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Waxtaani jëfandikukat:Ahloubadar

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Jóge Wikipedia.

assalaamu 'aleykum no ngi lèen di nuyu té di lèen sant ci liggeey bu rafét bi ngeen di laggèey ngir képp kuy wolof. lépp lu mafi lèeral mbaa lu mafi wax taxul ma wéddi waxi kénn danuy laabiirante rek ma ciy joxé sama xalaat buka défèe nu xool bu jubèe nu jal bu jubul nu bà ndax dagg yalla rekk moka moom, am fooy téktalo baax-na lool waya ñi nuy téktalo yalla moo lèen joxoon ab deg té mongi fi diko joxé ba tay li am solo mooy bu nit waxèe nu xool wax jà baxam jubna am dèet jërëngèen jëf may déllu bà tëy ci di rafét lu sèeni laggeey té di lèen ñanal sèeni naal yegg waw-kay (ok)--Ahloubadar 8 Awril 2009 à 14:52 (UTC)

Royuwaay:Waccbess > Royuwaay:Gan ñi

[soppi gongikuwaay bi]

man ma soppi tur wii (Royuwaay:Waccbess) tuddé ko Royuwaay:Gan ñi liko waral mooy Waccbess bunu ko waxèe nun wolof danu ciy jublu xeeb kinuy waxal te fii amul kunu fi wara xeeb. nanu wax rekk Gan moo gan a matalé waw-kay (OK) --Ahloubadar 7 Awril 2009 à 19:32 (UTC)

ndimbal ci ay nataal

[soppi gongikuwaay bi]

moonte soo seetlu woon bu baax dinga gis ne lëkkalekaay bi maa ngi la ko dugalaloon ci wet gis, ci cammoñu xët wi, gis naa ne dugalaat nga fa beneen lëkkalekaay ci kenu bi ci ndeyjoor, kon ñu nekk ñaar yuy jëme ci wenn xët wi, moo tax ma dindi benn bi. li taxoon nag ma faroon lëkkalekaay bi nga fi njëkkoon def, mooy danga ko fee defoon te sosaguloo woon xët wi, dara nekku ci woon, yaakaar naa xët wu amee nii solo kenn du ko far. man ngaa xool itam beneen sémbu wolof bii (wikbaatukaay), soo fa mane cëru. jaa-jëf --Ibou (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 9 Awril 2009 à 19:22 (UTC)[répondre]

waw-kay lii dey bekk naci lool ndax dina waral ma gën a sawar ci liggèey bi jërëjëf. malay fattali waale E-bataaxal bi la doon laj. amna benn baat buma la baggona jox ngir ga dogal ko ci dàll bi. waxtaan budee soppi ko du jafe man gako def diiso buka defee dina tax gan gu ñaw dina xam njariñu xët wi njëkk mukay laaj, ndax lii nu fiy def diiso la tudd, maa ngi xaar yaw sa xalaat ci loolu ngir danoo war di laabiirante. Dialogue:Waxtaan Discussion:Diiso

ahloubadar (xëtu waxtaanuwaay)--9 Awril 2009 à 23:39 (UTC)[répondre]

