What happens to the comments I post on the BBC?

Updated: 22 April 2020

That depends who you are and where you’re posting them.

If you're a child posting on a children's site

We’ll check your comment before putting it up to make sure it doesn’t break our rules for commenting and uploading.

If you’re an adult

Your comment will usually appear straight away, unless you're being pre-moderated. If someone reports it we’ll check if it breaks our rules for commenting and uploading.

Read more about pre-moderation in "What is moderation?"

If your comment breaks the house rules

We’ll remove it and send you an email explaining why. If you like you can appeal. You can read our rules for commenting and uploading here. And read more about why your comment or upload has been removed here.

Viewing your comments

You can view a list of the latest comments you’ve posted. It’s found in the Your comments section of your account.

How can I remove a comment I’ve posted?

You’ll need to email [email protected] asking them to remove the comment, explaining the reasons for needing the comment to be taken down. However, removal isn’t guaranteed.

More info about how we treat your contributions.

Read our full Privacy Policy to find out more about what we do with your comments.

Read our full Terms of Use to find out more on what we can do with your comments and what you can’t say in your comments.

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