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Version: 2.x

Serialization and Deserialization

Zio-kafka deserializes incoming data, and deserializes outgoing data (both keys and values) from byte arrays to any other type and back. This works by providing a key and value Deserializer while constructing a Consumer, and a key and value Serializer while constructing the Producer.

A Serde combines a Deserializer and a Serializer. Common serdes are provided in the Serdes object, e.g. Serdes.byteArray, Serdes.string and Serdes.long. A serde can be converted to other serdes, or you can create a custom serde by implementing the Serde trait directly.

This document contains:

  • Handling failures in a serde
  • How to create a custom serde
  • How to create and use a custom serde that wraps invalid data
  • How to do deserialization in the consumer stream
  • A warning about using mapZIO

Handling failures in a serde

Ideally, a serde can not fail serializing and deserializing. This is for example the case with the provided Serdes.byteArray and Serdes.string. This is not the case for any serde that needs to handle invalid input, (for example Serdes.long), or a serde that needs to do a remote lookup.

By default, a consumer stream will fail if it encounters a deserialization error in the serde. Unfortunately, the resulting failure might not clearly indicate that the cause is in the serde.

There are 2 solutions for improving this:

  • Wrap the result of the serde in a Try with the Serde.asTry method.
  • Use Serdes.byteArray, put the deserialization code in the consumer stream, or do serialization before handing the data to zio-kafka. This way you can handle failures any way you want.

Both approaches are discussed further below.

Custom Data Type Serdes

Serializers and deserializers for custom data types can be created from scratch, or by converting existing serdes. For example, to create a serde for an Instant from a serde for a Long:

import java.time.Instant
import zio.kafka.serde._

val instantSerde: Serde[Any, Instant] =

To handle missing data (an empty key or value), you can use the Serde.asOption transformer. For example: Serdes.string.asOption. This results in a None if the key or value is empty, and in a Some(string) otherwise.

Custom serdes that wraps invalid data

Any Deserializer[A] for a given type A can be converted into a Deserializer[Try[A]] where deserialization failures are converted to a Failure using the asTry method. (Method asTry is also available on Serde.)

Below is an example of skipping records that fail to deserialize. The offset is passed downstream to be committed.

import zio._, stream._
import zio.kafka.consumer._
import zio.kafka.serde._
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}

val keySerde = Serdes.string
val valueSerde = Serdes.string.asTry // <-- using `.asTry`

Consumer.make(consumerSettings).flatMap { consumer =>
.plainStream(Subscription.topics("topic150"), keySerde, valueSerde)
.mapZIO { record => // ⚠️ see section about `mapZIO` below!
val tryValue: Try[String] = record.record.value()
val offset: Offset = record.offset

tryValue match {
case Success(value) =>
// Action for successful deserialization
case Failure(exception) =>
// Possibly log the exception or take alternative action

Deserialization in the consumer stream

In this approach we provide zio-kafka with the Serdes.byteArray serde (which is a pass-through serde) and do the deserialization in the consumer stream. The deserialization can be done with regular ZIO operators.

This approach provides more freedom at the cost of having to write more code. It also allows for optimizations such as operating on chunks of records (see next section), and more contextual failure handling.

Here is an example:

import zio._, stream._
import zio.kafka.consumer._

def deserialize(value: Array[Byte]): ZIO[Any, Throwable, Message] = ???

Consumer.make(consumerSettings).flatMap { consumer =>
.plainStream(Subscription.topics("topic150"), Serde.byteArray, Serde.byteArray)
.mapZIO { record => // ⚠️ see section about `mapZIO` below!
val value: Array[Byte] = record.record.value()
val offset: Offset = record.offset

// possible action to take if deserialization fails:
.recoverWith(_ => someEffect(value))

A warning about mapZIO

Be careful with using mapZIO as it breaks the chunking structure of the stream (or more precisely, the resulting stream has chunks with a single element). Throughput can be considerably lower than with the chunking structure intact.

If your application requirements allow all elements of a chunk to be processed in one go, then you can use one of these techniques to preserve the chunking structure:

Use chunksWith

Use chunksWith when you have a single processing step that needs to work on a chunk.

def f(a: A): ZIO[R, E, B]

stream // ZStream[R, E, A]
.chunksWith { stream => stream.mapZIO(f) } // ZStream[R, E, B]

Expose chunking structure with chunks

Use chunks when you have multiple processing steps that can all work on a chunk at a time. Since chunks exposes the chunking structure explicitly, the program can no longer accidentally break the chunking structure (unless flattenChunks is also used).

def f(a: A): ZIO[R, E, B]
def g(b: B): ZIO[R, E, C]

stream // ZStream[R, E, A]
.chunks // ZStream[R, E, Chunk[A]]
.mapZIO { chunk => ZIO.foreach(chunk)(f) } // ZStream[R, E, Chunk[B]]
.mapZIO { chunk => ZIO.foreach(chunk)(g) } // ZStream[R, E, Chunk[C]]
.flattenChunks // ZStream[R, E, C]