The Mage : You know what we have to do. In order for him to control Excalibur, he needs to go to the Darklands.
Bedivere : That's not happening.
Bedivere : ...Welcome to the Darklands...
The Mage : He needs to take the sword to the tower.
Bedivere : Give me another way.
The Mage : There is no other way. And he has to go alone.
Bedivere : He can't survive the Darklands alone!
The Mage : You don't want all of him to survive, that's the point. You have to break his old self completely, wear him down. You want him to think big? Give him something big to think about.
Bedivere : You're playing with fire, mage. And I'm not killing the king before he's even become one!
Bill : You've made quite a celebrity of yourself among the Blackleg ranks.
Bedivere : You've done very nicely on the back of your cozy relationship with your King's men.
King Arthur : I'm a little old for finger-wagging and speeches. So unless you're my dad, which... I believe is unlikely, can you just get around to telling me exactly what it is you want?
Bedivere : It was Vortigern who murdered your father, but what you didn't account for is what you can do with his sword.