



排名 名稱 數量[a] 大部份皆得名自
1 華盛頓縣 31 乔治·华盛顿 (1732-1799),第一任美國總統 (1789-1797)
2 傑佛遜縣 26[b] 托马斯·杰斐逊(1743-1826),第三任美国总统 (1801-1809)、第二任美国副总统 (1797-1801)維珍尼亞州州長 (1779-1781)美国开国元勋
3 富蘭克林縣 25 愛達荷州德克薩斯州的富蘭克林縣外,全部皆得名自本傑明·富蘭克林 (1706-1790)美國開國元勳
4 杰克逊县 24[c] 安德鲁·杰克逊 (1767-1845),第七任美国总统 (1829-1837)、來自田纳西州的參議院議員及1812年战争時期上將
4 林肯縣 24 亚伯拉罕·林肯 (1809-1865),美国第十六任总统 (1861-1865)本傑明·林肯 (1733-1810)美國獨立戰爭少將或英國的林肯
6 麥迪遜縣 20 詹姆斯·麦迪逊 (1751-1836),第四任美國總統 (1809-1817)
7 克莱县 18 亨利·克莱 (1777-1852)肯塔基州联邦参议员及第九任美国国务卿 (1825–1829)
7 蒙哥馬利縣 18 理查德·蒙哥马利 (1738-1775),美國將領,在美國獨立戰爭中陣亡
7 尤寧縣 18 紀念美利堅聯邦或因該縣之建立為附近縣份獻出土地而得名
10 馬里昂縣 17 法蘭西斯·馬里昂英语Francis Marion (1732-1795)美國獨立戰爭將領
10 門羅縣 17 詹姆斯·门罗 (1758-1831),第五任美國總統 (1817-1825)
12 格林縣 16[d] 彌敦內爾·格林 (1742-1786)美國獨立戰爭上將
12 韋恩縣 16 安東尼·韋恩 (1745-1796)美國獨立戰爭上將
14 格蘭特縣 15 尤利西斯·辛普森·格兰特 (1822-1885)美国第十八任总统 (1869-1877)南北戰爭上將
15 沃倫縣 14 約瑟·瓦倫 (1741-1775),美國上將,在美國獨立戰爭中陣亡
16 卡羅爾縣 13[e] 田納西州的卡洛爾縣外皆得名自查尔斯·卡罗尔(1737–1832),《美國獨立宣言》簽署者中唯一的天主教徒及最晚去世者
17 亞當斯縣 12 约翰·亚当斯 (1735-1826),第二任美国总统 (1797-1801)或其子约翰·昆西·亚当斯 (1767-1848),第六任美国总统 (1825-1829)科羅拉多州北達科他州的亞當斯縣並非以亞當斯總統父子命名
17 克拉克縣 12[f] 喬治·羅傑斯·克拉克 (1752-1818)美國革命時期西北領地的最高軍官、其弟威廉·克拉克 (1770–1838)密苏里领地的探險家及州長
17 道格拉斯縣 12 史蒂芬·阿诺德·道格拉斯 (1813-1861)伊利诺州参议员 (1847-1861)1860年美国总统选举民主黨候選人
17 約翰遜縣 12 理查德·门特·约翰逊 (1780-1850),第九任美国副总统 (1837-1841)及來自肯塔基州的美國參議院議員
17 萊克縣 12[g] 位於這些縣內的湖泊或因地處五大湖沿岸而得名
17 李縣 12[h] 羅伯特·愛德華·李 (1807-1870)南北戰爭美利堅聯盟國將領或其父亨利·李三世 (1756-1818)維珍尼亞州州長 (1791-1794)
17 馬歇爾縣 12 约翰·马歇尔 (1755-1835),第四任美国首席大法官 (1801-1835),因奠定了美国法院对国会法律的司法审查权的基础而知名
17 波爾克縣 12 詹姆斯·K·波尔克 (1795-1849),美国第十一任总统 (1845-1849)
25 卡爾霍恩縣 11 约翰·卡德威尔·卡尔霍恩(1782–1850),第七任美国副总统(1825-1832)及來自南卡罗来纳州美国参议院議員
25 克勞福德縣 11 威廉·H·克劳福德 (1772-1834)美国财政部长 (1816-1825)美国战争部长 (1815-1816) 或在美国独立战争中被殺的威廉·克勞福德英语William Crawford (soldier) (1722-1782) 上校
25 費耶特縣 11 拉法耶特侯爵 (1757-1834)美國獨立戰爭英雄和法國大革命領導者
25 勞倫斯縣 11 詹姆斯·勞倫斯英语James Lawrence (1781-1813),美國海軍軍官,在1812年戰爭中陣亡
