Man of Steel (2013)
Diane Lane: Martha Kent
Martha Kent : [about Jonathan] He always believed you were meant for greater things, and that when the day came, your shoulders would be able to bear the weight.
Clark Kent : Yeah, I just wish he could have been here to see it finally happen.
Martha Kent : He saw it, Clark, believe me.
Martha Kent : What are you going to do when you're not saving the world? Have you given any thought to that?
Clark Kent : I have, actually.
[Clark chuckles]
Clark Kent : I gotta find a job where I can keep my ear to the ground. Where people won't look twice when I want to go somewhere dangerous and start asking questions.
Martha Kent : Sweetie. How can I help you if you won't let me in?
Clark Kent - age 9 : The world's too big, Mom.
Martha Kent : Then make it small. Just, um, focus on my voice. Pretend it's an island out in the ocean. Can you see it?
Clark Kent - age 9 : I see it.
Martha Kent : Then swim towards it, honey.
Clark Kent - age 9 : [comes out from the room] What's wrong with me, Mom?
Martha Kent : Clark.
General Zod : Where is the Codex?
Martha Kent : Go to hell!