Four Brothers (2005)
Josh Charles: Detective Fowler
Detective Fowler : If this woman's such a God-damned Saint, how did she end up raising four total fuck-ups?
Lt. Green : Miss Evelyn cycled hundreds of kids out of the foster program and into permanent homes. In 30 years she only came across four lost causes. Four delinquents so far gone she couldn't find anyone to take them in. So she did. Trust me, Fowler, these kids are congressmen compared to what they would've been
Detective Fowler : It's not looking good for you, homeboy.
Angel : We'll see if they're still your boys after they find out you killed your partner Green, homeboy.
Detective Fowler : That's your angle, huh? You're gonna walk out there and tell them I killed Green? That's your story?
Angel : It has the advantage of being true.
Detective Fowler : So what? I killed my partner. I could kill the whole damn police department if you were the only witness. They'd probably just promote me to chief. You're one of the Mercer brothers. No cop in the world is going to believe your word over mine.
Angel : You know what, you're probably right. Other than the ones I got outside right now in a van, listening to every bit of our conversation.
Lt. Green : [about Bobby Mercer] It's been a long time since anybody's seen that face around here.
Detective Fowler : Must've gotten off for good behavior.
Lt. Green : Not likely. That's Bobby Mercer. Heavyweight champion fuck-up of the family. And that's a well defended title. Would've made his daddy proud, if he'd ever had one. I used to know him a little. Played hockey with the boy. Got thrown outta 60 odd games before the league had finally had enough of him. They called him the Michigan Mauler.
Detective Fowler : Who's the kid?
Lt. Green : [chuckles] Oh, that's Jack. He's the youngest. First class fuck-up, third class rock star.
Detective Fowler : He doesn't look like trouble.
Lt. Green : He's a Mercer. Don't let him fool you.
Detective Fowler : Hey, Gretzky, you know what this is?
Bobby : A hair from your wife's tit?