Media Class

Media Properties

Term Name pcdm:hasMember op

Term IRI
Label has member
Is Defined By

Links to a subsidiary Object or Collection. Typically used to link to component parts, such as a book linking to a page. Note on transitivity: hasMember is not defined as transitive, but applications may treat it as transitive as local needs dictate.

Value Restriction
Type Object Property

Term Name pcdm:memberOf op

Term IRI
Label is member of
Is Defined By

Links from an Object or Collection to a containing Object or Collection.

Value Restriction
Type Object Property

Term Name dc:creator dp

Term IRI
Label Creator
Is Defined By

Examples of a Creator include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Creator should be used to indicate the entity.

An entity primarily responsible for making the resource.


A second property with the same name as this property has been declared in the dcterms: namespace. See the Introduction to the document DCMI Metadata Terms for an explanation.

Value Restriction xsd:string
Type Datatype Property

Term Name dc:description dp

Term IRI
Label Description
Is Defined By

Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource.

An account of the resource.


A second property with the same name as this property has been declared in the dcterms: namespace. See the Introduction to the document DCMI Metadata Terms for an explanation.

Super Property Of ms:processingActivityDescription
Type Datatype Property

Term Name dc:publisher dp

Term IRI
Label Publisher
Is Defined By

Examples of a Publisher include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Publisher should be used to indicate the entity.

An entity responsible for making the resource available.


A second property with the same name as this property has been declared in the dcterms: namespace. See the Introduction to the document DCMI Metadata Terms for an explanation.

Value Restriction xsd:string
Type Datatype Property

Term Name dcterms:available dp

Term IRI
Label Date Available
Is Defined By

Recommended practice is to describe the date, date/time, or period of time as recommended for the property Date, of which this is a subproperty.

Date that the resource became or will become available.

Value Restriction xsd:dateTime
Type Datatype Property

Term Name dcterms:created dp

Term IRI
Label Date Created
Is Defined By

Recommended practice is to describe the date, date/time, or period of time as recommended for the property Date, of which this is a subproperty.

Date of creation of the resource.

Value Restriction xsd:dateTime
Type Datatype Property

Term Name dcterms:identifier dp

Term IRI
Label Identifier
Is Defined By

Recommended practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to an identification system. Examples include International Standard Book Number (ISBN), Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and Uniform Resource Name (URN). Persistent identifiers should be provided as HTTP URIs.

An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.

Value Restriction xsd:string
Type Datatype Property

Term Name dcterms:license op

Term IRI
Label License
Is Defined By

Recommended practice is to identify the license document with a URI. If this is not possible or feasible, a literal value that identifies the license may be provided.

A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource.

Value Restriction cc:License
Type Object Property

Term Name dicom:SliceThickness dp

Term IRI
Label Slice Thickness

Nominal slice thickness, in mm.

Value Restriction xsd:float
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:ID dp

Term IRI
Label ID

Morphosource-specific unique ID identifier for a Work (Media, Organization, Device, etc.).

Super Property Of
Value Restriction xsd:string
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:agreementURI dp

Term IRI
Label Agreement URI

A Web URI for a statement of the ownership and usage rights for Media. This more accurately maps to xmpRights:WebStatement than xmpRights:UsageTerms, and should be changed accordingly.

Sub Property Of xmpRights:UsageTerms
Value Restriction xsd:anyURI
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:ark dp

Term IRI
Label ARK (Archival Resource Key)

Persistent identifier for MorphoSource Media automatically created on Media submission. ARKs can apply to both unpublished and published media.

Sub Property Of ms:mediaARK
Value Restriction xsd:string
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:attachmentFile dp

Term IRI
Label Attachment File

A binary attachment file associated with a Work record. Often used to provide additional description beyond that allowed by object properties.

Super Property Of ms:photographicReference
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:citeAs dp

Term IRI
Label Cite As

Instructions and guidelines for the citation of a Media. This should include additional instructions beyond those included in other metadata fields or in any download usage agreement.

Sub Property Of photoshop:Credit
Value Restriction xsd:string
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:dateModified dp

Term IRI
Label Date Modified

Recommended practice is to describe the date, date/time, or period of time as recommended for the property Date, of which this is a subproperty.

Date on which the resource was changed.

Value Restriction xsd:dateTime
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:dateUploaded dp

Term IRI
Label Date Uploaded

Recommended practice is to describe the date, date/time, or period of time as recommended for the property Date, of which this is a subproperty.

Date of upload of the resource.

Sub Property Of dcterms:dateSubmitted
Value Restriction xsd:dateTime
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:depositor op

Term IRI
Label Depositor

A current owner of an item who deposited the item into the custody of another person, family, or organization, while still retaining ownership

Value Restriction ms:User
Type Object Property

Term Name ms:doi dp

Term IRI
Label DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

Persistent identifier for MorphoSource Media created only on user request. DOIs can apply only to published media.

