Pulsed Fiber Lasers

Pulsed Fiber Lasers

 Sub-nanosecond lasers in the NIR and Visible

Improve your resolution with our pulsed fiber laser series

The Sub-nanosecond Pulsed Fiber Lasers provide high repetition rate, excellent beam quality and reliability. The lasers operate in the visible and near infrared spectral ranges and are widely used for diverse applications such as Super-Resolution Microscopy.

  • Tailored to meet customer specifications
  • Internally or externally triggered
  • Superior beam quality
  • Wide wavelength available from 514 nm to 1700 nm
  • Adjustable repetition rate
  • Compact and durable design
  • User-friendly GUI
MPBC's pulsed laser

Pulse Duration (100 ps- 100 ns)

1 W
2 W
3 W
4 W
5 W
6 W
7 W
8 W
9 W
10 W
514-548 nm
549-695 nm
700-763 nm
770-785 nm
820-850 nm
960-990 nm
1028-1096 nm
1097-1370 nm
1400-1525 nm
1536-1570 nm
1640-1700 nm
1920-1980 nm

Key Features


Wavelengths from 514 nm to 1700 nm

Based on rare-earth and Raman lasers and amplifiers, our sub-nanosecond pulsed fiber lasers operate in infrared and visible range

MPBC's pulsed laser


GUI-controlled parameters

Parameters include: Pulse duration, output power, repetition rate, as well as triggering mode


Excellent beam quality

Typical M2 value is < 1.1 and PER >20 dB both in the visible and NIR


Maintenance-free and durable design

Our lasers have a long-lifetime reputation. They include multiple electrical and software-based security and safety measures

Typical optical specifications

Custom Table
Central Wavelength 695 nm
Maximum Average Output Power 2 W
Repetition Rate 40-100 MHz*
Beam Quality M² < 1.1
PER > 20 dB
Trigger Internal or external trigger
Pulse Duration 0.7 +/-0.2 ns
*Longer or shorter pulses and lower repetition rate are available on custom basis
Custom Table
Central Wavelength 514-1700 nm
Maximum Average Output Power 20 W
(depending on wavelength and repetition rate)
Repetition Rate 1-100 MHz*
Beam Quality M² < 1.1
PER > 20 dB
Trigger Internal or external trigger
Pulse Duration 100 ps-100 ns*
*Longer or shorter pulses and lower repetition rate are available on custom basis
Custom Table
Laser #1 Laser #2
Central Wavelength 589 nm* 655 nm*
Maximum Average Output Power 2 W
Repetition Rate 40-100 MHz*
Beam Quality M²<1.1
PER > 20 dB
Trigger Internal or external trigger
Pulse Duration 0.7 ns ± 0.2 ns
*Capable of emitting both wavelengths simultaneously or separately
**Longer or shorter pulses and lower repetition rate are available on custom basis

Specifications subject to change without notice


Get Started with our Pulsed Fiber Lasers Today!

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How our customers are using our Lasers

Pulsed Raman Fiber Laser for STED Nanoscopy

Organization: Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry

Our 560 nm pulsed Raman fiber laser at 30 MHz was used at Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry for creating a STED beam. Additionally, our 580 nm & 592 nm continuous wave visible fiber lasers were also used in this experiment as a STED laser source for their Drosophila experiment and for STED excitation respectively. 
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Pulsed Laser for Multimodal STED Microscopy

Organization: Clemson University

Stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy is one of the most popular super-resolution imaging techniques, inheriting the benefits of confocal microscopy, such as optical sectioning and molecular specificity. Here, Clemson University uses our 3 W 775 nm pulsed fiber laser for STED microscopy to quickly and accurately image cardiomyocytes and interstitial collagen fibers.
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Pulsed Laser for Two-Photon Polymerization

Organization: Purdue University

Purdue University conducted an experiment whose aim was to reduce the threshold power required for two-photon polymerization (TPP) processes. They used an 800 nm fs laser for two-photon absorption, and MPBC’ 532 nm 1.2 ns pulsed fiber laser for single-photon absorption. Purdue showed that these two lasers working together would efficiently reduce inhibitor concentration, resulting in a decreased requirement for femtosecond laser power.
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