upcoming events
Chaverim: Young Adults Retreat
Kahila Achat (קהילה אחת): One Community
May 23-26, 2025
Connect with old and new friends, enjoy late-night conversations, and enjoy coral reef snorkling at this year’s Young Adults retreat in Boca Raton, FL.
We will explore profound questions about our shared identity and purpose as Jews and Gentiles grafted into the olive tree. We’ll hear from three incredible couples, their visions for life, and how we can do the same.
After registering, you will receive a link to book your hotel stay at a discounted rate.
Registration is $200, and includes the snorkling adventure.
For more information and upcoming online events, visit:
*If you need financial assistance, please email umjc20s30s@gmail.com with your name, phone number, and why you’re requesting assistance. Scholarships are limited.
Summer Family Conference 2025
July 16-19, 2025 - Boston, MA
Make plans to join friends and family from across the messianic community for the Union’s annual Summer Family Conference, held at the Marriott Boston Newton.
Individual room reservations can be made using this link. Breakfast is included in our group rate of $189 per night (single/double) and hotel reservations must be made by Friday, June 20, 2025 in order to receive the discounted rate. After June 20 our room block is released.
Early Bird Registration (through 4/21/25)
Adults: $275
Teens and Young Adults: (13-35) $200
Children: $115
Nursery: $80
Regular Registration (4/22-7/2)
Adults: (19+): $325
Teens: (13-18): $225
Child: $125
Nursery: $90
Conference Highlights:
Monday, July 14: Pre-Conference Meetings Begin
All day: Executive Committee Meeting
Afternoon: Steering Committee members arrive and check-in
Tuesday, July 15:
Morning: Regional Directors Meeting
Afternoon: Steering Committee Meeting, Delegates arrive and check-in
Evening: Delegate Welcome Reception at the hotel (hors d’oeuvres)
Wednesday, July 16: Main Conference Begins
All Day: Annual Delegate Meeting at the hotel (lunch provided for Delegates)
Afternoon: Main Conference attendees arrive and check-in
Evening: Welcome Family Picnic at hotel
Thursday, July 17:
All Day: Teens Kayaking Trip
Morning: Torah Study Groups & Workshops
Afternoon: Young Adults Outing and Schmooze (TBA)
Evening: Plenary Speaker Stewart Winograd
Friday, July 18:
Morning: Torah Study Groups & Workshops
Afternoon: Screening of Pioneers of Messianic Worship, documentary by Greg Silverman
Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Family-style Shabbat Dinner Banquet (dinner included in registration)
Saturday, July 19:
Torah Study Groups
Shabbat Morning Service, Rabbi Paul Saal speaking
Shabbat Luncheon (lunch included in registration)
Family Carnival, sponsored by Ashreinu School
Evening: PAUL WILBUR live in concert, message from Eitan Shiskoff.