So, I’ve been looking for horror and thrillers from an international perspective and came across The Mine by Arnab Ray. Then, I looked at some of the So, I’ve been looking for horror and thrillers from an international perspective and came across The Mine by Arnab Ray. Then, I looked at some of the reviews on Goodreads and was like…oof, I don’t know. But decided to at least start the book, and I was glad I did.
Wow! This is a roller coaster ride of a thriller. Yes, it *is* violent. And, yes, it does have a *lot* of sexually-based situations. But the violence takes on a new meaning when you realize that so much of it is based on real life occurrences and the sexual situations are absolutely essential to the plot and not just some sort of sexual romp.
More than anything, the author takes us deep into the horrors that men and women commit in both real life and in their hearts…and it’s a very unpleasant place to visit.
I did wish for a few less flashbacks and that some of what happened in the mine happened a little sooner, but that’s just a personal preference and once things got rolling, they simply didn’t stop!
No spoilers here, but one reveal absolutely shattered me – it was shocking and terrible, but fit very well within the story the book told.
Finally, it was an absolute pleasure to read a book from a perspective that wasn’t generic white American or generic white Brit – the book is told from an Indian perspective and it gives insight into both modern culture and history....more