- 聯合新聞網
- 秉持聯合報系「正派、創新、關懷」理念,聯合新聞網向全球華人提供專業的線上及行動新聞資訊。自1999年正式上線,聯合新聞網(udn.com)串聯起聯合報系原生的內容編輯、帶動24小時零時差發佈的新聞資訊內容;同時集結外部合作夥伴之內容供應者,每日產製上千則新聞,使聯合新聞網成為海納百川的新聞匯流的平台。 自2003年起7月起,持續穩居台灣新聞網站冠軍,也是全台最具信賴度的新聞領導品牌。2014年開始,陸續成立不同類別垂直網站,如打造噓星聞、發燒車訊、udn STYLE時尚網、元氣網、NBA台灣、鳴人堂、轉角國際、遊戲角落、倡議家、橘世代、有肌勵…等垂直型互動與多元的內容服務;是最專業、最多元化的數位媒體網站。
- 聯合知識庫
- 聯合知識庫是聯合報系新聞知識庫服務平台,收錄 1951 年至今報系發行報紙內容,包括「報紙全文知識庫」、「原版影像知識庫」、「新聞圖庫」,超過 1,300 萬筆新聞全文、1,100 萬張新聞圖片及 70 年的原版影像。聯合知識庫除了提供歷史新聞資料查詢,並提供新聞全文及圖片授權、報紙原版影像典藏,是各大圖書館、研究機構及政府單位必備的數位內容服務。 聯合知識庫平台,同時提供媒體夥伴的線上數位內容服務,包括動腦雜誌知識庫、商業周刊知識庫、遠見雜誌知識庫、國語日報原版知識庫、文訊雜誌知識庫等優質報刊資料庫。 除此之外,聯合知識庫並代理兩岸優良學術研究知識庫服務,包括中日古籍資料庫、近代報刊資料庫、續修四庫全書、東方雜誌、人大複印報刊、中國國研網、雅昌藝術書城、MUZiK STUDY、Begell House 等,深受相關研究機構肯定。
- 琅琅悅讀
- 提供數萬本電子書及豐富的電子雜誌、電子報紙等數位內容。致力於打造更好的行動閱讀服務,讀者在電腦、手機、平板等不同載具上,不論螢幕大小,隨時隨地享受絕佳閱讀體驗,讓行動載具的有限螢幕帶來無限的閱讀樂趣。2022年7月推出「琅琅悅讀」(reading.udn.com),以推廣閱讀為理念,致力成為華文閱讀的導航媒體。
- udn 讀書館
- 聯合線上打造的雲端圖書館借閱服務,深受各級學校、公共圖書館、政府單位、企業機構、智慧住宅青睞,服務國內外 600 間餘間客戶,提供所有民眾多元、暢銷、熱門數位出版品免費借閱。只要有擁有電腦、手機、平板,讓您隨時享受閱讀樂趣。
- 琅琅原創
- 聯合線上旗下聚合作家與讀者、串連閱讀與創作的數位內容服務平台,致力於發掘好故事,挹注豐富媒體資源,創造多元媒合發展的無限可能。
- udn 部落格
- 提供發表意見以及互相交流的個人媒體與社群平台。會員朋友們可在此發表社會時事評論,分享美食旅遊心得或影像生活點滴,同時結合了分享、推薦、回應、訂閱、好友等功能,讓部落客們可隨時與朋友交流互動,共享更多話題。優質的內容,有機會於聯合新聞網首頁等多處推薦;優質的部落客,也有機會加入各主題 Blogs 陣容中,讓個人創作能被更多同好看見。
- udn 發燒車訊
- 與國內外各大車廠合作,以提供最全面、專業的車壇新聞為目標。「udn 發燒車訊」不僅擁有強烈的視覺張力,更集結了國內外車壇新聞、改裝訊息、購車優惠或保養新知,定期挑選重點車款試駕,從車主角度剖析車質與特色,無論是哪一類型車主,都能得到實用的相關訊息。