25 摩根縣 11 科羅拉多州的摩根縣摩根堡命名外,皆得名自丹尼爾·摩根上將 (1736-1802)美國獨立戰爭英雄及來自弗吉尼亚州美国众议院議員 (1797-1799)
25 斯科特縣 11 温菲尔德·斯科特 (1786–1866),美国陆军中将 (1808–1861)查尔斯·斯科特 (1739-1813),第四任肯塔基州州長 (1808-1812)
31 漢密爾頓縣 10 愛荷華州德克薩斯州的漢密爾頓縣外,全部皆得名自亚历山大·汉密尔顿 (1755-1804),第一任美国财政部长 (1789-1895)
31 漢考克縣 10 约翰·汉考克 (1737-1793)美國獨立宣言的第一位簽署者、首任麻薩諸塞州殖民地領導人及第二屆大陸會議議長
31 亨利縣 10 愛荷華州的亨利縣外皆以帕特里克·亨利 (1733-1799),美國著名律師、演說家、第一及第六任維珍尼亞州州長 (1776-1779,1784-1786)美国开国元勋
31 洛根縣 10 約翰·亞歷山大·洛根英语John A. Logan (1826-1886),美國上將及來自伊利諾伊州美国参议院議員或美獨立戰爭時期將領本傑明·洛根英语Benjamin Logan (1742-1802)
31 佩里縣 10 奧利弗·哈澤德·佩里 (1785-1819),美國海軍準將
31 派克縣 10 紀伯倫·派克英语Zebulon Pike (1779-1813)美國西南部的早期探索者
37 本頓縣 9 汤玛斯·哈特·本顿英语Thomas Hart Benton (senator) (1782–1858),密苏里州联邦参议员
37 布朗縣 9 雅各伯·布朗英语Jacob Brown (1775-1828),於1812年战争負責守衛大湖區的軍官
37 卡斯縣 9 刘易斯·卡斯 (1782-1866)密西根州参议员(1845-1857) 以及美国战争部长 (1831-1836)
37 克林頓縣 9 乔治·克林顿 (1739-1812),第四任美国副总统 (1805-1812)德威特·克林頓 (1769-1828),第七、九任紐約州州長 (1817-1822,1825-1828)
37 諾克斯縣 9 亨利·诺克斯上將 (1750-1806)美國獨立戰爭英雄及第一任美国战争部长 (1789-1794)
37 帕特南縣 9 以色列·普特南上將 (1718-1790),美國獨立戰爭英雄
37 謝爾比縣 9 艾萨克·谢尔比 (1750-1826)美國獨立戰爭1812年战争士兵;第一及第五任肯塔基州州長 (1792-1796,1812-1816)
44 布恩縣 8 丹尼爾·布恩 (1734–1820),美國早期拓荒者
44 Butler County 8 William O. Butler or Richard Butler
44 Cherokee County 8 Cherokee tribe
44 Columbia County 8 Columbia (poetic name for America)
44 Cumberland County 8 Prince William, Duke of Cumberland
44 Fulton County 8 Robert Fulton
44 Harrison County 8 William Henry Harrison
44 Jasper County 8 William Jasper
44 Mercer County 8 Hugh Mercer
44 Orange County 8 the fruit or Prince of Orange
44 Randolph County 8 Edmund Randolph or John Randolph of Roanoke
44 Webster County 8 Daniel Webster
56 Howard County 7 Tilghman Howard, John Eager Howard, or Oliver Otis Howard
56 Lewis County 7 Meriwether Lewis except Lewis County, New York, which was named after Morgan Lewis, then Governor of New York.