Wax nga dëgg, xalaatu ma ko woon, donte soppi ko du yomb ndax baat bi fi ma ko jëfandikoo moo bari, waaye ndank ndank dinaa ko soppi. Baat yi nga def ci suuf soo leen manoon a dugal ci wikbaatukaay doon na am solo lool. Jàng naa linga bind ci kaw ñeel baat yi, soo amee yu mel nii ci pénc mi nga ko war a bind, fa ñépp di tase, soo ko defee ci sa xëtu waxtaanuwaay manees na koo bañ a gis. Dila ñaan nga def ko fa ngir ñeneen ñi gis ko man la cee tont. jaa-jëf --Ibou (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 10 Awril 2009 à 10:46 (UTC)[répondre]
Ahakay boo seet lo defna ko ci lëkkalekaay bi ga ma joxoon(wikbaatukaay). batey baat yi bu laa jee ñu tekki ko ci EN wala FR mann a nekk ngir gaañi deggul wolof ñu man di ci jeem ndank ndank ku ci melni Guérin Nicolas akk ñeneen ci fi ne. Nga xalaataale ci baat bobii ma def ci pénc mi muy Sourir:Mouse: ñu tekkee ko ci wolof Baak xoolal boo ko danko ga wax ma, nu soppi Xët wu njëkk def ko Njalbeen loo ci xalaat ? Waw-kay (OK)ahloubadar (xëtu waxtaanuwaay)-- 10 Awril 2009 à 17:26 (UTC)[répondre]
gis naa baat yi, waaye ni nga leen fa dugale du noonu, baat bu ci nekk dafa wara am xëtu boppam, xoolal fii ngi xam nan la (dugal ab baat). soo xoolee baat yi fa jot a nekk noonu lañu leen fa defee, boolewuñu leen ci wenn xët. Baat yi nga dugal fii ci suuf, yaakaar naa ne matu ko, wikbaatukaay lañu jagleelee loolu, fii ay jukki rekk lañu fi wara def. Lu tax ngay woowee mouse=baak? Foog naa ne wax Xët wu njëkk walla Njalbeen benn, dafa mel ne nga ne accueil walla page principale, boo ci wax baax na. jaa-jëf --Ibou (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 11 Awril 2009 à 09:28 (UTC)[répondre]
  • Waaw di naa ko fa dugal ndank-ndank waye litax ma defko nii damaa bëgg ñun ñépp bokk di ci xool ay baat di ko dugal ngir mooy tax mu gën a gaaw te yiy lii day tax rekk baat yi gën a jong jarul far,
  • xët wu njëkk baax na waaye njëlbeen moo ko gën, ndax di jëfëndikoo baat yu fasu yi moo gën baat yi melni luñ firi.
  • mouse ci EN jinax/janax lay tekki sourire ci FR jinax/janax lay tekki waaye doo topp baat bi rekk limiy def gay xool. te yit firee wu ma Mouse baak cokkukaay gi laa tuddee baak ndax Fr dañkoo tuddee sourire EN tuddee ko Mouse ma yeene ñu tuddee ko baak ci WO ngir ni baak di navigee ci teen noon la cokkukaay gi di def fii.
  • ma di la ci laaj sa xalaat ? Waaw-Kay (OK) --Ahloubadar 11 Awril 2009 à 19:58 (UTC)
xët wu njëkk ak njëlbeen benn lañu, ni ma la ko waxeewoon, te ñoom ñaar ñépp ay firi lañu, man naa koo soppi it, waaye gis naa ne topp di soppi waat lenn loo xam ne moom ak langa koy wuutalee ñoo yenn, amul solo. coono bi may daj di ko soppi defoon leneen lu bees moo ëppoon solo, ëpp njariñ. Li nga wax ci baak xalaat bu rafet la, man ngay dugal baat yi ngay sos ñeel xam-xamu nosukaay(informatique) ci wikbaatukaay, ndax sos nañu fa ab sémb ngir taxawal ab baatal ñeel ko. xoolal fii. jaa-jëf --Ibou (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 13 Awril 2009 à 20:19 (UTC)[répondre]

Salaam ibu damaa baga jeema dugal yen ci réew yi amagul ak-it yi am ma mottali ko, nan laay def bà dolli ci Royuwaay:Infobóóx ay barab lu melni njiitu reew ak yeneen...?

Hi Ahloubadar, welcome to the wikipedia in wolof, i'm very happy that you join us to develop this encyclopedia in wolof. I'm mostly doing maintenance here (fight against vandalism, correcting bugs, categorizing, adding pictures, developping templates, etc) because wolof native speakers are very rare and precious here, so they shouldn't lose their time about doing this, they are more important to write articles.

About the link of Ndimbal ci ay nataal in Ndimbal:Ndimbal, it was not delete but moved by Ibou from the top of the page to the middle of the page as you can check it here. Just note that now it is appearing twice, one in the left section "Jëfandikukat" below "Tànneefu Jëfandikukat", and one in the right section "Soppi jukki yi" at the top. I'm not sure that it needs to appear twice...

I'm not speaking wolof unfortunately, but i can understand some words and i master how wikipedia works in general. You can talk to me in english or french.