- udn STYLE
- 以嶄新的網站風格、獨立的時尚視角以及創新的瀏覽介面,提供喜愛時尚生活的網友獨家內容與國際時尚圈情報,涵括名人時尚、服裝造型、美妝保養、精品珠寶配件等時尚領域,以視覺取向的友善導覽,讓使用者感受網路時尚新體驗,走上屬於自己的時尚伸展台。
- 聯合影音網
- 聯合報系從平面報紙跨足新媒體匯流的影音平台,提供 udn 新聞台頻道直播及影音內容隨選。新聞內容依屬性分類為「時事」、「國際」、「生活」、「財經」、「娛樂」、「體育」、「綜合」。為服務行動載具用戶,聯合影音貼心採用一頁式和響應式設計概念,讓使用者在各載具上能無痛轉換,瀏覽頁面更順暢。
- 經濟日報網
- 經濟日報網為聯合報系財經數位內容主要平台,也是台灣最大的綜合性財經新聞網站。每日透過專業記者群,將國內、全球、兩岸、財經、產業、觀點、股市、企管、經營等資訊與分析,匯整成即時、精確與最精闢的內容。從報紙到網站、App,經濟日報透過全載具呈現、讓讀者隨時隨地一手掌握,贏在每一刻。
- 噓!星聞
- 有來自四面八方的各種娛樂大小事,還有不同藝人的八卦、最即時的新聞直擊與「噓短片」!要噓,還是噓?這些都是秘密,但是我們說給大家聽!
- 聯合電子報
- 國內最大的綜合性網路電子報平台,目前有超過 213 份各類型中、英、日文免費電子報在此供讀者訂閱,包含聯合報系全媒體、華語圈雜誌、數位雜誌、各類型網站內容。電子報類型分別有綜合新聞、財經股市、商業企管、資訊科技、英日語學習、職場情報、健康天地、旅遊休閒、生活饗宴、udn 買東西、流行時尚、地方采風、文學閱讀、文化藝術、音樂世代、影視娛樂、視覺圖像、親子育兒、兒童天地、學習情報、自然科學…等 22 大類,兼具專業品質與生活化的電子報,滿足各領域網友的閱讀需求。
- 元氣網
- 元氣網為聯合報系綜合性健康網站,提供完整健康醫藥、保健樂活資訊;疾病資料庫、關鍵字搜尋、個人化追蹤等服務,更能精準掌握健康訊息。
- 轉角國際
- 《轉角國際》以多元產出方式解構傳統「國際新聞」的報導,整合專欄、企畫專題、新聞整裡包,並聚焦牽動國際局勢的「政經角力」以及更富底蘊的「文化視角」。在新聞之後,拉起脈絡;在趨勢之前,集結觀點。
- 遊戲角落
- 《遊戲角落》是一個專為玩家所打造的空間,提供遊戲新聞、電競快訊、上市情報、評測介紹、人物訪談,以及各式各樣的專題報導;同時也邀請多位活躍於各遊戲領域的達人級作者,傳授他們獨門的攻略心得。無論您是為了什麼而來,相信都可以在「遊戲角落」裡,找到屬於自己的那個角落。
- 倡議家
- 《倡議家》自2018年七月平台成立、搭建社會責任生態圈、串連企業與社企,轉動善的能量!我們持續對準聯合國永續發展目標 SDGs,更聚焦於企業永續、社會創新、環境永續等關鍵議題,並攜手各界共同倡議,實際落地串連資源,期許成為夥伴實現永續目標最好的行動共享平台。
- 橘世代
- 《橘世代》主要關注45+年齡的讀者,我們重視的價值跟樂於投身的志業,包含財務、健康、自主生活、美食、興趣、時尚等等層面,陪伴大眾規劃與開啟精采的第二人生藍圖,成為溫暖而有趣的大人!同時我們也專為「橘世代VIP付費用戶」提供精心規劃設計的線上理財、健身攻略與多元化線下課程!