56 Pulaski County 7 Kazimierz Pułaski
56 Richland County 7 fertile soil
56 Taylor County 7 Zachary Taylor
61 Custer County 6 George Armstrong Custer
61 DeKalb County 6 Johann de Kalb
61 Delaware County 6 Delaware (tribe) (3)
61 Lafayette County 6 Marquis de Lafayette
61 Floyd County 6 John Floyd
61 Garfield County 6 James A. Garfield
61 Hardin County 6 John Hardin, John J. Hardin, or Joseph Hardin Sr.
61 Jones County 6 Each county is named after a different person.
61 Livingston County 6 Edward Livingston (4)
61 Macon County 6 Nathaniel Macon
61 Martin County 6 Each county is named after a different person.
61 Mason County 6 George Mason (3)
61 Newton County 6 Sgt. John Newton (4)
61 Sullivan County 6 John Sullivan
75 Allen County 5 John Allen
75 Anderson County 5 Each county is named after a different person.
75 Caldwell County 5 John Caldwell (2)
75 Campbell County 5 Robert Campbell (Wyoming)
75 Carter County 5
75 Dallas County 5 Alexander J. Dallas (Alabama); George M. Dallas
75 Decatur County 5 Stephen Decatur
75 Essex County 5 County of Essex in England
75 Henderson County 5 Richard Henderson (2)
75 Houston County 5 Sam Houston; George S. Houston; John Houstoun
75 Kent County 5 County of Kent in England
75 Lyon County 5 Nathaniel Lyon, except for Lyon County, Kentucky, which is named for Chittenden Lyon
75 Mitchell County 5
75 Pierce County 5 Franklin Pierce
75 Saline County 5 Saltwater springs; the Saline River
75 Sheridan County 5 Philip Sheridan
75 White County 5 Isaac White (2)
75 York County 5 James, Duke of York (later King James II); city of York, England
94 Adair County 4 John Adair
94 Allegheny/Alleg(h)any County 4 Allegheny Mountains and Allegheny River
94 Blaine County 4 James Blaine
94 Camden County 4 Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden
94 Carbon County 4 Coal deposits
94 Dawson County 4
94 Dodge County 4 Henry Dodge
94 Fremont County 4 John C. Frémont
94 Grundy County 4 Felix Grundy
94 Iron County 4 Iron ore deposits
94 Lamar County 4 Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar (except for Lamar County, Texas)
94 Lancaster County 4 Lancaster, Lancashire
94 Liberty County 4 Liberty
94 Linn County 4 Lewis F. Linn
94 Middlesex County 4 Historic county of Middlesex in England
94 Mineral County 4 Mineral deposits
94 Ottawa County 4 Odawa people
94 Phillips County 4
94 Richmond County 4
94 Russell County 4
94 San Juan County 4 San Juan River (Colorado River tributary) (3)
94 Sherman County 4 William Tecumseh Sherman, except Sherman County, Texas, named for Sidney Sherman
94 Smith County 4
94 Somerset County 4 County of Somerset in England
94 St. Clair County 4 Arthur St. Clair, except St. Clair County, Michigan, named for St. Clare of Assisi
94 Sumter County 4 Thomas Sumter
94 Van Buren County 4 Martin Van Buren
94 Wheeler County 4
94 Wilson County 4
94 Wood County 4
123 Baker County 3
123 Beaver County 3 Beaver
123 Bedford County 3
123 Buchanan County 3 James Buchanan
123 Buffalo County 3 Buffalo; Buffalo River (Wisconsin)
123 Burke County 3
123 Butte County 3[1] Butte (natural feature)