Happy contributions. Guérin Nicolas (Xëtu waxtaanukaay) 13 Awril 2009 à 21:33 (UTC)[répondre]

Thank for your work. I'm very happy for you because you working for add our language in the internet. you are a brave man,you are a warrior. Don't worry I'm here for contribute in wikipedia wolof, we are together, good continuation OK.

Nicolas I wanna ask you a question: How I do to add a new item in Royuwaay:Infobóóx like Government, Independence and others ?--Ahloubadar 16 Awril 2009 à 00:00 (UTC)

You have to create a new page like {{Infobóóx Rée}} by replacing the word "Rée" by an equivalent in Wolof of "Government". The most important thing is what to put inside this infobox? What should be the fields to fill up concerning a government? Is there a similar infobox on the english wi~kipedia? Guérin Nicolas (Xëtu waxtaanukaay) 16 Awril 2009 à 11:48 (UTC)[répondre]
Do you want to create a new Infobox, or do you want to improve {{Infobóóx Rée}}? In that last case, we have to fusion {{Infobóóx Rée}} and {{Infobóóx Réew}}. I just want to know if "Ndox mi%" is really important? Guérin Nicolas (Xëtu waxtaanukaay) 16 Awril 2009 à 21:27 (UTC)[répondre]
I created an infobox it's {{Infobóóx Réew}} but it have a problem I need your help can you create a full infobox in wolof for we can add some countey articls ? if you need to translate some words send me. Ndox mi% it's Water (%) in english.

you can help me online with teamviewer ok --Ahloubadar 17 Awril 2009 à 17:45 (UTC)

OK now it's work fine. don't forget to creat an infobox --Ahloubadar 17 Awril 2009 à 19:45 (UTC)

Hi, there is now 3 infoboxes on the same topic : {{Infobóóx Rée}}, {{Infobóóx Réew}} and {{Infobóóx Réew2}}. We need to fusion/combine these 3 infoboxes into one. Each modification on this infobox impose to edit all the articles containing such Infobox, so we need to find a definitive agreement on this infobox :

  • Titel : "Rée" ou *Réew"?
  • Field names : "yaatuwaay" ou "rëyaay"? "way-dëkk" ou "aji-dëkk"? "dankaloowaay" ou "fattaay"?
  • Add "Nguur-gi", "Moom-sa-réew", "Turu Way-dak yà", "Njëkk-xayma"?
  • Please, note that i don't have idea about these name but you should find an agreement with Jëfandikukat:Ibou who proposed "rëyaay", "aji-dëkk" and "fattaay" on {{Infobóóx Rée}}. When this agreement will be definitive, report it to me and i will compile the 3 infoboxes.

Guérin Nicolas (Xëtu waxtaanukaay) 17 Awril 2009 à 09:28 (UTC)[répondre]

OK I'll agree with ibou after we can create an infobox or edit the old --Ahloubadar 17 Awril 2009 à 17:24 (UTC)[répondre]
can you give me your E-mail addresse ? for we can chat online--Ahloubadar 17 Awril 2009 à 18:31 (UTC)[répondre]
Hi, you can send me an e-mail here or we can chat on IRC at this address #wikipedia-wo. Guérin Nicolas (Xëtu waxtaanukaay) 18 Awril 2009 à 08:30 (UTC)[répondre]
Thank you Ok
How it work ??? Ahloubadar--Ahloubadar 19 Awril 2009 à 18:10 (UTC)[répondre]
If the direct connexion does not work, you may install a IRC client, for example i'm using chatzilla. Guérin Nicolas (Xëtu waxtaanukaay) 21 Awril 2009 à 14:21 (UTC)[répondre]

nanga def Ahloubadar?

