All inbound openURLs need to start with the following base:
Building on the base URL you now need to add the relevant parameters. Below is an example link with three parameters. In this example the genre describes the type of resource you are trying to link to (e.g. article or book) and each parameter is a field (e.g. title, date). See details below.
Cambridge Core accepts the following genres: article, book, bookitem, journal and series.
Note for all genres:
genre: article
atitle: article title
au: first author name
aulast: first author’s last name
aufirst: first author’s first name
date: year of publication
genre: journal
jtitle: journal title
title: journal title
genre: book
btitle: book title
au: first author name
aulast: first author’s last name
aufirst: first author’s first name
date: year of publication
atitle: chapter title
au: author name
aulast: author last name
aufirst: author first name
date: publication date of book
Whenever an exact match is found, the link will resolve directly to the article/book/chapter/journal page on Cambridge Core.
If no exact match is found, or when multiple matches are found, the link will resolve to a search results page. This page displays the details of the query, lists partial matches and allows user to edit the search parameters or run a new search locally.
If you have any feedback from using our OpenURLs please email us: