Popular Tech Startup Industries
- 3d
- 3d printing
- 3d scanning
- 3d software
- 3d technology
- academic
- accomodation
- account management
- accounting
- action sports
- active lifestyle
- administrative
- adtech
- advanced materials
- adventure travel
- advertising
- advertising platforms
- advice
- advocacy
- aerial photography
- aerospace
- affordable housing
- african american
- agriculture
- air pollution control
- alternative medicine
- amazon
- analytics
- android
- angel investing
- animation
- app marketing
- application performance monitoring
- apps
- aquaculture
- architects
- architecture
- art
- artificial intelligence
- artist management
- assisted living
- audio
- audiobooks
- audiovisual
- augmented reality
- author
- automated kiosk
- automation
- automotive
- b2b
- babies
- baby safety
- bangalore
- banking
- basketball
- batteries
- beauty
- behavioural science
- bicycles
- big data
- big data analytics
- billing
- bioinformatics
- biometrics
- biotechnology
- bitcoin
- bitcoin exchange
- bitcoin mining
- blockchain cryptocurrency
- blockchains
- bluetooth
- bots
- bpo services
- brain health
- brand development
- brand marketing
- breast cancer
- broadcasting
- brokers
- building products
- business analytics
- business development
- business information systems
- business intelligence
- business process management
- business process outsourcing
- business services
- business travel
- cad
- call center automation
- capital raising
- car sharing
- carbon
- career management
- career planning
- cars
- casual games
- catering
- celebrity
- charities
- charity
- charter schools
- chat
- chemicals
- childcare
- city planning
- civic tech
- civil engineers
- classifieds
- clean energy
- clean technology
- cleaning
- clinical trials
- cloud computing
- cloud data services
- cloud infrastructure
- cloud management
- cloud security
- coffee
- collaboration
- collaboration software
- collaborative consumption
- collectibles
- college admissions
- college recruiting
- comics
- commercial building
- commercial real estate
- commercial solar
- commodities
- communications infrastructure
- communications software
- community development
- computer science
- computer vision
- computers
- concierge
- connected cars
- connected devices
- console gaming
- construction
- consulting
- consumer
- consumer electronics
- consumer engagement
- consumer goods
- consumer internet
- consumer lending
- consumer packaged goods
- content
- content creators
- content curation
- content delivery
- content discovery
- content management
- content marketing
- content monetization
- contract research organizations
- conversion optimization
- cooking
- copywriting
- corporate it
- corporate training
- corporate wellness
- cosmetics
- coupons
- coworking
- cpg technology
- craft beer
- creative
- creative design
- creative industries
- credit
- credit cards
- credit unions
- cricket
- crm
- crowd funding
- crowdfunding
- crowdsourcing
- cryptocurrency
- customer experience
- customer service
- cyber
- cyber security
- d2c
- dairy
- data
- data center infrastructure
- data centers
- data integration
- data mining
- data privacy
- data security
- data visualization
- data warehousing
- databases
- dating
- deals
- debt collecting
- decision support
- deep learning
- defense
- delhi
- dental
- dental practices
- design
- designers
- developer tools
- diabetes
- diagnostics
- dietary supplements
- digital communications
- digital entertainment
- digital health
- digital marketing
- digital media
- digital media marketing
- digital pathology
- digital publishing
- digital rights management
- digital signage
- digital storytelling
- digital therapeutics
- direct marketing
- direct sales
- discounts
- disease management
- display advertising
- displays
- distributed systems
- distribution
- diy
- doctors
- document
- document management
- donations
- drones
- drug development
- drug discovery
- dry cleaning
- e banking
- e books
- e commerce
- early stage technology
- earth observation
- ecommerce
- economics
- edtech
- education
- education technology
- edutainment
- ehealth
- elder care
- elderly
- electric vehicles
- electrical distribution
- electronic health records
- electronics
- email marketing
- emergency management
- emerging markets
- emerging technology
- employee management
- employment
- energy
- energy efficiency
- energy management
- energy storage
- enterprise application
- enterprise hardware
- enterprise mobility
- enterprise resource planning
- enterprise security
- enterprise software
- enterprises
- entertainment
- entertainment industry
- entrepreneur
- entrepreneurs
- environmental innovation
- environmental science
- esports
- ethical fashion
- ethical manufacturing
- event management
- events
- exercise
- exhibition
- experience design
- eyewear
- face recognition
- fantasy sports
- farming
- fashion
- fashion tech
- fast moving consumer goods
- federal government
- fertility
- file sharing
- film
- film production
- finance
- finance technology
- financial services
- financial technology
- fine jewelry
- fintech
- fire protection
- fitness
- fleet management
- food and beverages
- food processing
- food tech
- franchises
- fraud detection
- fruit
- furniture
- future of work
- futures and options
- gambling
- games
- gamification
- gaming software
- general aviation
- genetic testing
- genomics
- geospatial
- gift card
- gifting
- gifts
- gis
- global
- gold
- golf equipment
- governance
- graphic design
- graphics
- green
- green building
- greeting cards
- groceries
- ground transportation
- group buying
- gym
- handmade
- hardware
- hardware software
- health and safety
- health and wellness
- health care
- health care information technology
- healthcare services
- healthy eating
- heathcare
- heavy industry
- hedge funds
- helpdesk
- high performance computing
- high tech
- higher education
- home automation
- home care
- home decor
- home garden
- home improvement
- home renovation
- hospitality
- hospitals
- hotels
- hr recruiting
- hr tech
- human computer interaction
- human resources
- humanitarian
- hvac
- hyperlocal
- iaas
- ict
- identity
- identity management
- identity theft protection
- igaming
- image recognition
- immigration
- impact investing
- importer
- inbound marketing
- incentives
- incubators
- independent music
- indian real estate
- indoor positioning
- industrial