123 Cameron County 3
123 Cedar County 3
123 Chester County 3
123 Cheyenne County 3 Cheyenne people
123 Chippewa County 3 Ojibwa people
123 Choctaw County 3 Choctaw people
123 Christian County 3
123 Claiborne County 3
123 Cleveland County 3
123 Coffee County 3 John Coffee
123 Comanche County 3 Comanche people
123 Cook County 3
123 Daviess County 3 Joseph Hamilton Daveiss
123 Delta County 3
123 DeSoto County 3 Hernando de Soto
123 Dickinson County 3
123 Edwards County 3
123 Ellis County 3
123 Erie County 3 Lake Erie, Erie people
123 Fairfield County 3 The beauty of the fields in these areas
123 Gallatin County 3 Albert Gallatin
123 Graham County 3
123 Grayson County 3
123 Hall County 3
123 Haskell County 3
123 Holmes County 3
123 Humboldt County 3 Alexander von Humboldt
123 Kiowa County 3 Kiowa people
123 LaSalle County 3 René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle
123 Lauderdale County 3 James Lauderdale
123 Lowndes County 3 William Jones Lowndes
123 McIntosh County 3
123 McLean County 3
123 McPherson County 3 James B. McPherson
123 Meade County 3 George Gordon Meade
123 Miami County 3 Miami people
123 Miller County 3
123 Moore County 3
123 Morris County 3
123 Murray County 3
123 Nelson County 3
123 Noble County 3
123 Northampton County 3 Northamptonshire, England (2)
123 Ohio County 3 Ohio River
123 Oneida County 3 Oneida people (2)
123 Orleans County 3
123 Osage County 3 Osage people
123 Osceola County 3 Osceola
123 Park County 3
123 Pawnee County 3 Pawnee people
123 Pickens County 3 Andrew Pickens
123 Platte County 3 Platte River
123 Pope County 3
123 Pottawatomie County 3 Potawatomi people
123 Potter County 3
123 Robertson County 3
123 Rock County 3
123 Rockingham County 3 Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham
123 Schuyler County 3 Philip Schuyler
123 Seminole County 3 Seminole people
123 Sevier County 3
123 Sioux County 3 Sioux people
123 Stark County 3
123 Stephens County 3
123 Stevens County 3
123 Stone County 3
123 Summit County 3 Summits (geographical feature)
123 Sussex County 3 County of Sussex in England
123 Teton County 3 Teton River (Montana); Teton Range
123 Thomas County 3
123 Todd County 3
123 Valley County 3
123 Vermilion County 3 Vermilion River
123 Vernon County 3 Mount Vernon
123 Walker County 3 Samuel Walker (Texas)
123 Williamson County 3
123 Winnebago County 3 Winnebago people
123 Worth County 3 William J. Worth
123 Wright County 3 Silas Wright
123 Wyoming County 3 Delaware Indian word meaning "wide plains"; Wyoming Valley
210 Albany County 2
210 Alexander County 2
210 Armstrong County 2
210 Ashland County 2 The Lexington estate of Henry Clay
210 Atchison County 2 David Rice Atchison
210 Baldwin County 2
210 Barry County 2
210 Barton County 2
210 Bath County 2
210 Barbour County 2
210 Bay County 2
210 Beaufort County 2
210 Beckham County 2 J. C. W. Beckham
210 Bell County 2
210 Berkeley County 2
210 Berrien County 2
210 Bibb County 2
210 Big Horn County 2 Big Horn River
210 Blount County 2
210 Bourbon County 2
210 Boyd County 2
210 Bradford County 2
210 Bradley County 2
