Think Tank

Dokumenti koji pomažu u oblikovanju novog zakonodavstva EU-a
Cross-border protection of vulnerable adults
The IA supports the above proposals with a qualitative assessment of legal, social and economic impacts, complemented by quantified estimates of costs and savings of procedural and administrative costs. Impacts on fundamental rights and digitalisation are also assessed, including concerns raised by stakeholders with respect to data protection. The IA follows a clear intervention logic and is based on solid internal and external sources and various stakeholder consultations. It clearly makes an effort ...
What if we use clean tech to source critical raw materials within the EU?
New methods are now available for processing mined metal ores that produce essentially no pollution compared to existing techniques. The large-scale development of these methods would allow EU mines to reopen, greatly contributing to EU sovereignty targets while lowering carbon emissions. Demonstrations of these technologies in Europe already exist at industrial scale, and current regulatory frameworks could be adapted to accommodate and promote their use. With the rollout of carbon pricing on imports ...
Economic Outlook Quarterly: Navigating times of uncertainty
Europe must swiftly address huge challenges, in the face of a rapidly shifting geopolitical landscape and major fiscal policy changes. With an increasingly protectionist United States (US) on one side and China becoming an ever-more direct competitor across industries on the other, Europe's economic future is fraught with uncertainty. In these testing times, the Next Generation EU (NGEU) recovery instrument, which has contributed to the EU economy's swift rebound from the COVID-19 crisis, is expected ...
Plenary round-up – March 2025
The future of European Union defence unsurprisingly topped the March 2025 plenary session agenda. Members held a debate on Europe's security architecture and the EU's unwavering support for Ukraine, in the presence of the Presidents of the European Council, and European Commission. Debates also took place on the conclusions of the 6 March special European Council meeting and preparation of the regular meeting on 20 21 March 2025. Members marked International Women's Day with addresses from guests ...
Stock-taking of the 2024 European Parliament Elections
In the 2024 European Parliament elections turnout varied significantly across EU Member States, influenced by institutional factors such as compulsory voting and concurrent elections. Socioeconomic disparities persisted; older, higher-educated, and wealthier citizens were more likely to vote, while economically disadvantaged and unemployed individuals participated less. Gender and age gaps in turnout reaffirmed the importance of role models and political efficacy in mobilization. Vote choice reflected ...
Buduća događanja

On 18 March 2025, the European Parliament and the European Commission will co-host the third edition of the EU Tax Symposium in the Hemicycle of the European Parliament in Brussels, with the participation of National Parliaments.

On 18 March, the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO) will host a public hearing about the enforcement and implementation of the Digital Services Act (DSA). The aim of the hearing is to discuss the effective implementation and enforcement of the DSA.

On 18 March 2025, JURI and EMPL Members will hold a public hearing on the protection and promotion of the rights of children placed in alternative care
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