- industrial automation
- industrial control
- industrial design
- industrial energy efficiency
- influencer marketing
- information security
- information services
- information technology
- infrastructure
- infrastructure monitoring
- innovation management
- insurance
- insurtech
- intellectual property
- interior design
- interior design construction
- international development
- internet
- internet infrastructure
- internet marketing
- internet of things
- internet service providers
- internet technology
- internet tv
- internship
- investment banking
- investment management
- investors
- ios
- iphone
- it management
- jewelry
- journalism
- kids
- knowledge management
- landscaping
- language learning
- laundry
- law enforcement
- lead generation
- lead management
- lean
- legal
- legal tech
- leisure
- licensing
- life sciences
- lifestyle
- lighting
- linux
- live entertainment
- loans
- local
- local advertising
- location based services
- logistics
- logistics software
- lottery
- low cost housing
- loyalty
- loyalty programs
- luxury
- machine learning
- magazine
- maintenance
- management consulting
- manufacturing
- maps
- marijuana
- marine equipment
- market research
- marketing
- marketing automation
- marketing research
- marketplace
- marketplaces
- mass customization
- match making
- material science
- mechanical solutions
- media
- media streaming
- medical
- medical devices
- medical marijuana dispensaries
- medical software
- medical technologies
- men
- mental health
- mentorship
- merchandising
- messaging
- mhealth
- minerals
- mobile
- mobile advertising
- mobile analytics
- mobile application
- mobile commerce
- mobile enterprise
- mobile games
- mobile health
- mobile payments
- mobile security
- mobile shopping
- mobile technology
- mobile video
- mobility
- modeling
- modeling and simulation
- monetization
- mortgage
- moving
- multimedia
- music
- music services
- music streaming
- music technology
- nanotechnology
- natural language processing
- natural resources
- natural skin care
- navigation
- network security
- networking
- neuroscience
- new product development
- news
- nfc
- nft
- nightlife
- non profit
- nursing facilities
- nutraceutical
- nutrition
- oem
- office automation
- office space
- offshore
- oil and gas
- online dating
- online education
- online gaming
- online golf
- online rental
- online scheduling
- online shopping
- online travel
- online video advertising
- open data
- open source
- operating systems
- operations
- optimization
- organic
- organic food
- ott
- outdoor advertising
- outdoors
- outsourcing
- paas
- packaging supplies
- parenting
- parking
- partnerships
- payment systems
- payments
- pc gaming
- peer to peer
- penetration testing
- people
- performance marketing
- performing arts
- personal branding
- personal data
- personal finance
- personal health
- personalization
- pet care
- pet matching
- pets
- pharmaceuticals
- photo editing
- photo sharing
- photography
- physical security
- physical therapists
- physicians
- podcasting
- podcasts
- point of sale
- polling
- post production
- power plant
- pre seed
- prediction markets
- predictive analytics
- presentations
- press
- print on demand
- printing
- privacy
- private equity
- private school
- procurement
- product design
- product development services
- product management
- productivity software
- professional networking
- professional services
- programmatic buying
- programming
- project management
- promotional
- promotions
- property
- property management
- psychology
- public relations
- public safety
- public sector
- public transportation
- publishing
- python
- q&a
- qr codes
- quantified self
- r&d
- rapid prototyping
- real estate
- real estate investors
- real estate technology
- real time
- recreation
- recruiting
- recycling
- rehabilitation
- remittance
- rental housing
- reputation
- residential real estate
- residential solar
- resorts
- restaurant
- restaurants
- resturant
- retail
- retail technology
- retirement
- rfid
- ride sharing
- risk management
- robotics
- saas
- sales
- sales and marketing
- sales automation
- sales enablement
- same day delivery
- sap
- science
- search
- search marketing
- security
- self development
- self help
- self storage
- semantic search
- semantic web
- senior housing
- sensors
- seo
- service providers
- services
- sex industry
- share economy
- sharing economy
- shipping
- shoes
- shopify
- shopping
- signal processing
- simulation
- skill assessment
- smart building
- smart cities
- smart city
- smart grid
- smart home
- smb software
- sms
- soccer
- social
- social commerce
- social crm
- social enterprise
- social entrepreneurship
- social good
- social innovation
- social investing
- social media
- social media advertising
- social media management
- social media marketing
- social network
- social recruiting
- social travel
- software
- software engineering
- software solution
- solar
- space launch
- space travel
- speech recognition
- sponsorship
- sports
- sports equipment
- stocks
- storage
- students
- studio
- subscription
- suppliers
- supply chain management
- surveying
- sustainability
- synthetic biology
- talent
- talent analytics
- talent technology
- tea
- technology
- telecommunications
- telemedicine
- telephony
- television
- temporary staffing
- test and measurement
- test prep
- text analytics
- theatre
- therapeutics
- ticketing
- tourism
- tracking
- trading
- training
- transaction processing
- transformation
- translation
- transportation
- travel
- trucking
- tutoring
- tv production
- ultrasound
- unified communication
- urban cities
- urban development
- urban mobility
- user experience design
- user experience research
- user interface design
- user testing
- utilities
- ux designer
- vacation rentals
- venture capital
- vertical farming
- veterinary
- vice
- video
- video chat
- video conferencing
- video editing
- video games
- video streaming
- vietnam
- vintage clothing
- virtual currency
- virtual desktop
- virtual reality
- virtual reality augmented reality
- virtualization
- visual search
- visualization
- voip
- vr
- waste management
- water
- water purification
- wealth management
- wearables
- web design
- web development
- web hosting
- web3
- website
- wholesale
- wholesale distribution
- wireless
- wireless sensor networks
- workflow
- workforce management
- writing
- yoga