Sub Property Of ms:mediaDOI
Value Restriction xsd:string
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:downloadReviewer op

Term IRI
Label Download Reviewer

User(s) that receive and may decide approval requests to download media that is Published with Restricted Download.

Value Restriction ms:User
Type Object Property

Term Name ms:funding dp

Term IRI
Label Funding

Text description of organizations or individuals who funded the creation of the resource.

Sub Property Of ac:fundingAttribution
Value Restriction xsd:string
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:legacyMediaFileID dp

Term IRI
Label Legacy Media File ID

MorphoSource-specific unique ID identifier that was used to represent a Media in the now-defunct 1.0 version of the MorphoSource repository. Only present if Media was originally contributed to MorphoSource 1.0. Different from morphosource:ID identifier.

Sub Property Of ac:providerManagedID
Value Restriction xsd:string
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:legacyMediaGroupID dp

Term IRI
Label Legacy Media Group ID

MorphoSource-specific unique ID identifier that was used to group Media together in the now-defunct 1.0 version of the MorphoSource repository. In MorphoSource 1.0, Media groups were used to collect all media derived from the same Imaging Event. Media groups are no longer used, with media-to-media imaging and processing event relationships now being used instead to track hierarchical relationships between Media. Only present if Media was originally contributed to MorphoSource 1.0. Different from morphosource:ID identifier.

Sub Property Of ac:IDofContainingCollection
Value Restriction xsd:string
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:mapType op

Term IRI
Label Map Type

Type of texture map or projection that accompanies a 3D mesh model Media, such as color or normal maps. Values must be from the Mesh Map Type controlled vocabulary ( This only applies to Mesh Media.

`Color`, `Normal`
Value Restriction mscv:MeshMapType
Type Object Property

Term Name ms:mediaParentID dp

Term IRI
Label Media Parent ID

MorphoSource-specific unique ID identifier for the parent Media of a Media. This is the ID of the Media from which the current Media is immediately derived.

Sub Property Of ms:ID
Value Restriction xsd:string
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:mediaType op

Term IRI
Label Media Type

Type, nature, or classification of a Media file dataset, which may include one or more specific files. This is the general or high-level type of all file data, it is not the file type of any specific file. Most Media Types encompass a variety of different specific file types. Values must be from the Media Type controlled vocabulary (

Sub Property Of ac:subtypeLiteral
Value Restriction mscv:MediaType
Type Object Property

Term Name ms:morphosourceUseAgreementType op

Term IRI
Label MorphoSource Use Agreement Type

Type of MorphoSource use agreement that users must agree to in order to download Media and that is packaged with an associated Media download. Values must be from the Use Agreement Type controlled vocabulary (

`Standard`, `Permissive`
Value Restriction mscv:UseAgreementType
Type Object Property

Term Name ms:numberOfImagesInSet dp

Term IRI
Label Number of Images In Set

For Media with a ZIP archive with many component files, this is the number of files in the primary image collection in a CT image stack or photogrammetry image collection. This only applies to CTImageSeries or PhotogrammetryImageSeries Media.

Sub Property Of ms:dicomNumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances
Value Restriction xsd:int
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:orientation dp

Term IRI
Label Orientation

Specific orientation (= direction, view angle) of the subject represented in the media resource with respect to the acquisition device, denoted by an IRI.

Sub Property Of ac:subjectOrientation
Value Restriction xsd:string
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:owner op

Term IRI
Label Owner

The user that has the highest level of management control over a Media or another Work record. For Media, this user is also known as the Data Manager.

Value Restriction ms:User
Type Object Property

Term Name ms:part dp

Term IRI
Label Part

The portion or product of organism morphology, behaviour, environment, etc. that is either predominantly shown or particularly well exemplified by the media resource, denoted by an IRI.

Sub Property Of ac:subjectPart
Value Restriction xsd:string
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:permits3DUse op

Term IRI
Label Permits 3D Use

Whether Media may be 3D printed freely, may be 3D printed in limited ways, or if 3D printing is prohibited. Values must be from the 3D Printing Permission controlled vocabulary (

`3DPrintingPermitted`, `3DPrintingLimited`, `3DPrintingProhibited`
Value Restriction mscv:3DPrintingPermission
Type Object Property

Term Name ms:permitsCommercialUse op

Term IRI
Label Permits Commercial Use

Whether commercial use of Media is permitted. Values must be from the Commercial Use Permission controlled vocabulary (

`CommercialUseNotPermitted`, `CommercialUsePermitted`
Value Restriction mscv:CommercialUsePermission
Type Object Property

Term Name ms:physicalObjectID dp

Term IRI
Label Physical Object ID

MorphoSource-specific unique ID identifier for a Physical Object represented by a Media.