210 Bristol County 2
210 Brooks County 2
210 Brunswick County 2
210 Bryan County 2
210 Burnett County 2
210 Caddo County 2
210 Caroline County 2
210 Chambers County 2
210 Champaign County 2
210 Charlotte County 2
210 Chase County 2
210 Chatham County 2
210 Chautauqua County 2
210 Chesterfield County 2
210 Chickasaw County 2
210 Clayton County 2
210 Clearwater County 2
210 Cleburne County 2
210 Colfax County 2 Schuyler Colfax
210 Coos County 2
210 Covington County 2
210 Craig County 2
210 Crittenden County 2
210 Crockett County 2 David Crockett
210 Crook County 2 George Crook
210 Curry County 2
210 Dade County 2[2]
210 Dakota County 2 Sioux people
210 Davidson County 2
210 Davis County 2
210 Deuel County 2
210 Dewey County 2
210 DeWitt County 2
210 Dorchester County 2
210 Dunn County 2
210 Duval County 2
210 Eddy County 2
210 Effingham County 2
210 El Paso County 2
210 Elbert County 2
210 Elk County 2 Elk
210 Elmore County 2
210 Emmet County 2
210 Escambia County 2
210 Fannin County 2 James Fannin
210 Fillmore County 2 Millard Fillmore
210 Florence County 2
210 Ford County 2
210 Forest County 2
210 Forsyth County 2
210 Frederick County 2
210 Genesee County 2
210 Gibson County 2
210 Giles County 2
210 Gilmer County 2
210 Gloucester County 2 County of Gloucestershire in England
210 Golden Valley County 2
210 Grady County 2
210 Grand County 2 Grand River
210 Gray County 2
210 Greeley County 2 Horace Greeley
210 Greenwood County 2
210 Guadalupe County 2
210 Hale County 2
210 Halifax County 2
210 Hampshire County 2 County of Hampshire in England
210 Hardeman County 2
210 Harding County 2 Warren Harding (New Mexico); J.A. Harding (South Dakota)
210 Harlan County 2
210 Harper County 2
210 Harris County 2
210 Hart County 2
210 Hayes County 2 Rutherford B. Hayes (Nebraska), and Hays County, Texas, named for John Coffee Hays
210 Haywood County 2
210 Hickman County 2
210 Hidalgo County 2
210 Highland County 2
210 Hill County 2
210 Hillsborough County 2
210 Holt County 2
210 Hopkins County 2
210 Hughes County 2
210 Humphreys County 2
210 Huron County 2
210 Hutchinson County 2
210 Hyde County 2
210 Iowa County 2
210 Jeff Davis County 2 Jefferson Davis
210 Johnston County 2
210 Juneau County 2
210 Kane County 2
210 Kendall County 2
210 King County 2
210 Kings County 2
210 Klamath County 2
210 Lane County 2
210 Laurens County 2 Henry Laurens[3] and John Laurens[4]
210 Leon County 2
210 Limestone County 2
210 Louisa County 2
210 Lucas County 2
210 Marquette County 2
210 McDowell County 2
210 McHenry County 2
210 Mecklenburg County 2 Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
210 Medina County 2
210 Meigs County 2 Return J. Meigs Sr.
210 Menard County 2
210 Menominee County 2
210 Midland County 2
210 Mills County 2
210 Mississippi County 2 Mississippi River
210 Morrow County 2
210 Morton County 2
210 Nassau County 2
210 Nemaha County 2
210 Nevada County 2 Nevada City, California (California); Nevada
210 Nicholas County 2
210 Northumberland County 2
210 Oconee County 2
210 Oldham County 2
210 Otero County 2
210 Otsego County 2
