"ஆங்கிலம்-வணிகவியல்" பகுப்பிலுள்ள பக்கங்கள்
இந்தப்பகுப்பின் கீழ் உள்ள 3,309 பக்கங்களில் பின்வரும் 200 பக்கங்களும் உள்ளன.
(முந்திய பக்கம்) (அடுத்த பக்கம்)A
- AAA Rating
- abandon
- abandonment
- abandonment of duty
- abandonment value
- abatement
- abbreviation
- abc analysis
- ability to invest
- abnormal gain
- abnormal loss
- abnormal price
- abnormal profit
- abnormal rate of return
- above par value
- abrogate
- absentee ownership
- absolute acceptance
- absolute and unconditional
- absolute contract
- absolute conveyance
- absolute conviction
- absolute necessary
- absolute occupancy right
- absolute occupancy tenant
- absolute priority
- absolute priority rule
- absolute rent
- absolute scarcity
- absolute security
- absolutely necessary
- absorb
- absorbed
- absorbed cost
- absorbed overheads
- absorbed share
- absorbing
- absorption
- absorption costing
- absorption of a company
- abstract budget
- abstract of account
- abstract of cost
- abstract of estimate
- abstract of statement
- abstract of teller's receipt
- academic quality improvement project
- acccounting year
- accelerated cost recovery system
- accelerated depreciation
- acceptance
- acceptance by post
- acceptance for honour
- acceptance forged
- acceptance house
- acceptance limit
- acceptance local
- acceptance of a bill
- acceptance of bill
- acceptance of deposits
- acceptance of stock
- acceptance of transfer debit
- acceptance partial
- acceptance quality limit
- acceptance rate
- acceptance register
- acceptance sampling plan
- acceptance, endorsements and other obligations
- accepted pattern
- accepting institution
- accepting money on deposits
- accepting of bill of exchange
- acceptor
- acceptor's ledger
- accident frequency
- accidental death and dismemberment
- accommodation bill
- accommodative monetary policy
- accomodation acceptance
- accomodation allotment
- accomodation bill
- accomodation charge
- accomodation draft
- accomodation endorsement
- accomodation paper
- accomodative monetary policy
- account
- account book
- account confirmation of balance in
- account dead or closed
- account examination
- account holder
- account keeping
- account period ended
- account procedure
- account register
- account relations
- account rendered
- account, bill for collection
- account, bills discounted
- account, branch
- account, branch cash balance
- account, commercial
- account, exchange
- account, liabilities
- account, loss
- account, maintenance
- account, mutual
- account, nomenclature of heads of
- account, of freight deposit
- account, of wages
- account, payment orders
- account, postage and petty
- account, postage and telegram charges recovered
- account, profit
- account, remittance
- account, safe custody
- account, sales
- accountable articles
- accountable reimbursement plan
- accountancy
- accountant-general
- accounting
- accounting conventions
- accounting cycle
- accounting earnings
- Accounting Errors
- accounting expenditure
- accounting exposure
- Accounting Information System
- accounting method
- Accounting Reports
- Accounting software
- accounts department
- accounts head
- accounts payable ledger
- accounts receivable factoring
- accounts receivable financing
- accreditation body, quality
- accreditation, quality
- accredited correspondent
- accredited investor
- accretionary
- accretive
- accross the board increase
- accrual bond
- accrual method
- accrual method of accounting
- accrual of interest
- accruals
- accrued holiday remuneration
- accrued income and expenditure
- accrued interest
- accrued interest adjustment
- accumulate (stock market)
- accumulate, stock market
- accumulated depreciation account
- Accumulated loss
- Accumulated Profit
- accumulation area (stock market)
- accumulation area,stock market
- accuracy of statement
- achiement-oriented leadership
- acknowledge as debt
- acknowledgeable
- acknowledgement
- acknowledgement card
- acknowledgement form
- acknowledgement of bill
- acknowledgement of receipt
- acknowledger
- acknowledgrment of payment
- acquiree
- acquirer
- acquisition
- acquisition cost
- acquisition debit
- acquisition integration approaches
- acquisition of assets
- acquisition of business
- acquisition of land
- acquisition of property
- acquisition value
- acquittance
- across the board increase
- act of bankruptcy
- act of insolvency
- act of party
- act of state doctrine
- acting appointment
- acting as agent
- acting in concert (stock market)
- acting in concert,stock market
- acting in his discretion
- action
- action against
- action learning
- action to quiet title
- action-centered leadership
- actionable claim