We care that you care

Funraise badge icon.

Funraise is a collection of nonprofit people who've decided to use our skills to promote charitable endeavors everywhere. We are the world, we are the children, and we're passionate about helping nonprofits achieve their goals.

Nonprofit platform team playing ping pong.

Made with love from Long Beach, CA

We're a bunch of chill SoCal folks who love dogs, beaches, and coffee... with a side order of world change. Always on the lookout for people just like you who want to be a part of something big and wonderful.

Team Funraise

We come from different backgrounds, but are united in our love for nonprofits and pizza.
Nonprofit export faces in a grid.
Nonprofit export faces in a grid.
Nonprofit export faces in a grid.

Funraise K9 Unit

Addie the dog
Addie Sasso
Senior Culture Compawnion
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Emmy Lou the dog
Emmy Lou Flack
Official Funraise Welcome Waggin
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Dog sitting.
Lucy 'Lumpy' Hobson
Beauty Sleep Consultant
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Dog sitting.
Olive/Olivier Charapata
One Dog to Rule Them All
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Dog sitting.
Poggers Majkrzak
Chief Snack Sniffer
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Dog sitting.
Scout de los Reyes
Sales Development Overlass
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Happy dog.
Babs 'Bat-Girl' Kuk
Full Bark Pupgineer!
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Happy dog.
Frankenstein Booker Charapata
Senior Lap Researcher
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Happy dog.
Her Royal Highness Princess Elvira Steinberg of Lickingstein
Mistress of the Bark
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Mac Levy the Regal Dog
Mac Levy
Vice President of Pawmunications
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