Interlingue (Occidental)

Interlingue is an international auxiliary language developed by Edgar von Wahl, who published details of the language in his magazine Kosmoglott in Reval (which is now Tallinn, in Estonia) in 1922. In 1929, von Wahl's magazine was renamed Cosmoglotta and was published entirely in his language.

The language was originally called Occidental, as its vocabulary was based wholly on the major Western (Occidental) languages. Edgar von Wahl sought to utilise the international vocabulary that already existed as much as possible, but without the irregularities of the existing languages. This, he hoped, would make the language very easy to learn.

After the Second World War, the language was renamed Interlingue as the name Occidental was not popular in the communist countries of Eastern Europe, where some suspected that users of the language might have counter-revolutionary tendencies.

Interlingue is promoted by the Interlingue-Union (IU), an politically and religiously neutral organisation establised in 1929 and based in Switzerland. The IU also publishes the magazine Cosmoglotta.

Interlingue was quite popular in Europe and Asia before the Second World War: the second most popular International Auxiliary Language after Esperanto. After the war, it lost adherents to Esperanto and Interlingua. Recently there have been a bit of a revival in interest in the language.

Interlingue alphabet and pronunciation

Interlingue alphabet and pronunciation


Sample texts in Interlingue

Li Interlingue-Union es li central organisation international, quel accelera Interlingue. Li IU existe de 1929 e currentmen have su sede in Svissia. Li Union es absolut neutral in li campes politic, religiós e altris.


The Interlingue-Union is the central international organisation that promotes Interlingue. The IU has existed since 1929 and is currently based in Switzerland. The Union is absolutely neutral in political, religious and other matters.


Omni homes nasce líber e egal in dignitá e jures. Ili es dotat de rason e conscientie e deve acter vers unaltru in un spíritu de fraternitá.

Hear a recording of this text by Doug Vander Wel


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Sample text provided by Armando Alvarez

Sample videos

Information about Interlingue/Occidental | Numbers | Tower of Babel


Information about Interlingue

Online Interlingue dictionaries

Resume de gramatica de Interlingue (Occidental)

Wikipedia in Interlingueágine

Bibliotheca Occidental - a collection of texts in Occidental


International Auxiliary Languages

Blissymbolics, Esperanto, Folkspraak, Glosa, Ido, Interglossa, Interlingua, Interlingue/Occidental, Interslavic, Lingua Franca Nova, Lojban, Novial, Romance Neolatino, Romániço, Slovio, Solresol, Uropi, Volapük

Languages written with the Latin alphabet

Page last modified: 20.01.24


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