King Arthur : So what happens now?
Vortigern : You know what happens now. You're quickly becoming a legend.
Vortigern : When people fear you... I mean, really fear you... it is the most intoxicating sensation a man can possess.
Vortigern : What kind of man would you have become if had you inherited your father's kingdom and all its advantages instead of being raised in a brothel? What gave you such drive, hmmm?
[later on]
King Arthur : You wanted to know what gave me such drive. It was you. You put me in that brothel. You cut me on the streets. I am here now because of you. You created me. And for that, I bless you.
Vortigern : You and I have a lot more in common than you think. It's not just the same blood we share, but also the same interests. We both developed a palate for power.
King Arthur : I've never had any power, or any desire to achieve it. Sire, I could simply drift away never to be seen again.
Vortigern : As much as I would like to believe you, your character makes that unlikely.