también estemos cubiertos con las nuevas features. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
La razón número uno por la que me gusta DigitalOcean es que sientes que estás trabajando con otros desarrolladores. Sí, tienen marketing comercial, pero es bastante discreto, no 'en tu cara' como otros proveedores. Igualmente importante como razón número uno es el costo, ¿dónde más puedes obtener una presencia en la nube por $6/mes que esté profesionalmente mantenida, sea fácil de usar y, en mi caso, después de casi 7 años, nunca me ha fallado? Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Honestamente, es difícil pensar en algo negativo. Sí, he tenido algún problema ocasional, pero entre su excelente documentación y su soporte técnico al cliente nunca ha sido un problema en la medida en que lo he experimentado con otros proveedores. Hay algunos extras que me gustaría ver, como el registro de dominios, en general un buen lugar para estar para un desarrollador. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Digital Ocean (DO) is amazing for one fact - its super simple to use. AWS, while powerful, gives me a headache trying to figure out what things mean or how to use them. DO has been amazing in that regard - its easy to spin up servers or new services, and hardly requires any babysitting. It runs 90% of our company, and has for years. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
There isn't much to complain about here. I guess a few of the services could be a bit cheaper. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Usamos Digital Ocean para alojar el control de versiones Perforce Helix Core para Unreal Engine 5. DigitalOcean proporciona un servicio muy asequible para nuestro pequeño equipo con buenos planes para elegir. Lo usamos para todo nuestro desarrollo de juegos, por lo tanto, es genial elegir solo lo que realmente necesitamos y tener la opción de expandir fácilmente nuestro plan cuando sea necesario. La implementación fue fácil y no tuvimos dificultades. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Lamentablemente (hasta donde sabemos) solo puedes ver cuánto espacio ya estás utilizando en porcentaje y no escrito como: 20GB/25GB. Eso sería una gran adición si no puedes llevar un seguimiento de cuánto espacio proporcionas a un droplet. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en