





傑拉德·克拉克·邦德英语Gerard C. Bond于1997年提出,5.9千年事件源自北大西洋的冰山漂流以及其它原因产生的每1470± 500年的北大西洋准周期冷却[2]。由于某些原因,这些早期的干旱事件,包括8.2千年事件,都跟随着恢复过程,例如撒哈拉地区在10,000至6,000年前的湿润环境[3]。但5.9千年事件之后顶多有个部分恢复,之后是又过了一个千年后的快速干旱。1998年,Mauro Cremaschi给出了利比亚西南的快速干旱的证据,风蚀加剧、沙侵、岩石崩塌[4]

Martin Claussen在1999年提出的一个模型,认为第4次“1500年氣候週期”的冷却事件产生了荒漠化[5]








  1. ^ Brooks, Nick. Cultural responses to aridity in the Middle Holocene and increased social complexity. Quaternary International. Dark nature: responses of humans and ecosystems to rapid environmental changes. 2006-07-01, 151 (1) [2022-08-05]. Bibcode:2006QuInt.151...29B. ISSN 1040-6182. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2006.01.013. (原始内容存档于2019-03-24) (英语). 
  2. ^ Bond, Gerard; Showers, William; Cheseby, Maziet; Lotti, Rusty; Almasi, Peter; deMenocal, Peter; Priore, Paul; Cullen, Heidi; Hajdas, Irka; Bonani, Georges. A Pervasive Millennial-Scale Cycle in North Atlantic Holocene and Glacial Climates. Science. 1997-11-14, 278 (5341) [2022-08-05]. Bibcode:1997Sci...278.1257B. ISSN 0036-8075. doi:10.1126/science.278.5341.1257. (原始内容存档于2022-06-06) (英语). 
  3. ^ Petit-Maire, N.; Beufort, L.; Page, N. Holocene climate change and man in the present day Sahara desert. Nüzhet Dalfes, H.; Kukla, G.; Weiss, H. (编). Third Millennium BC Climate Change and Old World Collapse. Berlin: Springer. 1997: 297–308. ISBN 978-3-540-61892-8. 
  4. ^ Cremaschi, M. Late Quaternary geological evidence for environmental changes in south-western Fezzan (Libyan Sahara). Cremaschi, M.; Di Lernia, S. (Eds.) (编). Wadi Teshuinat: Palaeoenvironment and prehistory in south-western Fezzan (Libyan Sahara). Firenze: Ed. All' Insegna del Giglio. 1998: 13–47. ISBN 978-88-7814-144-5. 
  5. ^ Claussen, Martin; Kubatzki, Claudia; Brovkin, Victor; Ganopolski, Andrey; Hoelzmann, Philipp; Pachur, Hans-Joachim. Simulation of an abrupt change in Saharan vegetation in the Mid-Holocene. Geophysical Research Letters. 1999-07-15, 26 (14) [2022-08-05]. Bibcode:1999GeoRL..26.2037C. doi:10.1029/1999GL900494. (原始内容存档于2020-04-13) (英语). 
  6. ^ Zhou Jing; Wang Sumin; Yang Guishan; Xiao Haifeng. Younger Dryas Event and Cold Events in Early-Mid Holocene: Record from the sediment of Erhai Lake (PDF). Advances in Climate Change Research. 2007, 3 (Suppl.): 1673–1719 [2012-09-21]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2008-09-10). 
  7. ^ Parker, Adrian G.; et al. A record of Holocene climate change from lake geochemical analyses in southeastern Arabia (PDF). Quaternary Research. 2006, 66 (3): 465–476 [2012-09-21]. Bibcode:2006QuRes..66..465P. doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2006.07.001. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2008-10-29).