Valentine's Day (I) (2010)
Jessica Biel: Kara Monahan
Kara Monahan : My closest relationship is with my Blackberry, Thank God it vibrates !
Kara Monahan : I have my best friend, Candy.
Kelvin Moore : Oh, that's good.
Kara Monahan : Cause I can't get enough.
Kara Monahan : You came.
[sees Julia is mad]
Kara Monahan : What happened?
Julia Fitzpatrick : [Julia gestures for the bat. Kara let's her take it] He's married.
Julia Fitzpatrick : [Julia destroys the heart pinata with the baseball bat!] Now that's what I call open-heart surgery.
Julia Fitzpatrick : Peppermint Pattie?
Kara Monahan : Yep.
[Kara takes the candy from Julia]