Naked Lunch (1991)
Roy Scheider: Dr. Benway
Doctor Benway : You'll see how elegantly this works. The black will disappear completely. There'll be no smell, no discoloration. It's like an agent, an agent who's come to believe his own cover story. But who's in there, hiding, in a larval state. Just waiting for a time to hatch out.
Doctor Benway : We get a lot of you folks in the extermination business. You better tell this friend of yours to get off the bug powder, it'll kill him.
Bill Lee : How do I get him to kick?
Doctor Benway : Kick?
Bill Lee : How do I get him off it?
Bill Lee : I need to score some pyrethrum, actually.
Doctor Benway : Score? You're not trying to pull a fast one on the old Doc, are you?
Bill Lee : I came here for help.
Doctor Benway : You're on to our good stuff now. Mugwump jism can't be beat.
Doctor Benway : Just tell me what you want.
Bill Lee : I want her.
Doctor Benway : Her? That purulent little cunt? What for?
Bill Lee : I can't write without her.
Doctor Benway : Old Fadela must be on the rag. She's been acting subversive lately.
Doctor Benway : During my tenure as chief physician to the prime minister of Annexia, "El Primo" liked to walk the streets amongst his people in drag, and, well - well - one thing led to another.