Mr. Tall : [whispery kind of voice] Are you boys 21? Are you 21? Say yes!
Darren Shan , Steve : [together] Yeah.
Mr. Tall : [same whispery voice] Good. You don't have a tendency towards panic, sudden cardiac arrest, or crippling anxiety, do you? Say no!
Darren Shan : No.
Steve : Nope.
[shaking heads]
Mr. Tall : All right, then. Go ahead in. Show's about to start.
Larten Crepsley : Now, you mentally unfit? Didn't you hear me threaten you at the show?
Steve : I did. It was awesome.
Steve : You stole from a vampire? Do you realize you're a dead man? You're a dead man!
Darren Shan : I hate you!
Steve : I hate you!