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Women Leaders Quotes
Quotes tagged as "women-leaders"
Showing 1-30 of 43

“Live your life in such a way that you'll be remembered for your kindness, compassion, fairness, character, benevolence, and a force for good who had much respect for life, in general.”

“Love, compassion, care, listening, communicating—these aren’t secondary skills. They’re of primary importance.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur

“Leadership is not about command and control: that’s for the army.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur

“We are in a season of disruption. We are in a season of rebirth. The two have much in common. What we once thought of as normal will never be again, but both disruption and rebirth provide opportunities to normalize entirely new realities...”
― Intentioning: Sex, Power, Pandemics, and How Women Will Take The Lead for (Everyone's) Good
― Intentioning: Sex, Power, Pandemics, and How Women Will Take The Lead for (Everyone's) Good

“We all make mistakes, and life throws us all curveballs. The critical thing is how we deal with them.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur

“Bend don’t break. Being soft is powerful. You don’t need to be “tough” to be an effective leader.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur

“If there’s one thing you can do to demonstrate, in action, that you’re serious about your start-up, it’s this: quit your day job.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur

“Charlatans are like poisonous mosquitoes dressed as butterflies.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur

“Ambiguity is the enemy. Set clear expectations of whatever deal or relationship you are entering into.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur

“When leaders become isolated, they stop getting critical feedback.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur

“Be resilient. You will have major setbacks. Know they are coming and don’t let them stop you.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur

“Those with integrity acknowledge their missteps and grow from them.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur

“Recognizing and instilling a culture of dignity matters.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur

“Helping people grow is the surest way to foster loyalty, engagement, and passion.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur

“Inspiration is key. Allow people to have fun, encourage enjoyment, and require growth.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur

“It’s not just win or lose—the process is what matters.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur

“Being flexible and, more important, empathetic, in business partnerships is essential.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur

“Showing people who you are and being vulnerable is actually a strength.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur

“The things that have helped me grow to be softer have actually made me more powerful.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur

“Know your values. Being true to yourself is a critical part of being a leader.”
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
― Digital Goddess: The Unfiltered Lessons of a Female Entrepreneur
“The world needs your unique path; chart it fearlessly.”
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
“True leadership is serving others; follow Queen Elizabeth's noble example.”
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
“The power of empowerment can change the world, one person at a time.”
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
“Leadership is service, not a throne to seize
Empowering and uplifting those you lead with ease
Each day, ask yourself how you can lend a hand
Supporting others, not yourself, is what makes a true command
The Queen’s example, a shining light
Acknowledging and elevating others, always in her sight
Breaking through barriers, supporting good causes
Making everyone feel valued, she’s a true leader who never paused
Let us all follow in her regal path
Celebrating each other’s achievements, no aftermath
Age and gender, never to be a limitation
We can all make a positive impact on this nation
Remember, true leadership is not about fame
It’s measured by the success and well-being of your game
So lead with service, and watch your people thrive
For a true leader empowers, and helps their people to survive.”
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
Empowering and uplifting those you lead with ease
Each day, ask yourself how you can lend a hand
Supporting others, not yourself, is what makes a true command
The Queen’s example, a shining light
Acknowledging and elevating others, always in her sight
Breaking through barriers, supporting good causes
Making everyone feel valued, she’s a true leader who never paused
Let us all follow in her regal path
Celebrating each other’s achievements, no aftermath
Age and gender, never to be a limitation
We can all make a positive impact on this nation
Remember, true leadership is not about fame
It’s measured by the success and well-being of your game
So lead with service, and watch your people thrive
For a true leader empowers, and helps their people to survive.”
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
“I have in sincerity pledged myself to your service, as so many of you are pledged to mine. Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthy of your trust.” Her Majesty at the Coronation in 1953”
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
“Proper training is key, it allows one to accomplish a great deal."" Queen Elizabeth II”
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
“The things which I have here promised, I will perform, and keep, so help me God.” Queen Elizabeth – The Queen’s Coronation Oath, 1953”
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
“I cannot lead you into battle, I do not give you laws or administer justice, but I can do something else: I can give my heart and my devotion to these old islands and to all the peoples of our brotherhood of nations.” Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II”
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
“Like all the best families, we have our share of eccentricities, of impetuous and wayward youngsters and family disagreements."" Queen Elizabeth II”
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
― The Job Well Done: The Queen's Way to Successful Leadership
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