44 of 118 found this mild
A soldier tells his boss another man 'touched him' after barging into a brothel, the boss quips, "usually people have to pay for that here."
The sirens, whose upper half is human, is only covered by long stringy hair that really doesn't cover a whole lot, though the scenes are shot in a dark cave.
A spell image shows a small caricature of a partially nude woman. Tree women appear to grow out of tree trunks, fairly busty, but fully covered with bark / tree "skin".
37 of 50 found this moderate
Fighting with swords, knives and arrows, some wounding/killing but no excessive gore.
A mother is killed as her child watches on, and he sees his father lose a sword fight - this is replayed numerous times, throughout the movie.
A young woman's throat is slit as her friends all look on in horror, with nothing they can do to stop it.
A man kills his own wife and then later his own daughter by stabbing them in the back as he hugs them.
Intense sword fights, men are stabbed, thrown off buildings, killed by arrows, etc. Though none of the violence is very bloody, there are quite a few fights and battles throughout the movie. Also a fair amount of dead bodies are seen strewn about, hanging from trees.
Two men are assassinated from a distance.
25 of 51 found this moderate
Fuck is spoken.
32 of 43 found this to have none
A discussion about delivering brandy.
31 of 41 found this moderate
Gigantic elephants terrorize a castle and its soldiers. soldiers are turned to fiery ash from magic fireballs.
A villian wears a devilish skull mask with a flaming cape.
Various magic users' eyes change to red, black, snakelike etc.
Large rats, ghoulsih bats, and other foul creatures attack a man. Giant snakes are seen
A dead baby is shown as three women mourn its loss.