Naked Lunch (1991)
Judy Davis: Joan Frost, Joan Lee
Tom Frost : This is how Fadela's been controlling you, Joan. Your blood, your pubic hair, your fingernails.
Joan Frost : Fadela controls nobody, and you know it. We have forced control upon her.
Joan Frost : You were a hit with Cloquet. He said you did a little routine that made him chuckle to himself all night long.
Bill Lee : I suffer from sporadic hallucinations.
Joan Frost : Join the Club.
Joan Frost : It launched itself off of its own accord! Did you see that?
Joan Frost : No-one controls me.
Hafid : That's not true! She's making you say everything! Even that!
Joan Frost : I don't like machines, they intimidate me.
Joan Frost : We don't trespass on each other.
Joan Lee : I'm shooting up your bug powder. You might like to try it yourself. Or, you might not.
Bill Lee : I ran out in the middle of a job. You gotta stop using the stuff, Joan. They ration it out like snakebite serum.
Joan Lee : Well, just do what everybody else does, cut it with baby laxative. The roaches will shit themselves to death.
Joan Frost : Did you come to Interzone for the boys?
Bill Lee : No, I didn't.
Joan Frost : Tom and I did. That's quite a hot threesome you arrived with. They're very cheap and they're really a lot of fun.
Bill Lee : [Joan typing in Arabic] I can't read it. Is it erotic?
Joan Frost : It's, um, fairly erotic. Kind of uncivilized.
Bill Lee : More erotic. Filthier.
Joan Frost : Filthier? Okay.
Bill Lee : All you think about.
Bill Lee : All those women - they work for her?
Joan Frost : In a sense. They're all Fadela's lovers. I'm going to have to - I'm gonna have to stay here with Fadela - do penance.