infobox bii {{Infobóóx Réew}} yaa ko sos te bii {{Infobóóx Rée}} amoon na fi ba noppi, su fekke dafa am ay baat yoon andul fii doy na nga wax ko nu diisoo ci, baat yi fa nekk du man maa leen tànn def leen fa, lunu diisoo la ba juboo ci, te independence=tembte, independent:temb. --Ibou (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 17 Awril 2009 à 16:39 (UTC)[répondre]

waaw maa sos bii {{Infobóóx Réew2}} liko waral du werente ci ay baat, dama ko sos rekk ngir man a dugal ay jukki te bi ma fa fekkon matalewul li jukki bi soxla, gisuma woon baat bi tempte donte moom-sa-réew moo gën a yomba xam waaye dinako soppi. Njëkk-xaymà:Indicatif téléphonique, Turu Way-Dëkk:Gentilé, nguur-gi:État, Njiitu-Réew:Président, Njiitu-Jawrin:Premier ministre, Bàwoo:De la, Taarix-bà:Date baat bo ci xamni jotoon géen ko tuddee len man gamako wax. dama bëgg ñu bokk sos ap Infobóóx boo xamni ni day matale mbaa sax bi fi nekk ñu feccali ko, ngir li aju ci réew yi te wara nekk ci boyotu ndey-dioor bi lépp ñu man koo dugal Waw-Kay --Ahloubadar 17 Awril 2009 à 17:19 (UTC)
Bëgg naa xam cossaani baat yi ak lumuy wund fii yarnaa seeni Gongikuwaay waaye taxul mu leer ci man boo mako manee tekkil ci Nasaraan mbaa angalé. tus-wu-gaar, tus-wu-taxaw ak dankaloowaay.--Ahloubadar 17 Awril 2009 à 19:16 (UTC)

Lépp lu mafi def bu jaaduwul man gamako yagal ma farko--Ahloubadar 17 Awril 2009 à 18:45 (UTC)

baat yu bees

[soppi gongikuwaay bi]
  • Rëyaay manees nakoo jëfëndikoo ci réew mu mag waaye deesu ko jëfëndiko ci réew mu melni gambi kon jëfëndiko Tolluwaat mooy gën foof.
  • Aji-dëkk manees nakoo jëfëndikoo ci kenn nit ku dëkk ci barab waaye maneesukoo jëfëndikoo ci aw mbooloo kon jëfëndikoo Way-dëkk moo gën foof.

maangi xaar sa xalaat ci lii--Ahloubadar 18 Awril 2009 à 20:06 (UTC) [répondre]

sa xalaat rafet na, gëm naa ni man nanoo def liggéey bu am solo, ci kaw nuy diisoo, doon na lu baax. Baat yu ëpp yu nekk fii, daana-ka, soo demee ci wikbaatukaay fekk leen fa, te dinga fa gis it seen gongikuwaay. soo manoo jokkoo ak abdu xaadir kebe, yeen a bokk tur sax, moom jamono yii xaw naa gëj ci dal bi, waaye liggéey yu am solo la fi def. Segam yaw yaa ngi ndakaaru wax ngeen man a gise, moom dafa bëggoon taxawal ag mbootaay ngir suqali wiki bi, te baat yu bari fii moo leen fi joxe. Lenn li man a tax wiki bii man a suqaliku mooy siiwal ko senegaal, xëcc nit ñi. man nga koo bind email. jaajëf --Ibou (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 19 Awril 2009 à 21:28 (UTC)[répondre]
jàloon naa nimoroom inchaa alla dinañu jokkoo waaye yawit ku am solo ga rafet lu naa sa liggeey wiki bi dinaa ko yegël ñi ma fi xam ñu degg wolof degg gu wer. fii bari na ay wolof waaye wolofe wuñu. {{Infobóóx Réew}} bi ngis naa ko waaye daa melni amna luñu ci wara soppi kem ni mako defoon lu melni Aji-dëkk>Way-dëkk, Yaatuwaay ak Rëyaay>Tolluwaay, liko waral moodi
  • aji-dëkk kenna ko taxa juk,
  • yaatuwaay barab bu yaatoo ko taxa juk maneesuko jëfëndikoo ci réew yu xat yi,
  • rëyaay barab bu rëy moo ko taxa juk, maneesukoo jëfëndikoo ci réew yu tuuti yi,
  • Dayoo manees nakoo jëfëndikoo ci bepp réew moo gën a mattale,
bu dee and kaci ñu soppi ko.
wallu jukki yi amnaa koo xamni ci wàll woowu lay yaggu di bind ay taarix ak xeeti xam-xam yi ci wolof jokko na-ak moom xamal nama ni dina mako jox ma dugal ko ci dàl bi waaye jamono yii daa génn réew mi. Waw-Kay --Ahloubadar19 Awril 2009 à 22:06 (UTC)[répondre]

