Sonja Arlow's Reviews > Malorie

Malorie by Josh Malerman
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: creepy, dystopian, 2020-read

2.5 stars

Just a word of warning, once you are finished reading this dont discuss it with anyone. I just had a long chat about the book with a friend and we complained so much about some of the irrational twists at the end it made me lower my rating.

Basically the story started really strong and didn't end so well. Just like this horse ....

The biggest appeal of the first book was the novelty of a world where you are not allowed to open your eyes. It was a creepy, slow burner that really played on anxieties I didn't know I had.

With the sequel you know what you are getting yourself into and for the most part I enjoyed spending time with Malorie and her kids.

The blind train was a nice addition as well as the stories of how other communities try to find some normality in this world full of creatures.

There were some interesting new characters that did not get as much attention as I would have liked, I suspect that there were a few gaping plot holes near the end and the last 10% was awfully rushed. A pity.
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Reading Progress

May 10, 2020 – Shelved
May 10, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
May 10, 2020 – Shelved as: creepy
May 10, 2020 – Shelved as: dystopian
July 26, 2020 – Started Reading
July 28, 2020 – Finished Reading
July 29, 2020 – Shelved as: 2020-read

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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message 1: by Calzean (new)

Calzean A pity yes as Book 1 was very good. No Book 2 for me after your review.

message 2: by Douglas (new)

Douglas Cosby I love the horse.

Sonja Arlow Douglas wrote: "I love the horse."

Me too :-) I think my whole review should just have been the picture of the horse

Sonja Arlow Calzean wrote: "A pity yes as Book 1 was very good. No Book 2 for me after your review."

Perhaps I was a bit harsh but dont think we needed a sequel to Bird box to be honest.

message 5: by PorshaJo (new)

PorshaJo Haha. Love the horse. Sorry this one didn't work for you. I always wonder about sequels to really popular books. Were they originally planned or done due to hype in the latter case they usually never work. Better luck on the next read

Sonja Arlow PorshaJo wrote: "Haha. Love the horse. Sorry this one didn't work for you. I always wonder about sequels to really popular books. Were they originally planned or done due to hype in the latter case they usually nev..."

This one had the feeling of being planned as the middle book but then the author/publishers changed their minds so all the leftover story was crammed into the last 10%

Philip Oh nooo!! I'm currently reading, and just reached around page 200 and hit the first "...wait a minute; this seems like a stretch" moment. But was hoping that will soon be explained away...

Sonja Arlow Philip wrote: "Oh nooo!! I'm currently reading, and just reached around page 200 and hit the first "...wait a minute; this seems like a stretch" moment. But was hoping that will soon be explained away..."

There were 3 specific plot scenes that made me lower my rating, maybe they wont bother you as much as they did me..... otherwise just mssg me when you are done so we can compare notes on what we found inconsistent.

Amy (Sun) Can't believe I had to listen to that teenage boy complain the entire book and at the end he didn't get a "gee maybe my Mom is somewhat right" realization lol.

Bonnie E. Great review, and love the horse picture analogy. Just finished the book - quick read for sure.

Sinead A perfect depiction of how I felt, summed up in horse form!

Joseph Casey spot on and very well illustrated!!

Amber Martin Two years after you reviewed this, and I wish I had seen your horse illustration first.

Sonja Arlow Amber wrote: "Two years after you reviewed this, and I wish I had seen your horse illustration first."

It feels as if the author was in an INCREDIBLE rush to just finish the last few chapters that he didnt even bother with consistency or sense

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