Showing 86 open source projects for "wamp"

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  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Microsoft Azure Icon
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Microsoft Azure

    Deploy Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Microsoft Azure for a secure, reliable, and scalable cloud environment, fully integrated with Microsoft services.

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) on Microsoft Azure provides a secure, reliable, and flexible foundation for your cloud infrastructure. Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Microsoft Azure is ideal for enterprises seeking to enhance their cloud environment with seamless integration, consistent performance, and comprehensive support.
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  • 1
    Uniform Server

    Uniform Server

    A free lightweight Windows Apache MySQL and PHP Server Solution.

    Uniform Server is a free lightweight WAMP server solution for Windows. Build using a modular design approach, it includes the latest versions of Apache, MySQL or MariaDB, PHP (with version switching), phpMyAdmin or Adminer. No installation required! No registry dust! Just unpack and fire up! ------- Note: The latest version of Uniform Server requires a **64-bit version** of Windows. -------
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  • 2


    Portable/Installer WAMP server including Apache, MariaDB/MySQL, PHP...

    XAMPP-Lite is a lightweight WAMP server for web development (portable & installer, 32-bit & 64-bit). It includes Apache, PHP, MySQL/MariaDB, phpMyAdmin, AdminerEvo, HeidiSQL, and more. Latest versions: PHP 8.4.4 - MariaDB 11.4.5 LTS - Apache 2.4.63 - phpMyAdmin 5.2.2 - AdminerEvo 4.8.4 - HeidiSQL 12.10 - XDebug 3.4.1 - OpenSSL 3.4.1 - Composer 2.8.5 - Pear/Pecl 1.10.16. System requirements: ─ XAMPP-Lite 8.2 and below: Windows 7 and later (32-bit & 64-bit) ─ XAMPP-Lite 8.4 and 8.3...
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  • 3


    WAMP Stack portable for windows

    ZampGUI is a Portable WAMP Stack (ex Manzamp) with Apache, PHP, MariaDB for windows 64 bit.
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  • 4
    Easy Database Forms For All

    Easy Database Forms For All

    Create Web Based Forms Quickly, With In-built DB, For All Your Teams

    Please watch the video till 18m:00s / screenshots below for easy installation steps. This video is taken from my other project, with many similarities and some naming differences. After installation, login to the Administrator Page with : Username : root Password : change_this and look at the team1 database and the sample_table in it. You can now create your own required tables/forms. Also, login into the team1 user page ( from homepage ) with : Username : team1 Password...
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • 5
    PHPBrowserBox - Build PHP Desktop Apps

    PHPBrowserBox - Build PHP Desktop Apps

    Develop desktop GUI applications using PHP, HTML5, MySQL, JS

    PHPBrowserBox can help you develop native desktop GUI applications using web technologies such as PHP, HTML5, JavaScript, MySQL, SQLite and Google Chrome. It supports HTML5, CSS 3, Javascript, PHP 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2. Always check out the latest version on Developers Info: - To understand the settings better, check here : - The browser links to its internal...
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  • 6
    I Was Here - PHP Attendance System

    I Was Here - PHP Attendance System

    PHP Student Attendance System, scan QR code to take attendance.

    = INTRO = I Was Here is an open-source PHP Student Attendance Management System. Featuring NFC and passwordless login, also allows students to take attendance by scanning a QR code. = DOCUMENTATION = = SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS = * LAMP/WAMP/MAMP/XAMPP * Apache Mod Rewrite * PHP MySQL PDO Extension * At least PHP 8.0 = INSTALL = Just access in your browser to launch the installer. = LICENSE = I Was Here...
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  • 7
    Storage Boxx - PHP Inventory System

    Storage Boxx - PHP Inventory System

    Inventory system with built-in QR and NFC scanner, passwordless login.

