Badge Statistics
- Created on 2015-03-31.
- Awarded 8440 times.
- 18.9% of people have earned this badge.
- First earned by aeperezt on 2015-03-31.
- Last awarded to sayaksarkar on 2021-04-12.
Badge Holders
rheonomic muzafarseyed voria mstefany johnp117 endymion atanu999 ariscop stibbi leapsok mjosvin sebn sukarno cole metabsd nforro peterqz vsfoote bahadurdinesh usrbinsomething alvarosmo fcon xenithorb luismolinaalmanza esquerdinha sojer2005 mysjkmy alezzandro ramakanthshenoy voldemortensen ratxue yannrobert polywogsys rafamss slmbrsnv2 onetwo zarchwegiant f4d0r4 smeeus fal mhoeher aeperezt xhaksx lbazan potty blackfile xmrbrz pingou jsmith sophiekovalevsky qulogic jforbes jgrulich immanetize pnemade mkrizek shrinivasanse carlespla lambaradan mmilgram kesmarag alainricci leydekker flotix jamnva ektorus ranny blobby bc0102 unicode4all schneider kvalek bkambach papapotato netix kardiweb tonkoslav guss77 rohan62442 kyl191 charlesrose rexx xapoh holmja fale mhonek ecordoba lsopromadze arielb evillagr ausil tonyriddiough pravins mbooth bochecha robyduck ptisnovs sgallagh chandanrmail caillon rwright kaesar dun juliettkilotango petef seaway pushpendrachavan mhitza cmoore4os kevin chenry torez jackprice voransoy rnovacek da3m0n mtorres kg4sgp tzicatl obnox callahanca ivaxer enlightenedpark sahib rchangel blindwolf hgkamath deadpoint wallison crisvann falonsoe sameergsurve dani dang spartacus06 dtschmitz fafatheone jpokorny craigw laubai luket sujewan moffman Plaoo peter oka adamsok nyazdani reimon ... and 8291 other people.