baati wolof yi

[soppi gongikuwaay bi]

salaam Ibu ngis ga baat yi ni mako dugalee leengi ngir dugal ab baat dina gën a yomp, def naa ci ay lakkalekaay ga xamni dagay kokk(clic) rek bind leeral yi ak lici aju bindaale wàll bimu bokk waaw-kay --Ahloubadar 25 Awril 2009 à 00:15 (UTC)

turu len buñu ko manee soppi defko "Tur" mo gën, waaw-kay --Ahloubadar 27 Awril 2009 à 23:27 (UTC)

Translation of a short story

[soppi gongikuwaay bi]

Hi my friend!

I would like to request something from you. Yes, translation. I hope, it's not a bad thing for you. Some years ago I wrote a (really) short story about a lonely man (actually symbolized the Saami nation). I translated into some languages and I thought, it would be great to have it more, like also in Wolof :) I made this page, the English or French translation is somewhere there. You can put the Wolof translation there. Thank you again! Sorry for my disturb... :( - hu:User:Eino81

Article request

[soppi gongikuwaay bi]

Hi Ahloubadar! Would you be so kind to help me translate this article into the wonderful Wolof language? Please. It's about a Chinese philosopher and is listed as one of the articles every Wikipedia should have.

If you think that article is too long, here is a short version: "Confucius was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher, whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese thought and life. His philosophy emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity." Thanks a lot! --Amaqqut

I'll translate it into wolof language if I'm free because now I have many think to do but don't worry I'll do it as soon if possible, this is an important article, I'll create the article page in wikipedia Wolof after I'll translate it into Wolof slowly slowly,

Thank you for your interest in wikipedia Wolof Ahloubadar (Ahloubadar)14 Oktoobar 2009 à 20:01 (UTC)[répondre]

OK! I'll wait. Thanks for your answer. And best wishes:)--Amaqqut (xëtu waxtaanuwaay) 15 Oktoobar 2009 à 15:01 (UTC)[répondre]
Thank you again for your understanding

Ahloubadar (Ahloubadar)14 Oktoobar 2009 à 20:01 (UTC)[répondre]

Hi Ahloubadar, happy new year. I just have two questions?

  • I just saw your request for adminship yet, are you now administrator on this wiki?
  • Can you add interwikis on this article Nasaraan

Cheers. Guérin Nicolas (Xëtu waxtaanukaay) 15 Samwie 2010 à 13:53 (UTC)

Hi Dear Nicolas! wishes you the same, Happy New Year 2010! May 2010 be a year of peace, good health and wealth. yup! I sent a request for become an Administrator in this wiki, but its not finish yet, so, I'm not an Admin. Thank you for your work and contribution to the development of this Wiki, its a good deeds, May God accept it in your good deeds, sincerely! I appreciate it, it may help the Wolof People to put the Wolof language on the web easily, Thanks again for Your Generosity! Ahloubadar (Xëtu Diisoo) 16 Samwie 2010 à 01:40 (UTC)

Your administrator status on the Wolof Wikipedia

[soppi gongikuwaay bi]

Hello. A policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc.) was adopted by community consensus in 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing activity on wikis with no inactivity policy.

You meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for 2 years) on the wiki listed above. Since that wiki does not have its own rights review process, the global one applies.

If you want to keep your rights, you should inform the community of the wiki about the fact that the stewards have sent you this information about your inactivity. If the community has a discussion about it and then wants you to keep your rights, please contact the stewards at m:Stewards' noticeboard, and link to the discussion of the local community, where they express their wish to continue to maintain the rights.

If you wish to resign your rights, you can reply here or request removal of your rights on Meta.

If there is no response at all after approximately one month, stewards will proceed to remove your administrator and/or bureaucrat rights. In ambiguous cases, stewards will evaluate the responses and will refer a decision back to the local community for their comment and review. If you have any questions, please contact the stewards. Openbk (talk) 5 Fewriyee 2015 à 20:38 (UTC)[répondre]