- 時光商號
- 2018年誕生《報時光》品牌,以創意故事為底蘊,多元設計與授權服務,傳遞閱讀時光的溫度與美好。剪輯超過一甲子老報精粹分享,報時光已成為具有影響力的懷舊社群平台,將豐沛資料庫內容設計轉化,研發老派情趣的生活文創系列深受市場歡迎;2022年打造復古時尚購物平台-時光商號,精選特色風格品牌商品,延續報時光獨有的老派懷舊風格。
- 寵物頻道
- 《寵物部落》是寵物專屬的全方位網站,無論是可愛萌寵、動物趣聞、寵物健康保健資訊、教養方法、帶牠們去哪吃喝玩樂等,關於毛小孩的一切你都能在這兒找到!
- 科技玩家
- 生活上的科技大小事就來 udn《科技玩家》!大眾化的數位新聞,如蘋果 iPhone、安卓手機等小道消息,新科技產品開箱、LINE 操作撇步、App 介紹或操作教學,還有串流媒體、網紅 YouTuber、TikToker 等社群最近夯什麼,並推出 3C 實用懶人包一網打盡報你知。
- 女子漾
- 《女子漾》最想知道的女性生活大小事、熱門討論話題,都在「女子漾」!給你最棒的美食旅遊、美妝穿搭、娛樂話題、運動健康、情慾愛情資訊, 陪你愛自己的每個樣子!
Products & Services
- udn.com
- In accordance with United Daily News Group’s core vision and objective, udn.com provides worldwide Chinese readers with professional online news. United Daily News, Economic Daily News, United Evening News, World Journal are the main news providers of udn.com and we also partner with a few magazine publishers to enrich the content of udn.com.udn.com is one of the most professional and comprehensive news websites in Taiwan.
- udndata.com
- udndata.com provides the holistically database archiving for "News story", " print copy of newspaper", "news photos" which has been containing over 12 million news reports, 7 million photos and over sixty years of newspaper copy. udndata.com delivers a broad services including searching, content authorizing, digitalization of valuable product which are indispensable for institutions like library, research organization and government. udndata.com also partnered up with diversity of publishers including Brain, Business Weekly, Global Views and Mandarin Daily News to provide more comprehensive content than other content providers. Besides, udndata.com is authorized by a few cross-strait academic organizations including Chinese-Japan history database, contemporary publisher database, the writing and correction of Siku Quanshu, Orient Magazine, publish journal database of Renmin University of China, DRCNET, Artron, MUZiK STUDY and Begell House.
- udn STYLE
- The fashion channel of udn.com, udn STYLE is featuring the latest contents in fabulous fashion, celebrity, boutique, beauty, accessories and lifestyle related agenda. Upon the key theme and concepts of the website, the design of udn STYLE leverages the beauty of photo images as the main visual component that further enhances the overall browsing experience. The service is dedicated to serve as an close companion for anyone who is keen on creating a STYLE of its own.
- autos.udn.com
- autos.udn.com partner with automobile companies around the world to provides professional and comprehensive news report of car industry, which covers a lot of grounds from domestic/foreign car news, modified car info, latest promotion to car maintenance. The design of autos.udn.com not only have strong visual impact but also give a real experience by driving test pieces of selected cars.; therefore, everyone can be satisfied by useful information that we sincerely provide.
- video.udn.com
- As the first convergent media in Taiwan, udn tv's official website video.udn.com provides multimedia content for all users and is readily accessible for all mobile devices. With a user-friendly interface , the site is organized into seven categories including: Breaking, Global, Life, Finance, Entertainment, Sports, and General news. The website's single-page and responsive design also ensures an optimal viewing experience for the viewers with all devices.
- money.udn.com
- In accordance with United Daily News Group’s core vision and objective, the website money.udn.com provides worldwide Chinese readers with professional online financial news. Economic Daily News, United Daily News, United Evening News, World Journal are the main news providers of the website money.udn.com. If you want to read the most professinal and comprehensive financial news, please visit the website money.udn.com.
- stars.udn.com
- Gathering entertainment daily news, including celebrity gossips, fun stories, interesting photo from Internet. stars.udn.com is designed for mobile device to enhance the experience while browsing with handheld device.
