Comunicate de presă
Statement on a Vision for Agriculture and Food by Agriculture and Rural Development Committee Chair EN
The European Commission presented today its communication for attractive farming and agri-food sector for future generations.
AGRI Committee to debate Mercosur and the future of agriculture with Christophe Hansen and Maroš Šefčovič EN
The future of agriculture and the Mercosur agreement will be topics of two debates with Commissioners on Wednesday and Thursday.
Două noi acte legislative ale UE vor oferi finanțare rapidă din partea UE pentru măsuri de redresare în urma dezastrelor naturale care au avut loc după 1 ianuarie 2024.
Two European Parliament committees questioned Olivér Várhelyi, Hungarian candidate for the Health and Animal Welfare portfolio, on Wednesday evening.
The Agriculture and Rural Development Committee questioned Christophe Hansen, Luxembourgish candidate for the Agriculture and Food portfolio, on Monday.
Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture: Hearing with Chair and participants EN
On Monday, Agriculture Committee MEPs will hear from Peter Strohschneider, Chair, and participants of the Strategic Dialogue about their recommendations for the future of EU agriculture.
All of Parliament’s 20 standing committees and four subcommittees held their constitutive meetings on Tuesday to elect their Chair and Vice-Chairs.