ISBN: 978-0-85466-877-9
ISSN: 3049-706X
Part of the Book Series "Obstetrics and Gynecology"
Series Editor: Zouhair O. Amarin
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ISBN: 978-0-85466-877-9
ISSN: 3049-706X
Part of the Book Series "Obstetrics and Gynecology"
Series Editor: Zouhair O. Amarin
The following topics illustrate the target subject areas and scope of the project. These keywords are not definitive but can be used as the basis for the chapter content. We accept theoretical and applied scientific papers which can be presented as original research papers and review papers. The required length of the full chapters is 10-20 pages.
Subject areas and keywords
Cell-Free Fetal DNA
Carrier Screening
Advances in Fetal Imaging
Whole Genome Sequencing
Clinical Genetic Counseling
Gene Therapy
Next-Generation Sequencing
Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Fetal Anomalies
Newborn Screening
Selective Reproduction
Management of Pregnancy
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English language proofreading
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