Our partners
OnePlanetCapital is fortunate to count the companies below as our partners. If you run or work for a business that you believe would benefit from a partnership with OnePlanetCapital then we would love to hear from you.

Kin are the go-to firm for all things venture capital – whether you are setting up a new VC fund, launching an accelerator, an established VC manager seeking support, or an investor looking to invest.

Green Angel Syndicate is the only angel investment syndicate in the UK specialising in the fight against Climate Change and Global Warming.

Greenbackers operate a ‘Funding-as-a-Service’ program connecting venture capital to NetZero: earthtech, oceantech, cleantech. They operate from London, Glasgow & Houston as a global investors marketplace.

Work with us
Whether you are an investor looking for opportunities in the climate and environmental sector or an entrepreneur seeking investment for your business an idea you can expect a first rate and professional experience.