    Storage Boxx is an open-source PHP Inventory Management System. With a built-in webcam QR scanner, NFC scanner, passwordless login, and an optional AI assistant. ## REQUIREMENTS 1) LAMP/WAMP/MAMP/XAMPP 2) Apache Mod Rewrite 3) PHP MYSQL PDO Extension 4) PHP OPENSSL Extension 5) At least PHP 8.0 6) Take note - Webcam, NFC and Passwordless (Web Authentication) support depends on the user's device and browser. ## INSTALLATION 1) Copy & unzip into your http folder. 2) Access http...
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  • 8
    LAMP package in Complete Virtual Machine

    LAMP package in Complete Virtual Machine

    A Quick LAMP/WAMP/MAMP/XAMPP Pkg for development, testing & production

    This VM is created for 2 reasons: 1. Very little initial setup work required to Develop / Test / Deploy a Dynamic Web Application live, within minutes. 2. This system should keep running for Years, without requiring Updates / Breakages. If you are new to Virtual Machines, then please watch the Video below ( taken from my other sample PHP project called teamdocs. You may cleanup this Application from the htdocs home folder link & its corresponding database, after logging into mysql. The...
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  • 9
    AMP Servers For Windows 32 Bit ( x86 )

    AMP Servers For Windows 32 Bit ( x86 )

    Apache v2.4, MariaDB v10.4, PHP v8.1 With Automated Service Installers

    Please watch the video below for a sample library software installation, which uses this same server. After watching / installing the services, you may copy your new application folder, to the C:\slims9-x86\httpd\htdocs directory and change the DocumentRoot value in the following files : 1. C:\slims9-x86\httpd\conf\httpd.conf 2. C:\slims9-x86\httpd\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf Restart the services for applying the new configuration. You may now access your install.php /...
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  • The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse Icon
    The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse

    Unlock faster queries without skyrocketing costs.

    ClickHouse powers businesses with the fastest open-source OLAP database, built for rapid analytics, observability, and business intelligence. Deploy on AWS, GCP, or your own VPC with BYOC, and query billions of rows in seconds – all cost-efficiently. Trusted by Sony, Lyft, and Cisco, it delivers unmatched speed, seamless stack integration, and enterprise-grade performance. Turn massive datasets into decisions with ClickHouse.
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  • 10
    ClassiPHPied - PHP Classified Ads

    ClassiPHPied - PHP Classified Ads

    ClassiPHPied is a simple PHP MYSQL classified ads system.

    ClassiPHPied is a simple PHP Classified Ads System. This is not a “we have a load of features, but you won’t even use half of them” kind of system. Just a basic one, with the essentials to help you get started quickly – Be it for a small business, or expanding on top of it. = DOCUMENTATION = = SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS = * LAMP/WAMP/MAMP/XAMPP * Apache Mod Rewrite * PHP MySQL PDO Extension * At least PHP 8.0 = INSTALL = Just...
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  • 11
    Core Boxx - Modular PHP Framework

    Core Boxx - Modular PHP Framework

    Lightweight and modular PHP framework.

    Core Boxx is a PHP framework built with the concept of simplicity and modularity. Install and load only what you need, not bloated with unused features. ## REQUIREMENTS 1) LAMP/WAMP/MAMP/XAMPP 2) Apache Mod Rewrite 3) PHP MYSQL PDO Extension 4) PHP OpenSSL Extension 5) At least PHP 8.0 ## INSTALLATION - Copy the contents of core/ into your HTTP folder. - Access in the browser and walk through the installer. ## INSTALLING OPTIONAL MODULES - The rest...
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  • 12
    WinNMP - Windows Nginx MySql Php 8 stack

    WinNMP - Windows Nginx MySql Php 8 stack

    Fast & stable Nginx MariaDB Redis Php 8 development stack for Windows

    WinNMP - Nginx MariaDB Redis Php 8 development stack for Windows A lightweight, fast and stable server stack for developing php mysql applications on windows, based on the excellent webserver Nginx. A lighter alternative to XAMPP and WAMP. Also known as WTServer and wt-nmp Current Package contains the latest stable versions of: - Nginx web server - MariaDB 10 database server, mysql replacement (32/64bit) - MongoDB 4 document-based database (64bit) - Redis Cache/NoSql, memcached...
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  • 13


    WebSocket & WAMP in Java for Android and Java 8

    Client library providing WAMP on Java 8 (Netty) and Android, plus (secure) WebSocket for Android. The WebSocket layer is using a callback-based user API, and is specifically written for Android. Eg it does not run any network stuff on the main (UI) thread. The WAMP layer is using Java 8 CompletableFuture for WAMP actions (call, register, publish, and subscribe) and the Observer pattern for WAMP session, subscription and registration lifecycle events. The library is MIT licensed, maintained...
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  • 14


    Easily install WAMP Server with Wordpress and more.

