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301 pages, ebook
First published July 21, 2020
Even someone who appears kindhearted might glance out a window. Even someone abrasive might never. The old constructs of good and bad have long been replaced with safe and unsafe. Are you a safe person? She thinks she is. She knows she is.
Despite the behavior by some that she considered unfathomably dangerous only fourteen days ago, she also gets it. People in the new world fall into two categories: safe and unsafe. But who’s to say which lives the better, fuller life?
It all begins where BIRDBOX ended, The Jane Tucker School for the Blind. Two years have passed.
"Malorie stands against the brick wall of a classroom. The door is locked. She is alone. The lights are off. She is blindfolded. Outside in the hall, violence has begun."
Escape....the only answer.
Many more years of remote isolation pass. Another dangerous journey is on the horizon. The creatures are everywhere. But there's a goal now....a reason to leave safety.
Tom is excited, tired of confinement and Malorie's strict rules. He and Olympia lead the way with a trained ear and long kept secrets.
BIRDBOX 2 - MALORIE does not disappoint. Josh Malerman takes us back into a creeped out world of sightless fear and the unknown with a fine storyline and satisfying conclusion.
(Can't wait for movie version, two scenes in particular.)
“I was waiting for a literal message, I think. Waiting for a knock at the door, someone to come tell us it was over. It’s the ultimate fantasy for those of us from the old world, isn’t it? Word that the whole nightmare has come to an end?”So eerily reminiscent of present times, right?