Naked Lunch (1991)
Peter Boretski: Creature Voices, Exterminator #2
Creature Voices : I want you to type a few words into me. Words that I'll dictate to ya.
Bill Lee : Yeah. Sure. What the hell.
Creature Voices : Okay. Now, the first sentence is: "Homosexuality is the best all-around cover an agent ever had." Aw, come on, Bill.
[Bill begins typing]
Creature Voices : Don't be such a pansy! Be forceful. Hurt me. I love it. That is a great sentence. These are words to live by, Bill.
Creature Voices : Say, Bill. Would you rub some of this powder on my lips?
Creature Voices : Just remember this. All agents defect, and all resisters sell out. That's the sad truth, Bill. And a writer? A writer lives the sad truth like anyone else. The only difference is, he files a report on it.
Creature Voices : Your wife is not really your wife.
Creature Voices : I've been instructed to reveal to you that you were programmed to shoot your wife, Joan Lee. It was not an act of free will on your part.
Bill Lee : Who the fuck asked you?
Bill Lee : And Clark-Nova?
Creature Voices : He's still in the hands of our enemies. Such are the risks of our trade.
Bill Lee : Dr Benway MD PHD?
Creature Voices : Self-conferred. He never Graduated.
Creature Voices : She's an Agent who merged with her own Cover Story!
Creature Voices : Come, come Mr Lee. No need to play dumb with me.
Creature Voices : Handwriting is not considered professional.
Creature Voices : Tourist Class, I'm afraid, but what do you expect these days?
Creature Voices : [Muffled] Heads are gonna roll!
Creature Voices : An unconscious Agent is an effective Agent!
Creature Voices : [Naked, and having Lunch] What's your assessment of the situation? Did Frost know his Typewriter was an Enemy Agent?
Creature Voices : I have arranged all this so we could talk.
Creature Voices : This is a heinous mistake you're making!
Creature Voices : Women aren't human, Bill. Or perhaps more precisely, they're a different species from men, with different wills and different purposes on Earth.
Creature Voices : You know this instinctively.
Creature Voices : It'll be beautiful, the opposition will be thrown into total confusion!
Creature Voices : And it has to be real tasty! Don't forget the strawberry-shaped bullethole on her forehead.
Creature Voices : You will seduce or otherwise compromise Cloquet.
Creature Voices : We appreciate that you might find the thought of engaging in, uh, homosexual acts morally and, uh, possibly even physically repulsive and, uh, we are encouraged that you are able to overcome these personal, uh, barriers to better serve the cause to which we are all so devoted.
Creature Voices : They tortured me. Did unspeakable things. I'm on my last legs.
Creature Voices : I expect to see this reflected in your Report!
Bill Lee : Well, how am I supposed to write it? Longhand?
Creature Voices : You know the Swiss dandy Cloquet?
Bill Lee : Yes.
Creature Voices : And?
Bill Lee : I think he's a faggito and won't admit it.
Creature Voices : Your report on the subversive activities of Joan Frost was a model of its type. If you continue to develop your skills as an operative, I think a top position with the C.I.A. is not out of reach.
Bill Lee : The C.I.A.? You really think so?
Creature Voices : You have the demeanor. That's something you can't buy.
Bill Lee : The C.I.A. The C.I.A. Now, that's a career you can really sink your teeth into.
Creature Voices : Fadela is there. Fadela is your point of penetration.
Creature Voices : Bill, if you get rid of me, you sever ties with reality.