    IZ-WAMP is a WAMP package combining the latest stable versions of Windows x64, Apache, MySQL and PHP. In addition, IZ-WAMP embeds the latest version of differents CMS. In this way, you can manage your site on your local machine and offline without a network connection. A good way to work on improvements and a redesign of the site securely before switching it online. Once IZ-WAMP installed on your PC, note the appearance of a drop-down menu accessible from the system tray. Among the different...
    Downloads: 3 This Week
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  • 15
    Start VirtualHosts

    Start VirtualHosts

    Easily manage VirtualHosts (Apache HTTP server)

    Start VirtualHosts manages virtualhosts (Apache HTTP Server) with a few clicks and automatically writes entries to the hosts file. SVH manages Apache and database when installed as a service. SVH can be used with any Apache installation (Lounge, Haus, ...) or stack solution like XAMPP, WAMP, AMPPS, ... Written in Autoit, antiviruses are angry! The only solution is to exclude the start_virutalhosts folder. NO VIRUS IS PRESENT
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  • 16


    A VM for Drupal development

    Drupal VM makes building Drupal development environments quick and easy, and introduces developers to the wonderful world of Drupal development on virtual machines or Docker containers (instead of crufty old MAMP/WAMP-based development). This VM includes many convenient utilities for local development, most of which can be enabled or disabled as you see fit (not everyone needs or wants an extra bundle of junk that they don't care about wasting their workstation's resources!). It should take 5...
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  • 17
    BSW Math

    BSW Math

    Mathematical tools for physics and engineer

    This updated script gives a great facilities to solve many problems in physics and engineer and other fields related to basic science. This script is written in PHP code and tested with many problems. It needs wamp server to run or run in internet server we added a database to this script just create a database then import the database from the folder of database then fill connection information in include/imp.php
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  • 18


    WAMP Stack portable for windows

    ManZamp is my personal WAMP Stack (portable) with Apache, PHP, MariaDB for windows 64 bit.
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  • 19
    IZ-WAMP Wordpress

    IZ-WAMP Wordpress

    Easily install WAMP Server with Wordpress and more.

    IZ-WAMP Wordpress is a WAMP package combining the latest stable versions of Windows x64, Apache, MySQL and PHP. In addition, IZ-WAMP Wordpress embeds the latest version of Wordpress. In this way, you can manage your site on your local machine and offline without a network connection. A good way to work on improvements and a redesign of the site securely before switching it online. Once IZ-WAMP Wordpress installed on your PC, note the appearance of a drop-down menu accessible from the system...
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  • 21


    Powerful modular wamp stack

    The goal of Wamp.NET is to give developers multiple environments in which to develop websites in order to match the environment (e.g. Webserver, PHP Version, Database etc.) where the websites are being hosted. Sites created in Wamp.NET are completely independent from Webserver and PHP version. You can change the assigned webserver and PHP version without affecting the vhost configuration or files and folders in the document root. If you're coming from another **mp stack where you were...
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  • 22
    VertrigoServ WAMP

    VertrigoServ WAMP

    Complete WAMP Server - PHP Apache MySQL for Windows.

    VertrigoServ is a complete free WAMP server allowing PHP development for Windows. It installs Apache 2.4, PHP, MySQL and PhpMyAdmin, both installing and setting up the environment. An uninstaller allows you to remove Vertrigo from hard disc. Vertrigo is a freeware compilation of free software (under GPL, Apache License). Main aplication has closed source code. For license details please take a look at every single component terms and conditions.
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  • 23

    sindhi to roman transliteration

    this is roman to sindhi and sindhi to roman transliteration php mysql

    this is roman to sindhi and sindhi to roman transliteration php mysql.... backup... work is still in process... in duplicate table we have to insert basic units of english to sindhi and sindhi to english units of translitration maximum lenght is 3 characters long..... in second table tsrs_table we have to add short vowels to sindhi words.... as mentioned in index.php file..... if you are php mysql programmer then put translitration baba good in database folder of wamp or zamp www. and tsrs...
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  • 24
    WeLive Online Support  live chat

    WeLive Online Support live chat

    WeLive5 is an online customer service system, online support

    ... or above. 2. MySQL5.0 or above. 3. PHP Socket module loaded. Re: Wamp Server is recommended to install on local computers for testing WeLive5.
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  • 25
    Online Customer Service live chat

    Online Customer Service live chat

    WeLive is an online customer service system, online support

    ... or above. 2. MySQL5.0 or above. 3. PHP Socket module loaded. Re: Wamp Server is recommended to install on local computers for testing WeLive5.
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