- paper.udn.com
- The largest integrated newsletter platform in Taiwan, free newsletter for readers to subscribe. Including all news content from the United Daily News, we also gathered Chinese magazine, digital magazines, and various types of web contents . Newsletter types were covered lots of grounds like news, financial , business, technology, English and Japanese learning, career planning, health, traveling, lifestyle, udn shopping, fashion, local news, literary reading, culture, art, entertainment, parenting and kids, science ...all 22 categories.
- health.udn.com
- health.udn.com covers a comprehensive of health related issue content, and it provides with full medical information, LOHAS, and also including database of disease, keywords, and personal health tracking service in that you can always get the information you need.
- udngame.udn.com
- udn game is a section build for gamers, game.udn.com provides gaming news, professional gaming updates, reviews, interviews, and columns on various topics. Our walkthrough and guides are provided by expert writers from all over Taiwan.
- global.udn.com
- udn global offers Taiwanese readers a fresh experience of understanding international current affairs by integrating traditional news article, column, in-depth coverage with infographics, and other visual contents. Our consents cover both hard-core news (political economy) and soft issues (culture, history, minority, environment). Most of our writers and reporters are overseas-based, ready to provide first-hand observation.
- ubrand.udn.com
- ubrand.udn.com is a platform that has corporate social responsibility to practices and policies undertaken by corporations with enterprises and social enterprises, we intended to have a positive influence on the world, since July 2018. In order to attain CSRs goals, we are aligned with the United Nations on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and specific focus on the goals of Corporate Sustainability, Social Innovation, Environmental Sustainability, and etc. We like to be the best sharing platform to support enterprises to implement more sustainable goals in actions.
- orange.udn.com
- orange.udn.com is the online media platform that publishes social issues, including finance, health, independent life, food, hobbies, fashion, etc. for those above the age of 45 years old who valued their midlife stage. For our paying subscribers, we design courses that aim to elevate the target readers who are willing to enrich their living standards through reading financial management & fitness strategies, recreation, and leisure activities!
- udn Blog
- udn Blog empower users to create their own platform to publish content and interact with netizens. Blogger can share his/her opinion of news event, traveling stuff and life events with everyone. With the function of "sharing", "recommendation", "response", "subscription" and "friend" , bloggers are enabled to interact with others to arouse more feedback. Great content is possible to show on the front page of udn.com, and excellent bloggers may have the chance to join the blog team for each topic in that your content will likely be seen for everyone within udn blog site.
- reading.udn.com
- reading.udn.com provides readers with great numbers of E-books, E-magazines, and E-newspapers. Readers can enjoy the excellent digital reading experience on any screen sizes via our services. Together with udn.com news, we provide the latest publishing and art news, and exclusive discounts to readers from udn.com.
- story.udn.com
- story.udn.com combines publishing and mobile reading and is a profitable platform for writers to attract more readers. We seek to create the new frontier of original contents on the internet. story.udn.com provides various marketing resources from udn.com to make our writers even more popular. story.udn.com also features: Publish and price your works freely, works can be published or adapted in multiple forms.
- timeshop.udn.com
- Launched in 2018, the UDNtime brand was founded on creative stories, stylish design and licensing services. It aims to pass on the joy of newspaper reading of the old times. The brand has become an influential media platform attracting nostalgic followers by sharing archive clips from over-sixty-years of newspaper content. The UDNtime brand makes use of its abudant database to design cultural and creative products in an old-school style. The products have been well received by the market. In 2022, a new shopping platform featuring retro-fashion goods, “UDNtime shop”, was launched. In the shop, characteristic brand products have been selected to continue the vintage nostalgic style unique to UDNtime.
- pets.udn.com
- Pets.udn.com is a comprehensive website for pets. There are all information you need about pets include adorable and fascinating issue content, health care, parenting methods, and where to hang out with your pets.e.
- tech.udn.com
- tech.udn.com provides the latest digital technology news, including updates on Apple's iPhone, Android smartphones, app tutorials, as well as the recent popular content from YouTubers, TikTokers and so on.
- woman.udn.com
- The most attractive things about women's lives and hot topics are all in "woman.udn.com"!Give you the best food, travel, beauty, fashion, entertainment, fitness, health, love and sex topics! It encourages you to love every aspect of yourself !