Sub Property Of ms:objectID
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:relatedURL dp

Term IRI
Label Related URL

URL for additional resource that might provide additional information about the Media or Physical Object.

Sub Property Of rdfs:seeAlso
Value Restriction xsd:anyURI
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:requiredArchivalOfPublishedDerivatives op

Term IRI
Label Required Archival Of Published Derivatives

Whether and how future derivatives created from Media must be rearchived on a public-facing digital repository such as MorphoSource. Values may include mandatory requirements or optional suggestions. Values must be from Derivative Rearchival Statement controlled vocabulary (

`OnMorphoSource`, `OnAnyRepository`, `EncouragedButNotRequired`
Value Restriction mscv:DerivativeRearchivalStatement
Type Object Property

Term Name ms:rightsHolder dp

Term IRI
Label Rights Holder

List of holders of intellectual property rights (copyright or license-based) for the Media.

Sub Property Of xmpRights:Owner
Value Restriction xsd:string
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:rightsStatement op

Term IRI
Label Rights Statement

Standardized rights statement used to communicate the copyright and/or reuse status of digital objects. Values must be from the Rights Statement controlled vocabulary (

``, ``, ``
Sub Property Of edm:rights
Value Restriction dcterms:RightsStatement
Type Object Property

Term Name ms:scaleBar dp

Term IRI
Label Scale Bar

Details of scale bar accompany a photogrammetry image series. Value should include three elements: the scale bar target type, the scale bar distance, and the units of the scale bar distance. If values are encoded as a string, they should be separate by semicolons. This only applies to PhotogrammetryImageSeries Media.

Value Restriction xsd:string
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:seriesType op

Term IRI
Label Series Type

Broad type or kind of CT image series, distiguishing between initial X-Ray projections and other derived series forms. Values must be from the CT Image Series Type controlled vocabulary (

`Projections`, `Sinograms`, `Reconstructed image stack`
Value Restriction mscv:CTImageSeriesType
Type Object Property

Term Name ms:shortDescription dp

Term IRI
Label Short Description

Brief summary description of Media. This could include a brief summary of what is represented in the Media or the context surrounding the Media.

Value Restriction xsd:string
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:side op

Term IRI
Label Side

The side of a larger object on which is located a represented component part, if media represents a component part of a larger whole object. Values must be from the Side controlled vocabulary ( Values are somewhat oriented toward objects with bilateral symmetry, but may in some cases be applied for objects with other kinds of symmetry.

`Left`, `Midline`, `Not Applicable`
Sub Property Of ac:comments
Value Restriction mscv:Side
Type Object Property

Term Name ms:tag dp

Term IRI
Label Tag

All-purpose label attached to Media for the purpose of identification, context, or to give other information.

Value Restriction xsd:string
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:unit op

Term IRI
Label Unit

Length measurement unit. For Mesh Media, this is the length unit associated with the 3D coordinate space of the mesh. For CTImageSeries Media, this is the length unit for X/Y/Z pixel spacing. Values must be from the Length Measurement Unit controlled vocabulary (

`Mm`, `Um`, `M`
Sub Property Of bf:unit
Value Restriction mscv:LengthMeasurementUnit
Type Object Property

Term Name ms:visibility op

Term IRI
Label Visibility

Publication status, denoting whether or not Media may be found in public search and whether or not Media files may be downloaded. Values must be from Publication Status controlled vocabulary (

`Open`, `Restricted`, `Private`
Sub Property Of ms:filesetAccessibility
Value Restriction mscv:PublicationStatus
Type Object Property

Term Name ms:xSpacing dp

Term IRI
Label X Pixel Spacing

Distance between centers of adjacent pixels in the X axis, for Media with pixel data where pixel spacing corresponds to real-world length measurement. Unit of measurement is described by morphosource:unit. Applies to Image and CTImageSeries media.

Sub Property Of ms:dicomPixelSpacingWidth
Value Restriction xsd:float
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:ySpacing dp

Term IRI
Label Y Pixel Spacing

Distance between centers of adjacent pixels in the Y axis, for Media with pixel data where pixel spacing corresponds to real-world length measurement. Unit of measurement is described by morphosource:unit. Applies to Image and CTImageSeries media.

Sub Property Of ms:dicomPixelSpacingHeight
Value Restriction xsd:float
Type Datatype Property

Term Name ms:zSpacing dp

Term IRI
Label Z Pixel Spacing

Distance between centers of adjacent pixels in the Z axis, for Media with 3D pixel data where pixel spacing corresponds to real-world length measurement. Unit of measurement is described by morphosource:unit. Applies to CTImageSeries media.

Sub Property Of ms:dicomSpacingBetweenSlices
Value Restriction xsd:float
Type Datatype Property
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