


執政黨(英語:Ruling party),又稱與黨,指在政府中獲得政權政黨,通常是國家元首政府首腦或地方行政長官所屬的政黨,或者是其他形式而掌握執政權的政黨。標準的議會民主政體下,執政黨是指實際控制立法行政權力的政黨,政治下的執政權力一般限於治理,不是能真正掌握建制的權力,因為單一政黨及其政治家無法代表絕對多數政治力量。民主政體的執政黨政治人物在擔任中央及地方政府重要職務時,擁有依法組織政府和制定政策的權力,同時執政黨負起政治責任,以維護執政權,否則會在下次選舉中成為在野黨甚至喪失政治活動地位。在政黨輪替中與執政黨相反的是在野黨(Opposition),即在立法行政機關中擁有席位,有政治地位的政黨;或反對黨,即廣義上反對執政黨的政黨。










  •  中華民國
  • 半總統制




























    歐洲 亞洲 非洲 大洋洲




    歐洲 亞洲 非洲 拉丁美洲









    1. ^ 在法國,總統可以任命總理,但不能解僱總理,只有國會才能利用不信任權來解僱總理。總統也可以解散國會一次。
    2. ^ 根據第19條修正案,斯里蘭卡總統只能在原來的總理遭到失去國會信任、辭職或死亡而空缺職位後才能任命新總理,並且不擁有隨意解解僱總理的權力。
    3. ^ 依中華民國憲法增修條文第三條第一項規定,總統依法任命行政院院長,除經立法院以不信任權迫其被動辭職或經行政院院長主動辭職外,憲法未明確授權總統得免職行政院院長,中華民國總統無權隨意免職行政院院長。
    1. ^ 阿富汗總統作為阿富汗的國家元首兼任政府首腦,阿富汗行政總裁只是作為政府首席部長,類似於美國國務卿的職務。
    2. ^ 阿爾察赫總統作為阿爾察赫的國家元首兼任政府首腦,此前有阿爾察赫總理作為政府首腦的職務。2017年2月的公投英語Nagorno-Karabakh constitutional referendum, 2017後廢除阿爾察赫總理職務。[1][2]
    3. ^ 大韓民國實行總統制,總統為國家元首,總理同時作為政府首腦,總統負責主持政府的對外工作,國會行使對總理的同意權,但總理向總統負責,總統領導內閣。參見韓國政治
    4. ^ 伊朗伊斯蘭共和國實行政教合一總統最高領袖同時作為國家元首,總統作為政府首腦,負責主持伊朗政府的對外工作,最高領袖才是伊朗的最高領導人。參見伊朗政治
    5. ^ 最高領導人是總統兼國務委員會主席和國家安全會議主席
    6. ^ 最高領導人是中國共產黨總書記兼中央軍委主席
    7. ^ 最高領導人是朝鮮勞動黨總書記兼武裝力量最高司令官
    8. ^ 最高領導人是越南共產黨總書記兼中央軍委書記
    9. ^ 最高領導人是老撾人民革命黨總書記兼中央國防安全委員會主席
    10. ^ 最高領導人是國家管理委員會主席兼總理
    11. ^ 最高領導人是人民行動黨秘書長兼總理
    12. ^ 最高領導人是古巴共產黨第一書記兼革命武裝力量總司令


    1. ^ (in Armenian) «Մտադիր եմ շարունակել ծառայել հայրենիքին». Արցախի վարչապետի պաշտոնակատար頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) 1in.am, 13 September 2017
    2. ^ Referendum to create 'Republic of Artsakh' on Europe's fringe頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) EU Observer, 20 February 2017
    3. ^ Kudelia, Serhiy. Presidential activism and government termination in dual-executive Ukraine. Post-Soviet Affairs. 4 May 2018, 34 (4): 246–261. doi:10.1080/1060586X.2018.1465251. 
    4. ^ In Bangladesh, a caretaker government during parliamentary elections. The Caretaker government is headed by a Chief Adviser and a group of neutral, non-partisan advisers chosen from the civil society. During this time, the president has jurisdiction over the defence and foreign affairs ministries.
    5. ^ Collective presidency consisting of three members; one for each major ethnic group.
    6. ^ Formerly a semi-presidential republic, it is now a parliamentary republic according to David Arter, First Chair of Politics at Aberdeen University, who in his "Scandinavian Politics Today" (Manchester University Press, revised 2008 ISBN 9780719078538), he quotes Nousiainen, Jaakko. From semi-presidentialism to parliamentary government: political and constitutional developments in Finland. Scandinavian Political Studies. June 2001, 24 (2): 95–109. doi:10.1111/1467-9477.00048.  as follows: "There are hardly any grounds for the epithet 'semi-presidential'." Arter's own conclusions are only slightly more nuanced: "The adoption of a new constitution on 1 March 2000 meant that Finland was no longer a case of semi-presidential government other than in the minimalist sense of a situation where a popularly elected fixed-term president exists alongside a prime minister and cabinet who are responsible to parliament (Elgie 2004: 317)". According to the Finnish Constitution, the President has no possibility to rule the government without the ministerial approval, and substantially has not the power to disband the parliament under its own desire. Finland is actually represented by its Prime Minister, and not by its President, in the Council of the Heads of State and Government of the European Union. The 2012 constitutional amendments reduced the powers of the President even further.
    7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Combines aspects of a presidential system with those of a parliamentary system. The president is elected by parliament and holds a parliamentary seat, much like a prime minister, but is immune from a vote of no confidence (but not their cabinet), unlike a prime minister.
    8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Combines aspects of a presidential system with those of a parliamentary system. The president is elected by parliament but does not hold a parliamentary seat, and is immune from a vote of no confidence (as well is their cabinet), unlike a prime minister.
    9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Scheda paese Repubblica di San Marino (PDF). Segreteria di Stato Affari esteri: 5. July 2012 [2019-09-24]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2020-04-01) (意大利語). 
    10. ^ The Bishop of Urgell and President of France serve as ex officio co-princes who are have their interests known through a representative.
    11. ^ 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 11.16 11.17 One of sixteen constitutional monarchies which recognize Elizabeth II as head of state, who presides over an independent government. She is titled separately in each country (e.g. Queen of Australia), and notionally appoints a Governor-General (GG) to each country other than the United Kingdom to act as her representative. The prime minister (PM) is the active head of the executive branch of government and also leader of the legislature. These countries may be known as "Commonwealth realms".

      In many cases, the Governor-General or monarch has a lot more theoretical, or constitutional, powers than they actually exercise, except on the advice of elected officials, per constitutional convention. For example, the Constitution of Australia makes the GG the head of the executive branch (including commander-in-chief of the armed forces), although they seldom ever use this power, except on the advice of elected officials, especially the PM, which makes the PM the de facto head of government.
    12. ^ 12.0 12.1 The Cook Islands and Niue are under the sovereignty of the Monarch of New Zealand as self-governing states in free association with New Zealand. New Zealand and its associated states, along with Tokelau and the Ross Dependency, comprise the Realm of New Zealand.