General Information
Australian Journal of Botany welcomes the submission of papers presenting original and significant research. All papers are refereed, in consultation with our Editorial Board.
When preparing a paper for publication, please follow journal style and layout as closely as possible. Guidelines are set out in the Author Instructions.
There are no page charges for Australian Journal of Botany.
Authors for whom English is a second language may choose to have their manuscript professionally edited after submission but before the review process.
English-language editing will:
• Improve grammar, spelling, and punctuation
• Improve clarity and resolve any ambiguity caused by poor phrasing
• Improve the language style so it is appropriate for an academic journal.
Authors wishing to use a professional English-language editing service should make contact and arrange payment with the editing service of their choice directly. Use of an English-language editing supplier listed here is not mandatory, and will not guarantee acceptance or preference for publication in a CSIRO Publishing journal.
The journal is indexed/abstracted in a wide variety of databases.
To submit your paper, please use our online journal management system ScholarOne Manuscripts.
For general enquires about submitted papers please contact:
Australian Journal of Botany
CSIRO Publishing
Email [email protected]
We have put together some helpful tips on creating impact for your work.