From Fedora Project Wiki

Juan Francisco Rubio
Juan Francisco Rubio
Juan Francisco Rubio
Juan Francisco Rubio
Personal Information
Home: Villavicencio, Colombia
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: jufrud777
Fedora-Mail: [email protected]
Miscellaneous Information
Private Mail: [email protected]
IRC: jufrud777 on Libera.Chat, in:
#fedora-latam, #fedora-ambassadors, #fedora-es
Badges (21)
Curious Penguin (Ask Fedora I) Involvement Embryo Paranoid Panda Ambassador Let Me Introduce Myself Junior Editor Associate Editor Tadpole Egg Junior Package Tagger (Package Tagger I) Junior Badger (Badger I) Junior Tagger (Tagger I) Package Tagger (Package Tagger II) Speak Up! Origin Baby Badger Tadpole with Legs Froglet Adult Frog Curious Penguin (Ask Fedora II)

Personal Data / Datos Personales

Nombre/Name: Juan Francisco Rubio Delgado
Edad/Age: 36 Years.
Estudios/study: Professional Technical Systems Engineering. / Técnico profesional en Ingeniería de Sistemas.
Ciudad/City: Villavicencio.
Pais/country: Colombia.
Mail: [email protected].
FAS Name: jufrud777 IRC: jufrud777 #fedora-latam, #fedora-es

Contributions / Aportes

I promote the use of Linux Fedora in my city and department, supporting installations, troubleshooting
advertise our distro personally and through social networks. I support and notes in

Re-spin developing fedora 19 for improvements, streamline and promote the use of fedora in Colombia

Spanish Version

Promuevo el uso de Fedora Linux, en mi ciudad y departamento, dando soporte en instalaciones, resolución de problemas
publicidad de nuestra distro de forma personal y a través de redes Sociales. doy soporte y apuntes en

desarrollando Re-spin fedora 19 para mejoras, agilizar y promover el uso de fedora en Colombia

Community / Comunidad

I was present at the Villavicencio Flisol the April 28, 2012. installing Fedora 16 and with some advertising. and Delivering Live CDs.

Free event Universities Collaboration based on Fedora.

Spanish Version
Estuve presente en el Flisol en Villavicencio el 28 de Abril de 2012. instalando Fedora 16 y con algo de publicidad. y entragando Live CDs
Colaboracion Universidades para eventos Libre basados en Fedora.

Work / Trabajo

I work for the "ESE Departmental of the Meta", realizing activities of technical support, administration and support in Data Center IBM, Vmware.

Spanish version

Trabajo para la "ESE Departamental del Meta", realizando actividades de soporte tecnico, administratracion y soporte en Data Center IBM, Vmware.

Fedora Projects Involved