210 Ouachita County 2
210 Owen County 2
210 Page County 2
210 Panola County 2
210 Paulding County 2 John Paulding
210 Pendleton County 2 Edmund Pendleton
210 Pennington County 2
210 Perkins County 2
210 Phelps County 2
210 Plymouth County 2
210 Pocahontas County 2 Pocahontas
210 Pontotoc County 2 Chicasaw word for the region
210 Portage County 2 Portages
210 Powell County 2 Lazarus Powell (Kentucky); John Wesley Powell (Montana)
210 Prairie County 2 Grand Prairie (Arkansas); Great Plains (Montana)
210 Quitman County 2 John A. Quitman
210 Ramsey County 2 Alexander Ramsey
210 Red River County 2 The Red River
210 Renville County 2 Joseph Renville
210 Rice County 2 Samuel Rice (Kansas); Henry Rice (Minnesota)
210 Ripley County 2 Eleazer Wheelock Ripley
210 Roane County 2
210 Roberts County 2
210 Roosevelt County 2 Theodore Roosevelt
210 Rowan County 2
210 Rush County 2
210 Rusk County 2
210 Rutherford County 2 Griffith Rutherford
210 Sabine County 2 Sabine River
210 San Miguel County 2
210 Santa Cruz County 2
210 Scotland County 2 Scotland
210 Sedgwick County 2 John Sedgwick
210 Seneca County 2 The Seneca people
210 Seward County 2 William H. Seward
210 Shannon County 2 George Shannon; Peter Shannon
210 Sierra County 2
210 Simpson County 2
210 Spencer County 2 Spier Spencer
210 Stanley County 2 David Stanley
210 St. Charles County 2
210 St. Joseph County 2
210 St. Louis County 2
210 Stafford County 2
210 Stanton County 2 Edwin Stanton
210 Steele County 2
210 Steuben County 2 Baron von Steuben
210 Stewart County 2
210 Suffolk County 2 County of Suffolk in England
210 Sumner County 2 Edwin V. Sumner (Kansas); Jethro Sumner (Tennessee)
210 Surry County 2 County of Surrey in England
210 Talbot County 2
210 Tazewell County 2
210 Terrell County 2
210 Texas County 2
210 Thurston County 2
210 Tioga County 2
210 Tipton County 2
210 Trinity County 2 Trinity River
210 Turner County 2
210 Tyler County 2 John Tyler
210 Upshur County 2 Abel Parker Upshur
210 Wabash County 2 Wabash River
210 Walton County 2
210 Walworth County 2
210 Ward County 2
210 Wells County 2
210 Westmoreland County 2 County of Westmorland in England
210 Whitley County 2 William Whitley
210 Wichita County 2 The Wichita people, indirectly
210 Wilcox County 2
210 Wilkes County 2 John Wilkes
210 Wilkinson County 2 James Wilkinson
210 Williams County 2
210 Windham County 2
210 Winston County 2
210 Wise County 2 Henry Alexander Wise
210 Woodford County 2 William Woodford
210 Worcester County 2
210 Yuma County 2


  1. ^ 4 including Box Butte County, Nebraska
  2. ^ 3 including Miami-Dade County, Florida
  3. ^ History of Laurens County, SC - A Brief History. Town Square Publications. 2019-10-23 [2021-12-20] (美国英语). 
  4. ^ History | Laurens County, GA. 


  1. ^ 包含路易斯安那州的堂區
  2. ^ 不包含路易斯安那州傑佛遜·戴維斯堂區密西西比州傑佛遜·戴維斯縣佐治亞州傑夫·戴維斯縣德克薩斯州傑夫·戴維斯縣
  3. ^ 不包含德克薩斯州的傑克縣
  4. ^ 包含肯塔基州威斯康辛州的格林縣(Green County);不包含佐治亞州的格林縣(Glynn County)、德克薩斯州的湯格林縣(Tom Green County)
  5. ^ 不包含路易斯安那州东卡罗尔堂区西卡罗尔堂区
  6. ^ 只包含英文名稱為「Clark」的縣,不包含「Clarke」
  7. ^ 不包含威斯康辛州的格林萊克縣(Green Lake County)
  8. ^ 不包含新墨西哥州的利縣(Lea County)

